Teachers Can Now Carry Guns As Safety Officers In Missouri....

Who wants to place bets on which happens first - a teacher will "protect" their students from a school shooter, or some sort of accident will put a bullet in an innocent student or teacher?
Kids are around concealed carry folks all the time and don't know it and aren't injured. What makes you think it will be different in school?

I hate to break it to you, but people are accidentally injured by legally owned guns every day.
Kids are being shot by concealed carryers every day? Link?

There are between 15,000 and 20,000 accidental gun injuries per year in the US.
there are over a half million accidental bicycle injuries a year. why aren't you bitching to ban them?

if almost all bike owners were PERCEIVED to be conservatives, he would be

Link to where some maniac burst into a school/public meeting/movie theater/shopping mall/bridge/clock tower/church/arriving firemen/former workplace and started biking people to death please?

people like you want maniacs to be able to kill and a kill some more without anyone being able to fight back

why do you gun banners try to make things safer for active killers?
Who wants to place bets on which happens first - a teacher will "protect" their students from a school shooter, or some sort of accident will put a bullet in an innocent student or teacher?
Kids are around concealed carry folks all the time and don't know it and aren't injured. What makes you think it will be different in school?

I hate to break it to you, but people are accidentally injured by legally owned guns every day.
Kids are being shot by concealed carryers every day? Link?

There are between 15,000 and 20,000 accidental gun injuries per year in the US.
there are over a half million accidental bicycle injuries a year. why aren't you bitching to ban them?


Gun discussions always make you guys so damn emotional.

Point out anywhere that I've ever "bitched" that we "ban" any guns.

95% of gun banners never advocate gun bans. they just advocate the next step towards banning

sadly we cannot give them truth serum or water board them publicly to get the answer as to their ultimate desires
The show me state has to bee the most open gun state that I know of currently. Good for them.

Arkansas is not far behind after we eject the remaining democrat feces.
most police officers never use their pistol, never engage in a gun fight...hence...they aren't qualified to engage a shooter either...
Yet they are trained for such an encounter and have more experience in handling stressful encounters
A chemistry teacher is not
And you know this from your research into gunfights? From my research you find that it is not uncommon for people with little firearms training and no gunfight experience to defend themselves effectively and to even capture and hold their attackers without having to fire a shot...happens all the time...every day...

Have you studied the dynamics of mass public shootings...how people at the scene...even without guns...and no training can subdue a mass shooter....how would you explain that?

Mass shooters, in almost all cases, when confronted by armed resistance...and this doesn't even mean someone actually shooting just pointing a gun at them, either commit suicide or surrender...columbine, the colorado shooter, and any number of attackers killed themselves or gave up as soon as someone with a gun resisted them...

In fact...they are beginning to adapt...the one guy they captured before he launched his attack was planning on killing the police liaison officer first...because he was the only one on the campus with a gun...he figured he would kill him first and then it would take the rest of the police minutes to arrive...while he could spend that time killing unarmed, defenseless victims....

It is also in the studies that someone on the scene of the attack who resists the attacker with a gun reduces the number of dead victims...

Remember the Doctor who broke the rules and carried his gun to his office on the Hospital grounds that were a gun free zone? Remember...the nut job who killed the secretary brought his gun into the gun free zone and was killed by the Doctor before he could keep killing.

How much combat training did that Doctor have when he killed that guy? And yet, he effectively used his pistol.

Doctor Who Ignored Gun Free Zone Signs May Have Prevented A Hospital Massacre - Bearing Arms

I would list story after story of old people, alone, and under assault who also used guns effectively...I just don't have the time....

And how much training do you think they had before they had to use the gun to stop the violent criminal?

Your beliefs just don't hold water in the face of reality...

Guns save lives...every day...and they save more lives than they take at the hands of criminals...11-12,000 gun murders...vs...250-370,000 lives saved and crimes stopped with guns each year...(and that is on the low end of the studies into people using guns to save lives and stop crime...some put it at 600-700 thousand lives saved and crimes stopped and one reputable study puts it as high as 2.5 million times a year)

Guns save lives...every day...
the Missouri state legislature over road the democrat governors veto of a bill that sets guidelines for allowing teachers to carry guns in schools to protect their students...

BREAKING MO Legislature Overrides Gov s Veto Expands Open Carry CCW Teacher Carry in Schools - The Truth About Guns

The new law will allow specially trained and designated employees to carry firearms on campuses. It lowers the age for obtaining a concealed carry license to 19 from 21 and allows anyone with a CCW permit to openly carry a gun. Aswashingtonpost.com reports, Missouri schools had the option to allow carry on their campsites before, but the new law “requires the state Department of Public Safety to establish training guidelines for schools wanting to designate a teacher or administrator as a ‘school protection officer’ authorized to carry a concealed gun or self-defense spray.”
Unfortunately, this news is good, in this day and age. Maybe it will deter a possible killer bent on destruction and maybe it will help college students in their decision on whether to become a schoolteacher.
Who wants to place bets on which happens first - a teacher will "protect" their students from a school shooter, or some sort of accident will put a bullet in an innocent student or teacher?
Who wants to guess how many times that has happened with LEO
Very true

But we now want to entrust life or death decisions to an untrained teacher
The fact of the matter is that these wacko shooters tend to favor places that they know will be like shooting fish in a barrel. They don't target NRA events or gun stores. They are sick cowards that don't care about the law or people. Making it easier for them isn't the right answer.
But we now want to entrust life or death decisions to an untrained teacher

How about all the lives saved by people with guns who have little training and no combat experience...it happens everyday...often without a shot being fired....again, like the Doctor who stopped the killer in the hospital gun free zone...
most police officers never use their pistol, never engage in a gun fight...hence...they aren't qualified to engage a shooter either...
Yet they are trained for such an encounter and have more experience in handling stressful encounters
A chemistry teacher is not

I wonder why non-LEO civilians have higher hit ratios and less wrongful shooting incidents then cops

answer-most people don't become cops because they like shooting

many CCW holders do and practice a lot
Who wants to place bets on which happens first - a teacher will "protect" their students from a school shooter, or some sort of accident will put a bullet in an innocent student or teacher?
Kids are around concealed carry folks all the time and don't know it and aren't injured. What makes you think it will be different in school?

