Teacher Suspended for Telling Student "[then] go back to Mexico"

I totally side with the teacher in this case.

Then you’re as wrong as the teacher.

ARLINGTON, Texas – A two-time “Teacher of the Year” in Arlington is now fighting to keep her job after allegedly telling a Hispanic student to “Go back to Mexico.” Barnett Junior High School math teacher Shirley Bunn has 24 years of teaching experience. But her career could end with what she called a moment of frustration. Bunn admitted she lost her temper on Sept. 30 while distributing Title 1 forms to her eighth grade students.

Teachers have department heads, vice principals, deans of students, etc; she should have simply referred the disruptive student accordingly if she was unable to accommodate his request.

As a professional it’s her responsibility to keep her cool and act in an appropriate manner.

So the kid can go all apeshit in the classroom and the teacher has to just sit there and take it? Bullshit! Teachers don't get paid enough to deal with some of the slimeball spawn that attend our schools.

I agree but it depends on the disciplinary policy. Our administrators have no problem with teachers sending out students who are "interfering with the learning of others". But trust me, there are plenty of schools where all discipline is the responsibility of the teachers.

If they have no place to send them, they might just explode. Only a heavily medicated apathetic babysitter would sit there and take it. Is that the type of teacher we want to see in the classroom? Good Lord. We may be close.
The teacher should ignored the comments but not the disruption. Discipline the student for disrupting the class and teach the student there are proper ways to seek guidance.
There was a time when all Immigrants wanted to be Americans, Now the liberals pander and divide so that some now think they are owed something, they don't want to be American... Sad
He's used to dumb White Liberals kissing his wormy little ass all the time. So i'm sure he was shocked. They should ship him off to Mexico. He's a 'Mexican' after all. The school should just blow this stupid shit off and bring the Teacher back immediately. The spoiled little bastard should then be expelled. This is what happens when you let dumb White Liberals take over the Public School System. What a mess.

:redface:Next thing those lefties will want is a translator in every classroom. They did it with the phone so why not the classroom they figure.
It's pretty unprofessional to let a kid get under your skin like that, but I don't think she needs to be terminated for this. However, in Texas, that sort of thing just isn't going to fly.

I wonder where her teachers union is at? Probably cowering under a desk somewhere ...

:eusa_angel:Right. Just waiting for their paycheck!
Then you’re as wrong as the teacher.

Teachers have department heads, vice principals, deans of students, etc; she should have simply referred the disruptive student accordingly if she was unable to accommodate his request.

As a professional it’s her responsibility to keep her cool and act in an appropriate manner.

So the kid can go all apeshit in the classroom and the teacher has to just sit there and take it? Bullshit! Teachers don't get paid enough to deal with some of the slimeball spawn that attend our schools.

Then the teacher should take her own advice. Move to a different job.

BTW, Shirley Bunn is a union teacher. I guess the right's racism trumps their hatred of unions.

Racism?? You're a fucking mindless hack! We'd feel the same way if this was some white kid from Ireland squawking that same "I'm privileged" bullshit.
I totally side with the teacher in this case. The kid seems to think that the school, maybe even the country, should bend over backwards to accomodate him. He wanted forms in Spanish and kept shouting that he is Mexican, so the teacher finally responded to his rude demands by saying "Then go back to Mexico." Where does this kid, or any kid, get off treating a teacher with such disrespect? It's bull that this teacher might lose her job for echoing a sentiment many have.

This is America. If the kid was born here, he should know some English. Of course, illegals often can't teach their kids English before making them a problem for the teachers. I know we offer welfare forms and every other form in other languages, which is ridiculous because legal immigrants usually learn our language.

The kid should have been sent to the principal's office for being so mouthy, instead the teacher is in trouble because she was politically incorrect.

Texas Teacher Suspended for Telling Student: ‘Go Back to Mexico’ | Stand With Arizona

I could never make it as a public school teacher today....I would have told him something worse.

This also shows how much they want to take over our country and how little respect they have for us.

Good Point. And if we just let it go on we will be running out of teachers more and more. Let the teachers do their job and if this is what it takes once in awhile then let them do it. If we don't before you know it we will be having more Mexican teachers running the schools than American teachers.
So the kid can go all apeshit in the classroom and the teacher has to just sit there and take it? Bullshit! Teachers don't get paid enough to deal with some of the slimeball spawn that attend our schools.

