Teachers spend nearly $500 a year on supplies. Under the GOP tax bill, they will no longer get a tax


Gold Member
Jan 31, 2016
A real man of the people.

Teachers spend nearly $500 a year on supplies. Under the GOP tax bill, they will no longer get a tax deduction.

It’s well known that teachers — even those who earn meager salaries — dig deep into their own pockets for supplies to do their jobs, with one study estimating they spend an average of nearly $500 a year on everything from pencils to batteries.

For now, teachers can get a small tax break — deducting up to $250 from their taxes — for what they spend on supplies. But under the GOP tax reform bill, that deduction would go away for teachers and other categories of workers, including certain state and local officials and performing artists.
That is sad...I know people who are teachers and in my state - they are badly underfunded. All of them provide material out of their pocket.

So...ya...get rid of the estate tax (which...essentially means....wealthy inheritents will get untaxd income while those who labor for it get taxed) and instead - nix the abilities of teachers to deduct what they supply instead.
A real man of the people.

Teachers spend nearly $500 a year on supplies. Under the GOP tax bill, they will no longer get a tax deduction.

It’s well known that teachers — even those who earn meager salaries — dig deep into their own pockets for supplies to do their jobs, with one study estimating they spend an average of nearly $500 a year on everything from pencils to batteries.

For now, teachers can get a small tax break — deducting up to $250 from their taxes — for what they spend on supplies. But under the GOP tax reform bill, that deduction would go away for teachers and other categories of workers, including certain state and local officials and performing artists.

Well, the remedy there is to stop buying stuff out of their own funds. If the district won't pay for it, then the kiddies don't get it.

I never spent a dime of my own money on my job while working for others. How ludicrous.
Well, the remedy there is to stop buying stuff out of their own funds. If the district won't pay for it, then the kiddies don't get it.

It's not in the nature of most teachers to do that. With very few exceptions, teachers are teachers because they truly like what they do, so this tax adjustment will really hurt them. Hopefully it can be revised.
The deduction to which the article refers is the "educator expense deduction." That deduction is a "carve out" made in explicit recognition of the fact that teachers typically do take money out of their pockets to buy stuff for their students.

To take the deduction, teachers must itemize their deductions. An alternative, if the educator expense deduction is indeed eliminated, is for teachers to record the expenses as unreimbursed business expenses, which also is an itemized deduction, which, insofar as it's classed as a miscellaneous deduction, it is subject to a 2% floor. That may not as good as the educator expense deduction -- I don't know if that deduction also is classed as miscellaneous -- but it's the best I can think of to suggest at this time.

Indeed, I didn't know about the educator expense deduction, but I (my accountant, really) routinely avail myself of the unreimbursed business expense deduction, most especially when I have reimbursable out-of-pocket expenses in the final two weeks of the year and have not yet been reimbursed for them. After all, individual tax returns are filed on a cash basis, so while it's not generally a lot of money, it some money, and I'm not about to pretend that I don't take every deduction and credit for which I'm legitimately eligible, though I'm not much of a "rule stretcher." That is, I'm unwilling to knowingly put myself in debatable position against the IRS whereby to defend an assertion in my tax return, I must take the matter to tax court.
All teachers care about in my state are their bloated pensions....
Teachers are overpaid to begin with. They should not get a tax break, they should get a tax increase. They vote Democrat and should be held to their own standards.
Maybe instead of spending money on "administrative" costs school districts should buy supplies.
Teachers are overpaid to begin with. They should not get a tax break, they should get a tax increase. They vote Democrat and should be held to their own standards.

Interesting point. It depends. If they are tribal, they get well paid contracts. If they are White Americans, not so much. Either way funding has nothing to do with school performance. It is about genetics and family. In other words, as an experiment, a lottery winner can give a ghetto school district millions and the outcomes will not change in regards to standardized tests. DNA does not lie.
That is sad...I know people who are teachers and in my state - they are badly underfunded. All of them provide material out of their pocket.

So...ya...get rid of the estate tax (which...essentially means....wealthy inheritents will get untaxd income while those who labor for it get taxed) and instead - nix the abilities of teachers to deduct what they supply instead.
Is it a funding issue or a priority issue? Only Switzerland spends more money per student than the US,
A real man of the people.

Teachers spend nearly $500 a year on supplies. Under the GOP tax bill, they will no longer get a tax deduction.

It’s well known that teachers — even those who earn meager salaries — dig deep into their own pockets for supplies to do their jobs, with one study estimating they spend an average of nearly $500 a year on everything from pencils to batteries.

For now, teachers can get a small tax break — deducting up to $250 from their taxes — for what they spend on supplies. But under the GOP tax reform bill, that deduction would go away for teachers and other categories of workers, including certain state and local officials and performing artists.

Any state of municipality who wishes to give teachers a tax deduction on their state or municipal taxes is perfectly free to do so.
I favor a personal income tax law that eliminates these special clauses that bloat the system. This one cited seems in particular to be a mini-muncher that mostly is a feel good proposition.

