Teachers spend nearly $500 a year on supplies. Under the GOP tax bill, they will no longer get a tax

The Republicans don't want educated citizens, educated citizens can think for themselves, that makes politicians lives harder, especially those who use emotion, like the right.

Neither party fears educated citizens. They rely on us being lazy and not going past the bumper sticker and sound bites of issues. I know in my case there are only a few issues that I really dig into. I don't comment here too much on Benghazi nor the Russian crap concerning the election. I'm more into taxes, Social Security, consumer rights, and certain government regulation.

As part of this noticeable laziness, I see how easy both sides have of getting their backers to go along with character assassination and stereotypes. I believe that has to be easiest way to lead followers around by the nose.

As far as the Republicans view on education specifically, my impression is that they see as waste any money not spent in the classroom. Some of it goes overboard. I had what I took as a Tea Party person back in 2009 come around getting signatures to place a guy's name as candidate for Board of Education for Gilbert (Arizona) Public Schools. Her complaint with the present board seemed to be that they voted to plant grass at a school yard. Worse part was that she wouldn't accept the fact that while I live in Gilbert, I am in the Chandler School District.
The Tax Dollars are there for Education. It's massive. Yet American families are required to purchase the supplies for the school year. I mean, i actually remember a time when schools had no problem lending supplies to students.

But nowadays, all you hear is that the schools are broke. How can that be? The massive Taxpayer-funding is there. And on top of that, our Education System continues to drop in world rankings. So what is going on? The money is there, yet our Education System continues to slide.
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A real man of the people.

Teachers spend nearly $500 a year on supplies. Under the GOP tax bill, they will no longer get a tax deduction.

It’s well known that teachers — even those who earn meager salaries — dig deep into their own pockets for supplies to do their jobs, with one study estimating they spend an average of nearly $500 a year on everything from pencils to batteries.

For now, teachers can get a small tax break — deducting up to $250 from their taxes — for what they spend on supplies. But under the GOP tax reform bill, that deduction would go away for teachers and other categories of workers, including certain state and local officials and performing artists.

The Republicans don't want educated citizens, educated citizens can think for themselves, that makes politicians lives harder, especially those who use emotion, like the right.

The Tax Dollars are there for Education. It's massive. Yet American families are required to purchase the supplies for the school year. I mean, i actually remember a time when schools had no problem lending supplies to students.

But nowadays, all you hear is that the schools are broke. How can that be? The massive Taxpayer-funding is there. And on top of that, are Education System continues to drop in world rankings. So what is going on? The money is there, yet our Education System continues to slide.

Establishment parasites in both parties want an uneducated people. If you don't know your rights it is very easy to take them.

We should abolish the Department of Education and give it back to the states. The best model would be to privatize schools and use vouchers for those who can't afford schools.

Schools would pop up right away. Walmart would have schools in the back of their stores. Plus everyone would get what they want. If you want your child to learn useful skills you can pick that school. If you think that learning about recycling and all the "different genders" are important you can pick that school.
A real man of the people.

Teachers spend nearly $500 a year on supplies. Under the GOP tax bill, they will no longer get a tax deduction.

It’s well known that teachers — even those who earn meager salaries — dig deep into their own pockets for supplies to do their jobs, with one study estimating they spend an average of nearly $500 a year on everything from pencils to batteries.

For now, teachers can get a small tax break — deducting up to $250 from their taxes — for what they spend on supplies. But under the GOP tax reform bill, that deduction would go away for teachers and other categories of workers, including certain state and local officials and performing artists.

The Republicans don't want educated citizens, educated citizens can think for themselves, that makes politicians lives harder, especially those who use emotion, like the right.

The Tax Dollars are there for Education. It's massive. Yet American families are required to purchase the supplies for the school year. I mean, i actually remember a time when schools had no problem lending supplies to students.

But nowadays, all you hear is that the schools are broke. How can that be? The massive Taxpayer-funding is there. And on top of that, are Education System continues to drop in world rankings. So what is going on? The money is there, yet our Education System continues to slide.

Establishment parasites in both parties want an uneducated people. If you don't know your rights it is very easy to take them.

We should abolish the Department of Education and give it back to the states. The best model would be to privatize schools and use vouchers for those who can't afford schools.

Schools would pop up right away. Walmart would have schools in the back of their stores. Plus everyone would get what they want. If you want your child to learn useful skills you can pick that school. If you think that learning about recycling and all the "different genders" are important you can pick that school.

