Teaching Anal Sex As "Good" In Schools. Where Is This Heading & Why?

I've thoroughly read the OP, visited the "gaslighting link", read that OP and I believe...

  • There's no pedophile "grooming" going on. It's just the OP as usual seeing things that aren't there

  • There does seem to be a progression towards involving kids in too much sex "information"

  • Yes, looking at the big picture, it's clear that the LGBT agenda is "grooming" kids (& adults).

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So to recap:
  • Want kids ignorant of sex
  • Want kids to have unprotected sex
  • Want kids to get pregnant- and have teen pregnancies.
  • Is appalled that the rate of teen pregnancies and teen abortions has been dropping
  • Is appalled that the rate of STD's has been dropping in teen

Kids IGNORE condoms in the heat of the moment.

1. We want kids AFRAID of anal sex.
2. We want kids to have PROTECTED sex but not with the lower digestive tract as an artificial vagina.
3. We want kids to NOT get pregnant; but not by teaching them that it's ok to ejaculate into the colon (superhighway directly through a permeable absorptive membrane directly into the bloodstream)
4. It sounds like you're promoting anal sex (HIV/AIDS) in youngsters as a means of avoiding pregnancy.
5. Really? Here's a teen demographic of which the worst STD is alarmingly and exponentially INCREASING....

  • Youth aged 13 to 24 accounted for an estimated 26% of all new HIV infections in the United States in 2010.
  • Most new HIV infections among youth occur among gay and bisexual males; there was a 22% increase in estimated new infections in this group from 2008 to 2010. HIV Among Youth | Age | HIV by Group | HIV/AIDS | CDC
Further, if you will look at the CDC disclaimers, they admit they don't really know what abortion numbers are, because the information, if received at all, is provided on an entirely VOLUNTARY basis. In other words, PP cooks the numbers.

In other words, you are intent on ignoring the numbers and making up more hapless, imaginary bullshit because it doesn't ape what you want to believe.

If you have evidence that PP under reported its abortion numbers to the CDC, show us.

You have nothing....but an abiding, even desperate dependence on your own willful ignorance.

PP doesn't have to report at all in many states. And all the information is voluntary. Now shut up. Adults are talking about this important issue, and you obviously are incorrigibly stupid.

Don't tell me. Show me. Show me that PP under reported its abortion numbers to the CDC.

You can't. All you can do is cite whatever batshit fantasy you've made up. The bizarro part? You actually believe that the CDC's numbers are bound to whatever you imagine.

You can't teach that, Kosher.
Lol....in the meantime, stay the fuck away from children. What you call teaching, I call sexual abuse. Because that's what it is. State sanctioned sex abuse. And weirdoes like you are ADAMANT that it continue and increase in detail while the ages of kids you inflict it on ever decreases...for obvious reasons. None of which have anything to do with protecting children.
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Lol....in the meantime, stay the fuck away from children. What you call teaching, I call sexual abuse. Because that's what it is. State sanctioned sex abuse. And weirdoes like you are ADAMANT that it continue and increase in detail while the ages of kids you inflict it on ever decreases...for obvious reasons. None of which have anything to do with protecting children.

They were attempting to teach kids in the 5th grade that anal sex is a good and appropriate way of being intimate with someone...complete with how to insert a condom (for a penis) into another MALE'S rectum. If this isn't gay-indoctrinization, nothing is.

The diagram even said "easy as 1,2,3"...a familiar childhood jingle. It's a predator's paradise out there folks. And they're coming for your kids...


Lol....in the meantime, stay the fuck away from children. What you call teaching, I call sexual abuse. Because that's what it is. State sanctioned sex abuse. And weirdoes like you are ADAMANT that it continue and increase in detail while the ages of kids you inflict it on ever decreases...for obvious reasons. None of which have anything to do with protecting children.

They were attempting to teach kids in the 5th grade that anal sex is a good and appropriate way of being intimate with someone...complete with how to insert a condom (for a penis) into another MALE'S rectum. If this isn't gay-indoctrinization, nothing is.

You just said that the 'poster' (ie: computer print out on 8 by 11 printer paper) was for 13 year olds.

Now you're claiming its for 5th graders. Even you can't keep your lies together.
Further, if you will look at the CDC disclaimers, they admit they don't really know what abortion numbers are, because the information, if received at all, is provided on an entirely VOLUNTARY basis. In other words, PP cooks the numbers.

In other words, you are intent on ignoring the numbers and making up more hapless, imaginary bullshit because it doesn't ape what you want to believe.

If you have evidence that PP under reported its abortion numbers to the CDC, show us.

You have nothing....but an abiding, even desperate dependence on your own willful ignorance.

