Teachers Can Now Carry Guns As Safety Officers In Missouri....

nor Luby's in Killeen.

Thanks for bringing up Luby's cafe...it was a gun free zone...the law made it illegal to carry a gun into the resuarant...as testified to by Hupp..so you are wrong again....

From that Wiki link, and I quote:
>> The law had been campaigned for by Suzanna Hupp, who was present at the time of the shooting where both of her parents were shot and killed. She later expressed regret about deciding to leave her gun in her car lest she risk possibly running afoul of the state's concealed weapons laws <<
Concealed carry law --- not a "gun-free zone".

Are you that dense that you don't know the difference?
The Luby s Cafeteria Massacre A Brutal Reminder to Restaurants Telling Customers No Guns - Katie Pavlich

In 1991 Texas residents were banned by law from bringing firearms into restaurants. That same year, a mad man with an intent to kill as many people as possible, crashed his truck into a Lubys Cafeteria in Killeen.

See...read very, very carefully pogo...this is where the "gun free zone" comes in...

were banned by law from bringing firearms into restaurants.

See, what that means is that they couldn't bring guns into the restuarant...which means the restaurant was a "gun free zone"

Do I need to repeat that...
Concealed carry law --- not a "gun-free zone".

So that even you can understand...a concealed carry law that prohibits...that means does not allow...someone to bring a gun into a restaurant makes that restaurant a "gun free zone." It is a gun free zone because no guns are allowed....

except of course for the killer...who ignored the law...

funny that he chose a restaurant...that didn't allow guns...considering it was Texas and people carry guns everywhere else...of course that didn't figure into his decision making process...right?
And Fort Hood and the Navy Yard...funny enough...they too are gun free zones...only the military police and security are allowed guns...and since they weren't right there when the shooting started...the killer killed in a gun free zone...

the people at mother jones are stoned or something...
In case you missed this one...

Elliot Rodger, who shot to death three people in Santa Barbara a couple of weeks ago, explained why he picked his target. His 141-page “Manifesto” makes it clear that he feared someone with a gun would stop him before he was able to kill enough people. He wrote:

“Another option was Deltopia, a day in which many young people pour in from all over the state to have a spring break party on Del Playa Street. I figured this would be the perfect day to attack Isla Vista, but after watching Youtube videos of previous Deltopia parties, I saw that there were way too many cops walking around on such an event. It would be impossible to kill enough of my enemies before being dispatched by those damnable cops.”
And here you go...these are killers who specifically picked out gun free zones to kill people...how do we know...because they could have attacked police or military targets and didn't...you know...the guys who have guns and actual training...

The Cruelty of Gun-Free Zones National Review Online

His comments were made right after the terrorist attack at the Westgate Mall in Nairobi, Kenya, where 68 people were killed. Kenya bans both open and concealed carrying of firearms by civilians. Yet, obviously, those bans didn’t stop the terrorists.
Hmmm...the attacks in Mumbai India...a gun controlled country in general...but the attackers didn't attack military or police barracks...they attacked a train station, gun free zone, and other gun free zones...

2008 Mumbai attacks - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus (CST) was attacked by two gunmen, one of whom, Ajmal Kasab, was later caught alive by the police and identified by eyewitnesses. The attacks began around 21:30 when the two men entered the passenger hall and opened fire,[51] using AK-47 rifles.[52] The attackers killed 58 people and injured 104 others,[52] their assault ending at about 22:45.[51]Security forces and emergency services arrived shortly afterwards. The two gunmen fled the scene and fired at pedestrians and police officers in the streets, killing eight police officers.

Hmmmm...they didn't stand and fight the only guys with guns...hmmm...

another gun free zone target...a cafe...

The Leopold Cafe, a popular restaurant and bar on Colaba Causeway in South Mumbai, was one of the first sites to be attacked.[57] Two attackers opened fire on the cafe on the evening of 26 November, killing at least 10 people, (including some foreigners), and injuring many more.[58]

And they targeted other gun free zones...hotels...

Taj Mahal Hotel and Oberoi Trident[edit]

Two hotels, the Taj Mahal Palace & Tower and the Oberoi Trident, were among the four locations targeted.

Funny how these planned attacks weren't against fortified military points or police stations...
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Now how stoned are those people at mother jones...here is the attack on the FedEx outlet...and there is a "no guns allowed" sign right in the friggin window in the news photo...