I've become a big supporter of Home Schooling. The Public School System us such a tragic mess. If parents can do it, i would advise they choose education alternatives. I mean, how can the Schools be 'broke?' The massive Taxpayer funding is there. It has been for several decades. But they can't afford supplies? I don't get it. It's too frustrating to even talk about anymore. American parents really should start seeking education alternatives. The US Public School System will only continue its slide.
A real man of the people.

Teachers spend nearly $500 a year on supplies. Under the GOP tax bill, they will no longer get a tax deduction.

It’s well known that teachers — even those who earn meager salaries — dig deep into their own pockets for supplies to do their jobs, with one study estimating they spend an average of nearly $500 a year on everything from pencils to batteries.

For now, teachers can get a small tax break — deducting up to $250 from their taxes — for what they spend on supplies. But under the GOP tax reform bill, that deduction would go away for teachers and other categories of workers, including certain state and local officials and performing artists.

The Republicans don't want educated citizens, educated citizens can think for themselves, that makes politicians lives harder, especially those who use emotion, like the right.

The Tax Dollars are there for Education. It's massive. Yet American families are required to purchase the supplies for the school year. I mean, i actually remember a time when schools had no problem lending supplies to students.

But nowadays, all you hear is that the schools are broke. How can that be? The massive Taxpayer-funding is there. And on top of that, are Education System continues to drop in world rankings. So what is going on? The money is there, yet our Education System continues to slide.

Establishment parasites in both parties want an uneducated people. If you don't know your rights it is very easy to take them.

We should abolish the Department of Education and give it back to the states. The best model would be to privatize schools and use vouchers for those who can't afford schools.

Schools would pop up right away. Walmart would have schools in the back of their stores. Plus everyone would get what they want. If you want your child to learn useful skills you can pick that school. If you think that learning about recycling and all the "different genders" are important you can pick that school.

I've become a big supporter of Home Schooling. The Public School System us such a tragic mess. If parents can do it, i would advise they choose education alternatives. I mean, how can the Schools be 'broke?' The massive Taxpayer funding is there. It has been for several decades. But they can't afford supplies? I don't get it. It's too frustrating to even talk about anymore. American parents really should start seeking education alternatives. The US Public School System will only continue its slide.

My public schools were the best in my state which is why my wife and I bought our house which is smaller than what we could have afforded else where. Many others did the same thing.

Now our schools are over crowded. Their solution? Take over half the kids and put them in year round schools on different schedules oh and redistrict the county. The school a mile from my house is no longer in my district I have to travel 30 minutes (with traffic) to my traditional school. The year round school is a lot closer, but my wife works 50 hours a week and I work a lot of hours during the summer. We need a traditional school calendar.

Thankfully their are magnet schools by my wife's job. If that doesn't work out we will have to send our daughter to a private school (which a lot of parents are doing).

My wife (who is very liberal) is even against the public school system now.
A real man of the people.

Teachers spend nearly $500 a year on supplies. Under the GOP tax bill, they will no longer get a tax deduction.

It’s well known that teachers — even those who earn meager salaries — dig deep into their own pockets for supplies to do their jobs, with one study estimating they spend an average of nearly $500 a year on everything from pencils to batteries.

For now, teachers can get a small tax break — deducting up to $250 from their taxes — for what they spend on supplies. But under the GOP tax reform bill, that deduction would go away for teachers and other categories of workers, including certain state and local officials and performing artists.

The Republicans don't want educated citizens, educated citizens can think for themselves, that makes politicians lives harder, especially those who use emotion, like the right.

The Tax Dollars are there for Education. It's massive. Yet American families are required to purchase the supplies for the school year. I mean, i actually remember a time when schools had no problem lending supplies to students.

But nowadays, all you hear is that the schools are broke. How can that be? The massive Taxpayer-funding is there. And on top of that, are Education System continues to drop in world rankings. So what is going on? The money is there, yet our Education System continues to slide.

Establishment parasites in both parties want an uneducated people. If you don't know your rights it is very easy to take them.

We should abolish the Department of Education and give it back to the states. The best model would be to privatize schools and use vouchers for those who can't afford schools.

Schools would pop up right away. Walmart would have schools in the back of their stores. Plus everyone would get what they want. If you want your child to learn useful skills you can pick that school. If you think that learning about recycling and all the "different genders" are important you can pick that school.