Then the teacher should take her own advice. Move to a different job.

BTW, Shirley Bunn is a union teacher. I guess the right's racism trumps their hatred of unions.

Racism?? You're a fucking mindless hack! We'd feel the same way if this was some white kid from Ireland squawking that same "I'm privileged" bullshit.

You might feel the same way, but you would not use words like wetback or post race themed pictures. I was born, just not yesterday.
It's pretty unprofessional to let a kid get under your skin like that, but I don't think she needs to be terminated for this. However, in Texas, that sort of thing just isn't going to fly.

I wonder where her teachers union is at? Probably cowering under a desk somewhere ...

Considering the large number of illegal aliens and other immigrants who do not embrace America, how it is possible not to let it get under your skin when you deal with it every freaking day? I can't blame anyone for getting to their limit of the amount of crap they can take. If the kid doesn't want to be American, I am guessing he gets the attitude at home. They sure as hell don't have to be here and we don't owe them squat.

Right. And what needs to be done is many of these students need to take a course for a couple of weeks getting the point across to them what it means to go to school in the U.S. One point is that THEY ARE TO RESPECT THEIR TEACHER. Another is if your need to say something to a teacher YOU RAISE YOUR HAND...NO OUTBURSTS. Another is you want to learn in our schools YOU LEARN TO SPEAK ENGLISH. Many teachers go through nine months of hell during a school year in which they shouldn't have to. So get the points acrossed.
The teacher needs to get promoted, the kid should be deported (if he's here illegally) and we should send a truckload of Progressives to Mexico along with him
The teacher needs to get promoted, the kid should be deported (if he's here illegally) and we should send a truckload of Progressives to Mexico along with him

You want to send Progressives to Mexico? Why do you want to be so mean to Mexico?
Dumb White Liberals destroyed our Public School System a long time ago. This spoiled little bastard is just the end-result of years & years of dumb White Liberal ass-kissing. I'm sure he expected this Teacher to be a good little White Liberal and pucker up to kiss his ass. This Teacher is 'Teacher of the Year' in my opinion. And this little shit should be expelled and then shipped off to Mexico. He's a 'Mexican' after all? Fuck him.

:mad:True. And back in the Good Old Days the teacher would have sent the kid to the corner for 10 or 15 minutes. They can't do that anymore because all that kid would do is snort some coke or other drug. Leave the teachers alone.
The teacher needs to get promoted, the kid should be deported (if he's here illegally) and we should send a truckload of Progressives to Mexico along with him

You want to send Progressives to Mexico? Why do you want to be so mean to Mexico?

We'd have to label the truck "Free Stuff" so the Mexicans would actually accept delivery. Imagine their disappointment when the see that instead of Free Stuff we've send them a load of people who want to leech off of the efforts of the productive.
This teacher let her emotions get the better of her and fell victim to a lapse in judgment as a result. Not really much different than the teacher who flipped out when a student criticized Obama.

Of course most of the partisan hacks here will insist that the two episodes were TOTALLY different. :lol:
Dumb White Liberals destroyed our Public School System a long time ago. This spoiled little bastard is just the end-result of years & years of dumb White Liberal ass-kissing. I'm sure he expected this Teacher to be a good little White Liberal and pucker up to kiss his ass. This Teacher is 'Teacher of the Year' in my opinion. And this little shit should be expelled and then shipped off to Mexico. He's a 'Mexican' after all? Fuck him.

See that's why I say that if Dante were still handing out slots in the Inferno, Bush 43 would be down there with Brutus, Cassius and Judas for being a total fucking scumbag traitor. I thought he'd turn education back to the communities, instead one of the first things he did was to let that fat fucking murderer from Massachusetts continue to destroy our educational system with their education reform
The teacher needs to get promoted, the kid should be deported (if he's here illegally) and we should send a truckload of Progressives to Mexico along with him

You want to send Progressives to Mexico? Why do you want to be so mean to Mexico?

We'd have to label the truck "Free Stuff" so the Mexicans would actually accept delivery. Imagine their disappointment when the see that instead of Free Stuff we've send them a load of people who want to leech off of the efforts of the productive.

Sounds like illegal waste-dumping to me. Not nice!
You want to send Progressives to Mexico? Why do you want to be so mean to Mexico?

We'd have to label the truck "Free Stuff" so the Mexicans would actually accept delivery. Imagine their disappointment when the see that instead of Free Stuff we've send them a load of people who want to leech off of the efforts of the productive.