FedEx Mass Shooting Took Place in Gun-Free Zone CNS News

Yesterday, a man decided to go on a shooting rampage at a local FedEx facility in Kennesaw, Georgia. He injured six people, with one of them in critical condition. It's a terrible tragedy, and it happened even though the FedEx facility is a "gun-free zone."

No Guns Allowed at Site of FedEx Shooting

The Associated Press photo below explicitly shows that firearms aren't permitted on the premises. So, the gun-free zone didn't stop the shooter, it just kept law-abiding gun owners from being armed when the attack occurred.

See those signs in the window...hmmmm...what do they say...hmmm...
Anti-gun loons support gun-free zones because they increase the chance of a mass shooting, which then gives them an opportunityto push their anti-gun agenda.
Common criminals don't have to be Lex Luthor to know that a gun free zone sign in the window of a business means...well...no guns allowed...for future victims...

Finally Proof Positive That Gun-Free Zones Really Do Work... The Daily Caller

Our own Lauren Eissler reports:

A barbecue restaurant in Durham, North Carolina, was robbed at gunpoint on Sunday night, despite having posted a sign on the door banning weapons, including concealed firearms.

According to ABC 11, three men wearing hoodies and carrying pistols entered The Pit from the back, assaulted two of the employees and made others lie on the floor.

The solution to this problem should be obvious to even the dumbest, tiny-penis-compensating, teabagging, gun-obsessed wingnut:

We need to spend more money on education.

These men are victims of Republicans cutting funds to schools. How were these three victims of society supposed to obey a sign they couldn’t even read?

And now, back to Planet Earth. I know that Moms Demand Action founder Shannon Watts, who’s been trying to blackmail restaurant chains into banning guns*, reads the Daily Caller. She just tweeted this:​
Of course mother jones was too stoned to think about the recent riots in Ferguson, Missouri...you know...the ones where the looters looted only the stores that were gun free zones...how do we know this...because we all saw the pictures of the stores with guys with guns in front of them that weren't being looted...

Even in the passion of lawless looting...thugs make the calculation to loot gun free stores...remember that?
Who wants to place bets on which happens first - a teacher will "protect" their students from a school shooter, or some sort of accident will put a bullet in an innocent student or teacher?
Kids are around concealed carry folks all the time and don't know it and aren't injured. What makes you think it will be different in school?

I hate to break it to you, but people are accidentally injured by legally owned guns every day.
Kids are being shot by concealed carryers every day? Link?

There are between 15,000 and 20,000 accidental gun injuries per year in the US.
there are over a half million accidental bicycle injuries a year. why aren't you bitching to ban them?

if almost all bike owners were PERCEIVED to be conservatives, he would be

Link to where some maniac burst into a school/public meeting/movie theater/shopping mall/bridge/clock tower/church/arriving firemen/former workplace and started biking people to death please?
well he was talking about the need to get rid of guns because there were like 20,000 accidental injuries a year. kind of pales compared to bicycles. so I guess it isn't really injuries gun grabbing loons care about. its their agenda
Who wants to place bets on which happens first - a teacher will "protect" their students from a school shooter, or some sort of accident will put a bullet in an innocent student or teacher?
Kids are around concealed carry folks all the time and don't know it and aren't injured. What makes you think it will be different in school?

I hate to break it to you, but people are accidentally injured by legally owned guns every day.
Kids are being shot by concealed carryers every day? Link?

There are between 15,000 and 20,000 accidental gun injuries per year in the US.
there are over a half million accidental bicycle injuries a year. why aren't you bitching to ban them?

if almost all bike owners were PERCEIVED to be conservatives, he would be

Link to where some maniac burst into a school/public meeting/movie theater/shopping mall/bridge/clock tower/church/arriving firemen/former workplace and started biking people to death please?
well he was talking about the need to get rid of guns because there were like 20,000 accidental injuries a year. kind of pales compared to bicycles. so I guess it isn't really injuries gun grabbing loons care about. its their agenda

Simply pointing out faulty reasoning. A post hoc fallacy.
Also a biased sample. How many guns are there in the US and how much of the time are they in use or available to cause accidents?

Guns in US (estimated) 350 million,
By comparison- there are approximately five billion bikes in North America alone

Apple -- meet Orange.

By further comparison -- I don't know any kids who were given a gun at the age of four and told to go outside and play with it.
Who wants to place bets on which happens first - a teacher will "protect" their students from a school shooter, or some sort of accident will put a bullet in an innocent student or teacher?
Kids are around concealed carry folks all the time and don't know it and aren't injured. What makes you think it will be different in school?