I've become a big supporter of Home Schooling. The Public School System us such a tragic mess. If parents can do it, i would advise they choose education alternatives. I mean, how can the Schools be 'broke?' The massive Taxpayer funding is there. It has been for several decades. But they can't afford supplies? I don't get it. It's too frustrating to even talk about anymore. American parents really should start seeking education alternatives. The US Public School System will only continue its slide.

My public schools were the best in my state which is why my wife and I bought our house which is smaller than what we could have afforded else where. Many others did the same thing.

Now our schools are over crowded. Their solution? Take over half the kids and put them in year round schools on different schedules oh and redistrict the county. The school a mile from my house is no longer in my district I have to travel 30 minutes (with traffic) to my traditional school. The year round school is a lot closer, but my wife works 50 hours a week and I work a lot of hours during the summer. We need a traditional school calendar.

Thankfully their are magnet schools by my wife's job. If that doesn't work out we will have to send our daughter to a private school (which a lot of parents are doing).

My wife (who is very liberal) is even against the public school system now.

I hear ya, it's so exasperating discussing it. I try to avoid even talking about it anymore. The massive Taxpayer-funding is there for Education. Yet the schools are still claiming to be broke. It's such a mess. That's why i now just advise parents to avoid the Public School System if possible. It isn't gonna get better. Home Schooling is one great alternative, but there are others too. I just don't wanna discuss our Public Schools being 'broke' anymore. I'm over it. I've moved on. Take care. :)
A real man of the people.

Teachers spend nearly $500 a year on supplies. Under the GOP tax bill, they will no longer get a tax deduction.

It’s well known that teachers — even those who earn meager salaries — dig deep into their own pockets for supplies to do their jobs, with one study estimating they spend an average of nearly $500 a year on everything from pencils to batteries.

For now, teachers can get a small tax break — deducting up to $250 from their taxes — for what they spend on supplies. But under the GOP tax reform bill, that deduction would go away for teachers and other categories of workers, including certain state and local officials and performing artists.
Teachers should never spend any of their own money anymore.
Well, the remedy there is to stop buying stuff out of their own funds. If the district won't pay for it, then the kiddies don't get it.

It's not in the nature of most teachers to do that. With very few exceptions, teachers are teachers because they truly like what they do, so this tax adjustment will really hurt them. Hopefully it can be revised.
And that's the problem...they are easily taken advantage of due to their giving nature.
A real man of the people.

Teachers spend nearly $500 a year on supplies. Under the GOP tax bill, they will no longer get a tax deduction.

It’s well known that teachers — even those who earn meager salaries — dig deep into their own pockets for supplies to do their jobs, with one study estimating they spend an average of nearly $500 a year on everything from pencils to batteries.

For now, teachers can get a small tax break — deducting up to $250 from their taxes — for what they spend on supplies. But under the GOP tax reform bill, that deduction would go away for teachers and other categories of workers, including certain state and local officials and performing artists.
I could care less about that.

  • We have the most expensive and least efficient education system in the world.
  • These people only work 8 Months a year, and are paid like they work 12 months a year.
  • They are nearly all liberals, sucking off the Government Tit.
  • They are always crying for Money when their administrations make 6 figures or more, sometimes 7.
  • All I see are New Schools being built, and more and more levies, and these teachers who have the best medical and retirement bar none are always wanting to go on strike every 3-5 years..
Around here they work 10 months and get paid for 10 months....where do you know of where they only work 8 months?
Parents are required to purchase their child's supplies for the school year. That, even though the Public School System receives massive Taxpayer-funding. Why are our schools 'broke?' Why don't they have supplies? The money is there.

The solution is, if possible, parents should avoid the US Public School System. It isn't gonna get better. Its rapid decline will continue. So don't wait and think things are gonna improve. I advise parents seek education alternatives. Home Schooling is one great alternative, but there are others. Take care, see ya. :)
That is sad...I know people who are teachers and in my state - they are badly underfunded. All of them provide material out of their pocket.

So...ya...get rid of the estate tax (which...essentially means....wealthy inheritents will get untaxd income while those who labor for it get taxed) and instead - nix the abilities of teachers to deduct what they supply instead.
Try axing the damn money hungry unions. Put the money in the classroom instead of the pockets of political hacks running unions.

Problem solved.
A real man of the people.