I hate to break it to you, but people are accidentally injured by legally owned guns every day.
Kids are being shot by concealed carryers every day? Link?

There are between 15,000 and 20,000 accidental gun injuries per year in the US.
there are over a half million accidental bicycle injuries a year. why aren't you bitching to ban them?


Gun discussions always make you guys so damn emotional.

Point out anywhere that I've ever "bitched" that we "ban" any guns.

95% of gun banners never advocate gun bans. they just advocate the next step towards banning

sadly we cannot give them truth serum or water board them publicly to get the answer as to their ultimate desires

"Don't tell me what you think! I'll tell you what you think, you just shut up and read your lines!"

Who wants to place bets on which happens first - a teacher will "protect" their students from a school shooter, or some sort of accident will put a bullet in an innocent student or teacher?
Kids are around concealed carry folks all the time and don't know it and aren't injured. What makes you think it will be different in school?

I hate to break it to you, but people are accidentally injured by legally owned guns every day.
Kids are being shot by concealed carryers every day? Link?

There are between 15,000 and 20,000 accidental gun injuries per year in the US.
there are over a half million accidental bicycle injuries a year. why aren't you bitching to ban them?

if almost all bike owners were PERCEIVED to be conservatives, he would be

Link to where some maniac burst into a school/public meeting/movie theater/shopping mall/bridge/clock tower/church/arriving firemen/former workplace and started biking people to death please?

people like you want maniacs to be able to kill and a kill some more without anyone being able to fight back

why do you gun banners try to make things safer for active killers?

Link to where I've ever called for "gun bans" is ................. where again?


Not the brightest bulb in the light tower I guess....
The fact of the matter is that these wacko shooters tend to favor places that they know will be like shooting fish in a barrel. They don't target NRA events or gun stores. They are sick cowards that don't care about the law or people. Making it easier for them isn't the right answer.
No they want high visibility targets with shock appeal

Most are prepared to die anyway. They are not afraid of you
most police officers never use their pistol, never engage in a gun fight...hence...they aren't qualified to engage a shooter either...
Yet they are trained for such an encounter and have more experience in handling stressful encounters
A chemistry teacher is not

I wonder why non-LEO civilians have higher hit ratios and less wrongful shooting incidents then cops

answer-most people don't become cops because they like shooting

many CCW holders do and practice a lot
Bull shit

Want to go into all the "I thought it was a burglar" incidents with homeowners or the number of deaths when an innocent child gets ahold of daddy's weapon.
Want to go into all the "I thought it was a burglar" incidents with homeowners or the number of deaths when an innocent child gets ahold of daddy's weapon.

Accidental gun deaths each year in the United States...600-700...child deaths in in that number, under 100...in a country with 310 million guns in private hands...and those private hands stop crimes and save lives 250-370,000 times a year as a low end number...other studies (and there are 20 of them) put the number at 600,000 another at 700,000 and the most famous study puts the number at 2.5 million times a year. Even the study conducted by police chiefs put the defensive gun use number that stops crime and saves lives at over a million a year...

Your numbers do not support your belief...

This blog site posts a counter in the right hand side of the screen where he counts accidental gun deaths, gun murders and suicides...the total for accidental gun deaths this year...449

Extrano s Alley a gun blog The history of gun control is perfectly clear. Gun control enables killers.

And that brings up another point to deflate your argument...more people are buying, owning...and carrying guns...and violence with guns is going down...even in Chicago...and the accidents are going down too...

Why would the accidents be going down...because more people are buying guns....and getting training...and learning to use guns safely...

So you can post incident by incident of accidents and tragedies...and then I can post women, old people, people with physical handicaps and even some children using guns to save lives and stop crimes...

But the totals are the totals...and your numbers are too small to support your point of view...
No they want high visibility targets with shock appeal

Wrong again...almost all mass shooters pick locations because they are gun free zones...the Colorado theater shooter is the classic example...he could have gone to several theaters closer to where he lived...he skipped them...why? They did not have a "gun free zone" policy...the theater he travelled to, 20 minutes from his home did have a gun free zone policy...

These guys want to kill innocent people who are unable to stop them...they are not looking to shoot it out with police, because police shoot back, and they commit suicide or surrender as soon as someone confronts them with a gun...
Who wants to place bets on which happens first - a teacher will "protect" their students from a school shooter, or some sort of accident will put a bullet in an innocent student or teacher?
Kids are around concealed carry folks all the time and don't know it and aren't injured. What makes you think it will be different in school?

I hate to break it to you, but people are accidentally injured by legally owned guns every day.
Kids are being shot by concealed carryers every day? Link?

There are between 15,000 and 20,000 accidental gun injuries per year in the US.
there are over a half million accidental bicycle injuries a year. why aren't you bitching to ban them?


Gun discussions always make you guys so damn emotional.

Point out anywhere that I've ever "bitched" that we "ban" any guns.

95% of gun banners never advocate gun bans. they just advocate the next step towards banning

sadly we cannot give them truth serum or water board them publicly to get the answer as to their ultimate desires

"Don't tell me what you think! I'll tell you what you think, you just shut up and read your lines!"


what are you braying about?

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