Teacher Suspended for Telling Student "[then] go back to Mexico"

Ah, yes, the protest and "Gringo go home"......Love it. Down home we get the Belize folks go after the Yucatan folks in disputes of who's border defines who. Too funny.

And take a look at who supports this unarmed INVASION...

I totally side with the teacher in this case.

Then you’re as wrong as the teacher.

ARLINGTON, Texas – A two-time “Teacher of the Year” in Arlington is now fighting to keep her job after allegedly telling a Hispanic student to “Go back to Mexico.” Barnett Junior High School math teacher Shirley Bunn has 24 years of teaching experience. But her career could end with what she called a moment of frustration. Bunn admitted she lost her temper on Sept. 30 while distributing Title 1 forms to her eighth grade students.

Teachers have department heads, vice principals, deans of students, etc; she should have simply referred the disruptive student accordingly if she was unable to accommodate his request.

As a professional it’s her responsibility to keep her cool and act in an appropriate manner.

Have you spent a day locked up with someone else's teenagers lately?
Last year I had a girl student of Salvadorian decent. She had well over 100 hours of special education services assigned. She constantly complained, whined, didn't do her work, bragged about partying all the time, and had the audacity to say that she hated the United States. In a conversational way, not confrontational because I got along with her, I asked why she didn't go back to El Salvador. She said she was born here and her parents had to stay because they could not find work in their country. No shit, I said to myself. Now get your assignment done, I said to her, and stop complaining.
Exactly. I can totally empathize with this teacher. I came close to saying the exact same thing to a Puerto Rican student who refused to stand for the Pledge because he "hated America" When I tried to explain that PR was part of America, he wouldn't hear it and told me to fuck off. It took every ounce of cool in my body to simply tell him to go to the office. And I was told by the office to "Never ask a student to stand".

Karma's a bitch though. Instead of going back to his beloved "motherland" he is now stuck in the NJ prison system for possession of an illegal handgun. Shame. Not.
It's pretty unprofessional to let a kid get under your skin like that, but I don't think she needs to be terminated for this. However, in Texas, that sort of thing just isn't going to fly.

I wonder where her teachers union is at? Probably cowering under a desk somewhere ...
No, not fired. A suspension is PROBABLY appropriate. If the facts point to a continual disruption of class but the student, a lecture from the principal to the teacher might be enough. But why not suspend the student if he was disrupting the class?
I totally side with the teacher in this case.

Then you’re as wrong as the teacher

While I don't agree with the teacher, she was responding directly to what the student said. The implication until you get deeper into the story is that she just told a Mexican kid to go back to Mexico, which isn't what happened. While as I said I don't agree with the teacher, given that it was such a direct response to what the kid was saying, just a "don't do that again" would have been enough. But she will be sacrificed in the name of the liberal witch hunt we call "political correctness." Telling people to try to be offended for political advantage is a pathetic strategy, but hey, the Democrats are a pathetic party.
Exactly. I can totally empathize with this teacher. I came close to saying the exact same thing to a Puerto Rican student who refused to stand for the Pledge because he "hated America" When I tried to explain that PR was part of America, he wouldn't hear it and told me to fuck off. It took every ounce of cool in my body to simply tell him to go to the office. And I was told by the office to "Never ask a student to stand".

Karma's a bitch though. Instead of going back to his beloved "motherland" he is now stuck in the NJ prison system for possession of an illegal handgun. Shame. Not.

Can we choke students? Just kidding.

A couple of years ago during the World Cup even though I hate soccer, I let the kids watch the matches as long as they were getting their work done. One kid from one of the African countries kept bad-mouthing the US. Not just the team but the country as well. Finally one of my few European American kids asked me to "make him stop." So that he could hear, I said that in his country, talking trash about the country would get him imprisoned or worse and that one of the main reasons that the US was the greatest country on Earth was our freedoms. Not only did I impart a little civics lesson and pride, the kid shut his pie hole for the rest of the tournament. His country did not win by the way which sweetened the deal as well.
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I totally side with the teacher in this case. The kid seems to think that the school, maybe even the country, should bend over backwards to accomodate him. He wanted forms in Spanish and kept shouting that he is Mexican, so the teacher finally responded to his rude demands by saying "Then go back to Mexico." Where does this kid, or any kid, get off treating a teacher with such disrespect? It's bull that this teacher might lose her job for echoing a sentiment many have.

This is America. If the kid was born here, he should know some English. Of course, illegals often can't teach their kids English before making them a problem for the teachers. I know we offer welfare forms and every other form in other languages, which is ridiculous because legal immigrants usually learn our language.

The kid should have been sent to the principal's office for being so mouthy, instead the teacher is in trouble because she was politically incorrect.

