Teacher's Union President Goes into hysterics about student loan forgiveness.

Too bad she doesn't get equally pissed over university price gouging....
We told Obama... if the government takes over the school loan program the prices would get out of control... but the magic Kenyan wouldn't listen and now people can't afford school....
This whack job is the Democratic leader of the Teacher's Union? I guess that would be consistent with the state of education in this country.

Just your typical wacko leftist who thinks only in emotions. It can’t differentiate between the government forcing businesses to close and a student choosing to borrow money to get a genders study degree that’s basically worthless.
Just your typical wacko leftist who thinks only in emotions. It can’t differentiate between the government forcing businesses to close and a student choosing to borrow money to get a genders study degree that’s basically worthless.
NOT your typical leftist, that bitch is the embodiment of everything that is wrong (and evil) with our so-called education system.....She heads the teacher's union.

She would be one of the first ones to take the scenic ocean one-way helicopter rides I'd be conducting if I ran things.
Too bad she doesn't get equally pissed over university price gouging....
We told Obama... if the government takes over the school loan program the prices would get out of control... but the magic Kenyan wouldn't listen and now people can't afford school....
Or low teacher pay, or teaching assistants getting the shit beat out of them. But Democrats have a way of ignoring their responsibilities and grabbing TV time for other stuff.
I'm sure there are other things like this, but two words that Democrats cannot either stand or acknowledge are, "Personal Reponsibility." Most of what they do is trying to "help" people avoid the consequences of their own actions and failures. The student loan gambit is Exhibit A. Take out a loan. Promise in writing to repay the loan. Demand forgiveness. In fact, you claim that refusal to "forgive" is an atrocity against you.
She was screaming so loud I didn't hear a word she said. Her hair was definitely on fire.
We backed ourselves into a corner and now others Must bail us out or I will scream and other emoting
Lib 101
Randi is why kids ended up in masks in school. Randi is why schools stayed closed for extended periods during covid as a bargaining chip, damaging millions of children, some of them permanently. Randi is more than happy to use children as bargaining chips for the benefit of the union, in fact it is her go-to option.

Noted FOC (friend of Clintons) that woman is as evil and vile as they come.
Disheveled overweight administrator who would never rise to any authority level in private business where thinking and performance trumps emoting.

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