Lets talk dollars and cents. With a $500 tax deduction given a person in the 15% tax bracket, so were talking about a tax savings of $75 here? To break even the teacher needs to cut back on spending to $425. But wait (I picked that up from commercials that'll double your order) likely under the proposed plan that teacher's taxes will be reduced by $75 a month.

It's not the situation that I'm pushing this so-called tax reform. It is more the case that some of the arguments for and against it seem ridiculous to me. I'm not a tax person but when I read about a tax deduction and not tax credit that is a big difference to me. I feel a lot less sympathy over $75 as opposed to $500.
A real man of the people.

Teachers spend nearly $500 a year on supplies. Under the GOP tax bill, they will no longer get a tax deduction.

It’s well known that teachers — even those who earn meager salaries — dig deep into their own pockets for supplies to do their jobs, with one study estimating they spend an average of nearly $500 a year on everything from pencils to batteries.

For now, teachers can get a small tax break — deducting up to $250 from their taxes — for what they spend on supplies. But under the GOP tax reform bill, that deduction would go away for teachers and other categories of workers, including certain state and local officials and performing artists.

Well, the remedy there is to stop buying stuff out of their own funds. If the district won't pay for it, then the kiddies don't get it.

I never spent a dime of my own money on my job while working for others. How ludicrous.[/Q

You don't get it.

Learn to edit. You're quoting me with your words.
Maybe instead of the unions giving millions to politicians they can help these teachers supply the kids with what they need.

Maybe instead of supplying "free education" (never free) to illegal alien kids the school districts' should concentrate their funding on supplying American kids with what they need.

Then there would be enough to cover costs and the teachers wouldn't feel obligated to supplement inadequate district funding.
That is sad...I know people who are teachers and in my state - they are badly underfunded. All of them provide material out of their pocket.

So...ya...get rid of the estate tax (which...essentially means....wealthy inheritents will get untaxd income while those who labor for it get taxed) and instead - nix the abilities of teachers to deduct what they supply instead.
the argument should be better funding of our school system, not mad self-funded issues are no longer not taxed. yes it's stupid, but put the right where it goes and that's having to make teachers do this in the first place.
A real man of the people.

Teachers spend nearly $500 a year on supplies. Under the GOP tax bill, they will no longer get a tax deduction.

It’s well known that teachers — even those who earn meager salaries — dig deep into their own pockets for supplies to do their jobs, with one study estimating they spend an average of nearly $500 a year on everything from pencils to batteries.

For now, teachers can get a small tax break — deducting up to $250 from their taxes — for what they spend on supplies. But under the GOP tax reform bill, that deduction would go away for teachers and other categories of workers, including certain state and local officials and performing artists.

Bull shit. Teachers have parents supply their kids for the year.
A real man of the people.

Teachers spend nearly $500 a year on supplies. Under the GOP tax bill, they will no longer get a tax deduction.

It’s well known that teachers — even those who earn meager salaries — dig deep into their own pockets for supplies to do their jobs, with one study estimating they spend an average of nearly $500 a year on everything from pencils to batteries.

For now, teachers can get a small tax break — deducting up to $250 from their taxes — for what they spend on supplies. But under the GOP tax reform bill, that deduction would go away for teachers and other categories of workers, including certain state and local officials and performing artists.
Teachers have to spend money on teaching supplies now because the money that used to be allocated for supplies now goes into teacher and administrator salaries. Virtually every dollar that used to be devoted to other purposes, like building schools, got diverted into salaries.
A real man of the people.

Teachers spend nearly $500 a year on supplies. Under the GOP tax bill, they will no longer get a tax deduction.

It’s well known that teachers — even those who earn meager salaries — dig deep into their own pockets for supplies to do their jobs, with one study estimating they spend an average of nearly $500 a year on everything from pencils to batteries.

For now, teachers can get a small tax break — deducting up to $250 from their taxes — for what they spend on supplies. But under the GOP tax reform bill, that deduction would go away for teachers and other categories of workers, including certain state and local officials and performing artists.

The Republicans don't want educated citizens, educated citizens can think for themselves, that makes politicians lives harder, especially those who use emotion, like the right.
A real man of the people.

Teachers spend nearly $500 a year on supplies. Under the GOP tax bill, they will no longer get a tax deduction.

It’s well known that teachers — even those who earn meager salaries — dig deep into their own pockets for supplies to do their jobs, with one study estimating they spend an average of nearly $500 a year on everything from pencils to batteries.

For now, teachers can get a small tax break — deducting up to $250 from their taxes — for what they spend on supplies. But under the GOP tax reform bill, that deduction would go away for teachers and other categories of workers, including certain state and local officials and performing artists.
I could care less about that.

  • We have the most expensive and least efficient education system in the world.
  • These people only work 8 Months a year, and are paid like they work 12 months a year.
  • They are nearly all liberals, sucking off the Government Tit.
  • They are always crying for Money when their administrations make 6 figures or more, sometimes 7.
  • All I see are New Schools being built, and more and more levies, and these teachers who have the best medical and retirement bar none are always wanting to go on strike every 3-5 years..

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