Texas Teacher Suspended for Telling Student: ‘Go Back to Mexico’ | Stand With Arizona

I could never make it as a public school teacher today....I would have told him something worse.

This also shows how much they want to take over our country and how little respect they have for us.
I totally side with the teacher in this case. The kid seems to think that the school, maybe even the country, should bend over backwards to accomodate him. He wanted forms in Spanish and kept shouting that he is Mexican, so the teacher finally responded to his rude demands by saying "Then go back to Mexico." Where does this kid, or any kid, get off treating a teacher with such disrespect? It's bull that this teacher might lose her job for echoing a sentiment many have.

This is America. If the kid was born here, he should know some English. Of course, illegals often can't teach their kids English before making them a problem for the teachers. I know we offer welfare forms and every other form in other languages, which is ridiculous because legal immigrants usually learn our language.

The kid should have been sent to the principal's office for being so mouthy, instead the teacher is in trouble because she was politically incorrect.

Texas Teacher Suspended for Telling Student: ‘Go Back to Mexico’ | Stand With Arizona

I could never make it as a public school teacher today....I would have told him something worse.

This also shows how much they want to take over our country and how little respect they have for us.

I'll keep teaching as long as I feel that I am helping the majority of my students. I get along great with all but one or two every year. I have 170 mostly non-white lower SES kids. I never say anything TOOOO inappropriate but just enough when needed to let them know I won't take their shit. I've turned down 3 or so jobs in less than a year and if things ever get too stupid in the classroom, I'll bug out and make 30 or more thousand more per year. As it is now, I make great money for barely 9 months work.
Sometimes, regardless of how much of a "professional" one is, the Human in us takes over.

Provided one is prepared to suffer the consequences.

Have you spent a day locked up with someone else's teenagers lately?

One of the first things I learned as a teacher was if you perceived your situation as being ‘locked up with,’ you’re in the wrong profession.

Exactly. I can totally empathize with this teacher.

Empathy, perhaps, provided you acknowledge the fact the teacher was dead wrong.

While I don't agree with the teacher, she was responding directly to what the student said. The implication until you get deeper into the story is that she just told a Mexican kid to go back to Mexico, which isn't what happened. While as I said I don't agree with the teacher, given that it was such a direct response to what the kid was saying, just a "don't do that again" would have been enough. But she will be sacrificed in the name of the liberal witch hunt we call "political correctness." Telling people to try to be offended for political advantage is a pathetic strategy, but hey, the Democrats are a pathetic party.

She’ll be subject to an appropriate disciplinary action based on the fact her response was unwarranted, unprofessional, and likely in violation of school policy, having nothing to do with political correctness or a liberal witch hunt.

As conservatives like to say: one must take personal responsibility.

This also shows how much they want to take over our country and how little respect they have for us.

Who are ‘they’ and who are ‘us’?

Late Wednesday, the examiner, Jess Rickman III, recommended that the school board allow Bunn to return to her post. In his 23-page opinion, Rickman determined that the district did not provide sufficient grounds for termination.

"Under the circumstances when taken in the context of the moment and the lack of intent for 'Go back to Mexico' to be a racially or nationality-based pejorative remark, I find it was not a remark of an egregious nature," Rickman said, Fox 4 reports.

Since Rickman's opinion is just a recommendation, the school board could still reject it and permanently terminate Bunn, who has taught at Barnett since 1999.

"It was almost instantaneous. I thought, 'God, I don't believe that came out of my mouth,'" Bunn told The Fort Worth Star-Telegram.

"It was a very, very hard week, the end of six weeks. It was late in the day. It was a Friday. We were on the third day of the first curriculum assessment and I knew it wasn't going well. It was just an extremely bad day," Bunn said.

The school board is expected to decide Bunn’s fate before next month.
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I totally side with the teacher in this case. The kid seems to think that the school, maybe even the country, should bend over backwards to accomodate him. He wanted forms in Spanish and kept shouting that he is Mexican, so the teacher finally responded to his rude demands by saying "Then go back to Mexico." Where does this kid, or any kid, get off treating a teacher with such disrespect? It's bull that this teacher might lose her job for echoing a sentiment many have.

This is America. If the kid was born here, he should know some English. Of course, illegals often can't teach their kids English before making them a problem for the teachers. I know we offer welfare forms and every other form in other languages, which is ridiculous because legal immigrants usually learn our language.

The kid should have been sent to the principal's office for being so mouthy, instead the teacher is in trouble because she was politically incorrect.

Texas Teacher Suspended for Telling Student: ‘Go Back to Mexico’ | Stand With Arizona

I agree, he should go back to mexico.

maybe his and his parents legal status should be checked too. :eusa_whistle:
Based solely on this article, the teacher should not lose her job. The kid should have his mouth washed out with soap.

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