I hate to break it to you, but people are accidentally injured by legally owned guns every day.
Kids are being shot by concealed carryers every day? Link?

There are between 15,000 and 20,000 accidental gun injuries per year in the US.
there are over a half million accidental bicycle injuries a year. why aren't you bitching to ban them?

if almost all bike owners were PERCEIVED to be conservatives, he would be

Link to where some maniac burst into a school/public meeting/movie theater/shopping mall/bridge/clock tower/church/arriving firemen/former workplace and started biking people to death please?
well he was talking about the need to get rid of guns because there were like 20,000 accidental injuries a year. kind of pales compared to bicycles. so I guess it isn't really injuries gun grabbing loons care about. its their agenda

Simply pointing out faulty reasoning. A post hoc fallacy.
Also a biased sample. How many guns are there in the US and how much of the time are they in use or available to cause accidents?

Guns in US (estimated) 350 million,
By comparison- there are approximately five billion bikes in North America alone

Apple -- meet Orange.

By further comparison -- I don't know any kids who were given a gun at the age of four and told to go outside and play with it.
Given the amount of ammo sold per year, the number of ranges and the fact that they are always booked. the amount of shooting that goes on on private property, guns are used quite often. considering their only purpose is to kill and injure, according to gun grabbing bozos, they sure do very little of it. .00003 guns ever kills some one. heck, misdiagnosis by doctors kills more than that. prescription drugs kill more than that. 5 billion bikes in America? what does each kid ride 25 at a time? you want to talk about faulty reasoning? Good god, it doesn't get much more faulty than yours
Who wants to place bets on which happens first - a teacher will "protect" their students from a school shooter, or some sort of accident will put a bullet in an innocent student or teacher?
Kids are around concealed carry folks all the time and don't know it and aren't injured. What makes you think it will be different in school?

I hate to break it to you, but people are accidentally injured by legally owned guns every day.
Kids are being shot by concealed carryers every day? Link?

There are between 15,000 and 20,000 accidental gun injuries per year in the US.
there are over a half million accidental bicycle injuries a year. why aren't you bitching to ban them?

if almost all bike owners were PERCEIVED to be conservatives, he would be

Link to where some maniac burst into a school/public meeting/movie theater/shopping mall/bridge/clock tower/church/arriving firemen/former workplace and started biking people to death please?

well he was talking about the need to get rid of guns because there were like 20,000 accidental injuries a year. kind of pales compared to bicycles. so I guess it isn't really injuries gun grabbing loons care about. its their agenda

Simply pointing out faulty reasoning. A post hoc fallacy.
Also a biased sample. How many guns are there in the US and how much of the time are they in use or available to cause accidents?

Guns in US (estimated) 350 million,
By comparison- there are approximately five billion bikes in North America alone

Apple -- meet Orange.

By further comparison -- I don't know any kids who were given a gun at the age of four and told to go outside and play with it.
Given the amount of ammo sold per year, the number of ranges and the fact that they are always booked. the amount of shooting that goes on on private property, guns are used quite often. considering their only purpose is to kill and injure, according to gun grabbing bozos, they sure do very little of it. .00003 guns ever kills some one. heck, misdiagnosis by doctors kills more than that. prescription drugs kill more than that. 5 billion bikes in America? what does each kid ride 25 at a time? you want to talk about faulty reasoning? Good god, it doesn't get much more faulty than yours

I linked; you didn't. Links talk...

It's difficult enough to get numbers on either guns or bikes but even if we could it's not enough info; what we'd need is a direct comparison of all the time all people are exposed to bikes and all the time all people are exposed to guns. What we'd have to establish is a rate - that being how much of the time exposure to A results in injury versus how much of the time exposure to B does.

Obviously no such documentation exists. But absent that no valid comparison can be made. Ergo fallacious analogy. Not even close.
What are the odds?

1. Teacher leaves gun unattended, student uses it
2. Teacher overreacts to a situation and shoots student
3. Teacher stumbles into a shooting situation and gets killed
4. Teacher uses gun to save people
5. Teacher shoots herself in the leg.
Very true

But we now want to entrust life or death decisions to an untrained teacher

We do not, and most that I know have never suggested that. However I would think in most schools there would be a teacher or two that has years of shooting/gun experience, those would be the first to look at. I am not for putting a gun in the hands of a teacher with little to no experience
Republican logic:

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