Teachers spend nearly $500 a year on supplies. Under the GOP tax bill, they will no longer get a tax deduction.

It’s well known that teachers — even those who earn meager salaries — dig deep into their own pockets for supplies to do their jobs, with one study estimating they spend an average of nearly $500 a year on everything from pencils to batteries.

For now, teachers can get a small tax break — deducting up to $250 from their taxes — for what they spend on supplies. But under the GOP tax reform bill, that deduction would go away for teachers and other categories of workers, including certain state and local officials and performing artists.
Teachers should never spend any of their own money anymore.

Well, the remedy there is to stop buying stuff out of their own funds. If the district won't pay for it, then the kiddies don't get it.

It's not in the nature of most teachers to do that. With very few exceptions, teachers are teachers because they truly like what they do, so this tax adjustment will really hurt them. Hopefully it can be revised.
And that's the problem...they are easily taken advantage of due to their giving nature.

No one is forcing them to buy supplies. If they CHOOSE to that isn't my fault or problem.
Don't bank on Government-run schooling. It's currently in rapid decline. It isn't gonna get better.

Perhaps we should reduce the inane federal regulatory burden which has bloated up school administration. The savings could easily be used to fund supplies, textbooks, and the music and arts curriculum that Big Government has decimated.
A real man of the people.

Teachers spend nearly $500 a year on supplies. Under the GOP tax bill, they will no longer get a tax deduction.

It’s well known that teachers — even those who earn meager salaries — dig deep into their own pockets for supplies to do their jobs, with one study estimating they spend an average of nearly $500 a year on everything from pencils to batteries.

For now, teachers can get a small tax break — deducting up to $250 from their taxes — for what they spend on supplies. But under the GOP tax reform bill, that deduction would go away for teachers and other categories of workers, including certain state and local officials and performing artists.

The Republicans don't want educated citizens, educated citizens can think for themselves, that makes politicians lives harder, especially those who use emotion, like the right.
it's because you keep using emotions you keep getting shot down.

emotional times are BAD times to make business, or many decisions, actually. conservatives are not emotionally driven, that is historically liberal.

as is accusing the other side of your own traits so better to hide them.
A real man of the people.

Teachers spend nearly $500 a year on supplies. Under the GOP tax bill, they will no longer get a tax deduction.

It’s well known that teachers — even those who earn meager salaries — dig deep into their own pockets for supplies to do their jobs, with one study estimating they spend an average of nearly $500 a year on everything from pencils to batteries.

For now, teachers can get a small tax break — deducting up to $250 from their taxes — for what they spend on supplies. But under the GOP tax reform bill, that deduction would go away for teachers and other categories of workers, including certain state and local officials and performing artists.
They shouldn't get a write off for it.

They are not contractually bound to supply materials for their jobs.

So they buy those things as gifts for their students. Gifts are not a tax write off.

If they want to deduct the expenses then a group of teachers can form a 503b tax exempt charity and all donate to it and use the donations to buy school supplies for needy kids. Then they can write off the donations
That is sad...I know people who are teachers and in my state - they are badly underfunded. All of them provide material out of their pocket.

So...ya...get rid of the estate tax (which...essentially means....wealthy inheritents will get untaxd income while those who labor for it get taxed) and instead - nix the abilities of teachers to deduct what they supply instead.
Try axing the damn money hungry unions. Put the money in the classroom instead of the pockets of political hacks running unions.

Problem solved.

The problem is not the unions - the state pays teachers piss poor. Education is always being cut and teachers often have to contribute. It's easy to blame the unions. But the problems existed before the unions.

We value actors, entertainers, athletes and politicians more then we do teachers.
Perhaps if we pay them less the loons will cut back on trying to indoctrinate our kids.
A real man of the people.

Teachers spend nearly $500 a year on supplies. Under the GOP tax bill, they will no longer get a tax deduction.

It’s well known that teachers — even those who earn meager salaries — dig deep into their own pockets for supplies to do their jobs, with one study estimating they spend an average of nearly $500 a year on everything from pencils to batteries.

For now, teachers can get a small tax break — deducting up to $250 from their taxes — for what they spend on supplies. But under the GOP tax reform bill, that deduction would go away for teachers and other categories of workers, including certain state and local officials and performing artists.
Maybe it's me, but I would submit a bill to the school board if I had out of pocket expenses for school supplies.

If teachers are too stupid to do this, they shouldn't get to write it off on their taxes.

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