Teacher Tells Student He Can Be Arrested for Speaking Ill of Obama

Like I said. I'm not teaching Americas children. (Good thing obviously)After listening to that women I'm pretty sure she couldnt spell cat if you spotted her the "c" and the "t".

We don't want intelligent, experienced professionals teaching kids.

It costs too much, plus most smart kids will succeed despite however bad the teacher is. The most important lessons they will learn from their parents for free, not from an expensive government program.

Some truth in that. But a combination of the two would be best.

Indeed, but we have limited resources, and its has been conveniently important to channel them into the Middle East since the threat of nuclear war disappeared after the implosion of the Soviet Union.

We need intelligent, experience professionals protecting us from Mohammed the Bomb-throwing Goatherder.
That's right up there with the teacher that told a grade school kid that if McCain won her daddy wouldn't come home from war for a hundred years.

and they wonder why we need to toss the unions...

Toss the unions? :lol:

I'd hate to see what these private christian schools tell those kids.


Indeed: Why would the elimination of unions mean that the only alternative would be private christian schools?

There are plenty of public schools that do not employ unionized teachers.

Sounds like someone needs to broaden their experience beyond being surgically attached to MSNBC.
I'm mainly jealous whenever I hear these stories: Why the fuck didn't we get a nice coushy government job?

eflatminor is lying.


How do you know?

I doubt there has been a valid government sponsored statistical study in which government employees respond to a survey in which they report how many hours they spend doing absolutely nothing.

However there is plenty of empirical evidence to support the notion that cops are not the only public servants spending 90% of their time eating donuts.

Because the piece is written in formulaic "media narrative" form. Both sides do it, it's very easy to spot.

Go ahead and post your empirical data that "public servants [spend] 90% of their time eating donuts."
eflatminor is lying.


How do you know?

I doubt there has been a valid government sponsored statistical study in which government employees respond to a survey in which they report how many hours they spend doing absolutely nothing.

However there is plenty of empirical evidence to support the notion that cops are not the only public servants spending 90% of their time eating donuts.

Because the piece is written in formulaic "media narrative" form. Both sides do it, it's very easy to spot.

Go ahead and post your empirical data that "public servants [spend] 90% of their time eating donuts."

Surprisingly, few cops polled said they spend any time eating donuts.

Most of our cops are in shape, but a few look like the guy in the photo. Our fire fighters and EMS folks are in superb shape. The Health Department director is HUGE and is too powerful to fire: shame.
Most of our cops are in shape, but a few look like the guy in the photo. Our fire fighters and EMS folks are in superb shape. The Health Department director is HUGE and is too powerful to fire: shame.

Nonetheless, Firefighters and cops do not spend much time fighting fires and copping people. They are not deep thinkers, nor should they be: We need people who can sit around twiddling their thumbs 90% of the time.
Obviously you have never fought a fire or had to take bad guys down.

True, I've also not picked up the neighborhood garbage or mown the lawn of the county courthouse

However it doesn't require a genius to understand that fires, crime, grass, and garbage are not constantly being fought, nor to comprehend that doing so does not require a diploma from Harvard.
Is this faux rage conflagration still raging? :lol:

You gotta love wingnuts. One teacher gets caught on audio allowing her emotions to get the better of her and that's more than enough to indict the entire public education system. You guys are a hoot! :thup:
True story: A few weeks ago, I was out to dinner with a group of 15. Sitting near me was a a woman who worked for the county in accounting. She was educated, professional and nice enough. When asked about her job, her main complaint was that they did not allow internet access from her desk, thereby keeping her from playing games online.

"I mean, what am I supposed to do when there's nothing to do?", she said and she was dead pan serious.

Somewhat dumbfounded, I responded "So what do you do?" "Read, mostly", she said.

It wasn't the place to rip into her, to remind her that the guys that actually pay the taxes that support her job and ridiculous pension have NEVER had time at work with nothing to do. I found the whole thing disgusting.

I'm mainly jealous whenever I hear these stories: Why the fuck didn't we get a nice coushy government job?

eflatminor is lying.

Oh screw you Jake.
Is this faux rage conflagration still raging? :lol:

You gotta love wingnuts. One teacher gets caught on audio allowing her emotions to get the better of her and that's more than enough to indict the entire public education system. You guys are a hoot! :thup:

It's a lot more than just this one example that causes me to indict the status quo in the public education system.

Piss poor results, skyrocketing costs, teachers that cannot be fired and have little incentive to thrive, standardized testing, no school choice for families, tax dollars spent on administration instead of students and last but certainly not least, kids graduating that still can't read or write, much less do basic mathematics. THAT'S why I condemn public education.

This idiot teacher is but the latest example of what a government run monopoly produces.
Is this faux rage conflagration still raging? :lol:

You gotta love wingnuts. One teacher gets caught on audio allowing her emotions to get the better of her and that's more than enough to indict the entire public education system. You guys are a hoot! :thup:

The OP lied , this woman said nothing wrong
Is this faux rage conflagration still raging? :lol:

You gotta love wingnuts. One teacher gets caught on audio allowing her emotions to get the better of her and that's more than enough to indict the entire public education system. You guys are a hoot! :thup:

The OP lied , this woman said nothing wrong

Yes, the OP lied. But this woman most certainly did something wrong, unless you're a firm believer in the virtue of hypocrisy.
Is this faux rage conflagration still raging? :lol:

You gotta love wingnuts. One teacher gets caught on audio allowing her emotions to get the better of her and that's more than enough to indict the entire public education system. You guys are a hoot! :thup:

The OP lied , this woman said nothing wrong

She was suspended.
Is this faux rage conflagration still raging? :lol:

You gotta love wingnuts. One teacher gets caught on audio allowing her emotions to get the better of her and that's more than enough to indict the entire public education system. You guys are a hoot! :thup:

It's a lot more than just this one example that causes me to indict the status quo in the public education system.

Piss poor results, skyrocketing costs, teachers that cannot be fired and have little incentive to thrive, standardized testing, no school choice for families, tax dollars spent on administration instead of students and last but certainly not least, kids graduating that still can't read or write, much less do basic mathematics. THAT'S why I condemn public education.

This idiot teacher is but the latest example of what a government run monopoly produces.

I know countless intelligent and successful products of public education. You must hang out with a lot of losers, no offense.
Is this faux rage conflagration still raging? :lol:

You gotta love wingnuts. One teacher gets caught on audio allowing her emotions to get the better of her and that's more than enough to indict the entire public education system. You guys are a hoot! :thup:

It's a lot more than just this one example that causes me to indict the status quo in the public education system.

Piss poor results, skyrocketing costs, teachers that cannot be fired and have little incentive to thrive, standardized testing, no school choice for families, tax dollars spent on administration instead of students and last but certainly not least, kids graduating that still can't read or write, much less do basic mathematics. THAT'S why I condemn public education.

This idiot teacher is but the latest example of what a government run monopoly produces.

I know countless intelligent and successful products of public education. You must hang out with a lot of losers, no offense.

I too know countless intelligent and successful people DESPITE their public education, myself included. If you are also intelligent, then you'd realize anecdotal evidence cannot overcome the overall crappy results public education produces.

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