Sounds like illegal waste-dumping to me. Not nice!

I hear some scientists want to attach Progressives to sick people to see if they will suck out the poisons and sickness. It's radical today, but it was standard practice during the Middle Ages
We'd have to label the truck "Free Stuff" so the Mexicans would actually accept delivery. Imagine their disappointment when the see that instead of Free Stuff we've send them a load of people who want to leech off of the efforts of the productive.

Sounds like illegal waste-dumping to me. Not nice!

I hear some scientists want to attach Progressives to sick people to see if they will suck out the poisons and sickness. It's radical today, but it was standard practice during the Middle Ages

Leeches are God's creatures too. Don't insult them.
The teacher should've been more professional, whether the child is Mexican or not has nothing to do with it. If it would've been a child of Asian descent, no negative comments would've been made. Mexicans are always seen in a bad manner. For example the whole "they take our jobs" thing, they do the jobs that Americans don't want to do. Most take the easy way and get unemployment. And as for welfare issues, not all Mexicans use it not even most of them. Who do you see living on the streets, the higher percentage are whites and African Americans, and what does your so called nation do about it, NOTHING. Mexicans would rather have a minimum wage job, but at least they find a way to make money for their family. When homeless people take a kick out of simply asking for money like it grows on trees. All these ignorant comments of Mexicans or Hispanics are bogus. If you're gonna talk about "illegal immigrants" than talk about everyone. Even Americans are immigrants, no one originated here, they all came from Europe and kicked out the Indians that we're already here. People really need to get their ignorant brains out of their ass and learn to respect everyone, just because they're human not because of where they came from.

The "Indians" came here across the Asian land bridge, they didn't originate here either...as for the rest of your drivel...well, there are no such things as jobs Americans won't do...I've done them, I have a friend (an American) who's been working as a maid for 30 years...another friend that's worked in the food service industry until she was laid off at 50 years old...she can't find another job...

No they aren't taking jobs American's won't do, they are taking jobs away from Americans..and I'm not talking Mexicans, I'm talking illegal immigrants, who btw come in all races, just as Americans do.

Do you not find it interesting that while illegal immigration has remained unchecked we had millions of illegals, most Mexicans (that's due to geography) that took our jobs and kept our wages artificially low and now that the shit has hit the fan, they are all running back to Mexico where they shipped their money and they will live like Kings until our economy has recovered and then they will come back to once again, to take advantage of our bounty. Nice of them, kind of like hit and run isn't it?
The teacher should've been more professional, whether the child is Mexican or not has nothing to do with it. If it would've been a child of Asian descent, no negative comments would've been made. Mexicans are always seen in a bad manner. For example the whole "they take our jobs" thing, they do the jobs that Americans don't want to do. Most take the easy way and get unemployment. And as for welfare issues, not all Mexicans use it not even most of them. Who do you see living on the streets, the higher percentage are whites and African Americans, and what does your so called nation do about it, NOTHING. Mexicans would rather have a minimum wage job, but at least they find a way to make money for their family. When homeless people take a kick out of simply asking for money like it grows on trees. All these ignorant comments of Mexicans or Hispanics are bogus. If you're gonna talk about "illegal immigrants" than talk about everyone. Even Americans are immigrants, no one originated here, they all came from Europe and kicked out the Indians that we're already here. People really need to get their ignorant brains out of their ass and learn to respect everyone, just because they're human not because of where they came from.

The "Indians" came here across the Asian land bridge, they didn't originate here either...as for the rest of your drivel...well, there are no such things as jobs Americans won't do...I've done them, I have a friend (an American) who's been working as a maid for 30 years...another friend that's worked in the food service industry until she was laid off at 50 years old...she can't find another job...

No they aren't taking jobs American's won't do, they are taking jobs away from Americans..and I'm not talking Mexicans, I'm talking illegal immigrants, who btw come in all races, just as Americans do.

Do you not find it interesting that while illegal immigration has remained unchecked we had millions of illegals, most Mexicans (that's due to geography) that took our jobs and kept our wages artificially low and now that the shit has hit the fan, they are all running back to Mexico where they shipped their money and they will live like Kings until our economy has recovered and then they will come back to once again, to take advantage of our bounty. Nice of them, kind of like hit and run isn't it?

I never put much stock in that whole "Alaskan land bridge" idea. It's far more likely that they traveled in boats

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