Teacher Who Called Students 'Future Criminals'


Gold Member
Apr 2, 2009
The Paterson teacher who ignited a firestorm by calling her first-grade students “future criminals” in a Facebook post defended herself Wednesday in a Newark hearing on whether she should lose her job.

Clayton said the comment “helps us realize again that racism has not been erased from our country … I know that children can be testy and tedious and all those things, but to say in first grade there that you’re a warden for them, that’s reprehensible … if a teacher or any adult leader could look at children like that in the first grade and think that, then the children are doomed.”

O’Brien’s lawyer, Nancy Oxfeld, said in an interview the post was a mistake but not racist. “If you make a comment that is not a racist comment but you’re a white person and it’s made about students who happen to be black and Hispanic, there’s a presumption that it’s racist,” Oxfeld said. She noted in court there was no record that any parent complained about O’Brien before the incident or that she spoke inappropriately to students.

You need a link Tanker
I don't really like commenting on stories where only part of it is posted and there is no link....

While I suspect the ability of a teacher to be unbiased with that kind of attitude, who knows how many of us had teachers with the same kind of thoughts before social networking came along. As a general rule, I think whatever anyone says on Facebook or any social network should be free from any kind of fear of losing their jobs or being sued. Number one, it violates freedom of speech. Number two, every damn one of is guitly of putting out there a statement we regretted, could be taken incorrectly, out of context or offends someone, etc., should we all be fired?
She may very well be right. And perhaps it's not the worst thing in the world that we talk about this sort of thing. But in fact we're not going to talk about it. This teacher made serious mistake making this kind of statement in a public forum. Maybe in private to her friends, but broadcasting it was almost asking to be fired. Since those kids make her working life such a hell, perhaps finding another line of work wouldn't be the worse thing for her.
If she feels they are future criminals than maybe it is time to look for another line of work.
One way or the other... the teacher is not in the best light... It is difficult for some parents to send their children to public schools as things are more corrupt on a larger scale than smaller, more private schools... yet that is a bit of a generalization.

If I came across any of the teachers my children were to encounter with that kind of attitude, I would most probably not even allow my children to attend the school until I got to better understand the teacher's way. It may be completely warranted. Seriously? I don't envy the teacher's position as some of the most difficult people they have to deal with are the parents of their children. All too often, children mimic behavior without a clue that certain things are not acceptable. :( Teachers get tough rap sometimes just for having opinions... but they earn such when they are irresponsible or inconsiderate toward the child(ren).

Many 'break away' methods can be practiced within the class room and helping a child to think for themselves to develop better independence can very well be accomplished by a wise and watchful teacher.... it's just sometimes best to keep one's mouth shut.
You have to be a special person to want to teach these days, these kids think they know it all and have no damn respect.

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