PP doesn't have to report at all in many states. And all the information is voluntary. Now shut up. Adults are talking about this important issue, and you obviously are incorrigibly stupid.

Don't tell me. Show me. Show me that PP under reported its abortion numbers to the CDC.

You can't. All you can do is cite whatever batshit fantasy you've made up. The bizarro part? You actually believe that the CDC's numbers are bound to whatever you imagine.

You can't teach that, Kosher.
Lol....in the meantime, stay the fuck away from children. What you call teaching, I call sexual abuse. Because that's what it is. State sanctioned sex abuse. And weirdoes like you are ADAMANT that it continue and increase in detail while the ages of kids you inflict it on ever decreases...for obvious reasons. None of which have anything to do with protecting children.

Yeah- you call 'sexual abuse' is what I call the crap you post here.

You want to leave kids ignorant and vulnerable to sexual predators.
So to recap:
  • Want kids ignorant of sex
  • Want kids to have unprotected sex
  • Want kids to get pregnant- and have teen pregnancies.
  • Is appalled that the rate of teen pregnancies and teen abortions has been dropping
  • Is appalled that the rate of STD's has been dropping in teen

Kids IGNORE condoms in the heat of the moment.

1. We want kids AFRAID of anal sex.]

We want kids to be safe- and your obsession with anal sex and gay men is not 'safe'

We want our kids to be educated about the risks of sex- and how to protect themselves both from pregnancy and sexual diseases and also predators.

You want kids to remain ignorant.
Further, if you will look at the CDC disclaimers, they admit they don't really know what abortion numbers are, because the information, if received at all, is provided on an entirely VOLUNTARY basis. In other words, PP cooks the numbers.

In other words, you are intent on ignoring the numbers and making up more hapless, imaginary bullshit because it doesn't ape what you want to believe.

If you have evidence that PP under reported its abortion numbers to the CDC, show us.

You have nothing....but an abiding, even desperate dependence on your own willful ignorance.

PP doesn't have to report at all in many states. And all the information is voluntary. Now shut up. Adults are talking about this important issue, and you obviously are incorrigibly stupid.

Don't tell me. Show me. Show me that PP under reported its abortion numbers to the CDC.

You can't. All you can do is cite whatever batshit fantasy you've made up. The bizarro part? You actually believe that the CDC's numbers are bound to whatever you imagine.

You can't teach that, Kosher.
Lol....in the meantime, stay the fuck away from children. What you call teaching, I call sexual abuse. Because that's what it is. State sanctioned sex abuse. And weirdoes like you are ADAMANT that it continue and increase in detail while the ages of kids you inflict it on ever decreases...for obvious reasons. None of which have anything to do with protecting children.

Yeah, but you're batshit crazy. As teaching a kid how to use a condom to protect themselves isn't abuse by any rational standard.
Christian anti-abortion terrorists are pushing our youth into anal sex.

This is true. In Turkey, where it is important for women to be 'virgins' when they marry, it is common for young women to engage in anal sex before marriage so their hymen is intact when they marry. Creating a social and moral environment that frightens people away from natural heterosexual activity encourages them to engage in anal sex.
Well, it depends on how we're teaching buttsecks to the kids. If it's an endorsement (e.g., it's not real sex, so you're still a virgin" or "gay is a-ok") I'm not cool with the concept,


if it's just discussing the facts, the risks, and how to do it without injury in a health class, along with oral and vaginal, then I can live with it. Kids see anal play in pretty much every porn video these days and I'm okay with a health teacher telling kids that there are risks involved with going down the hershey highway. They see it, they'll do it, and maybe their parents just never even considered it much less know enough about the subject to tell little Suzie Rottencrotch that she might actually get sick if Johnny Footballstar just jams it in without lube or without her relaxing a bit.
Agree. They are going to do it anyway and they should be informed about how to do it safely.

Ignorance is not bliss.
You must have missed most of the conversation Esmerelda. Read back a page or seven...
Agree. They are going to do it anyway and they should be informed about how to do it safely.

Ignorance is not bliss.

We aren't talking about "they're going to do it anyway". We're talking about the church of LGBT taking that a step too far. Their mantra is "they're going to do it anyway, so why tell them its dangerous? Instead we should tell them it's "normal and good" and just hope they use condoms...(for which kids are notoriously bad at doing throughout time: preventative safety about "quasi-risky behavior".)

If a child was CERTAIN anal sex would statistically lead to their EARLY HORRIFYING, SUFFERING DEATH, then the child would be less likely in the first place to even opt for that very dangerous type of sex. Then the fear of pregnancy might be the spur in their side to put a condom on. Pregnancy shows immediate consequences (the fear factor). HIV lies invisible for up to 10 years while it spreads and kills others from this "good and normal attempt to use the lower digestive tract to express latent desires of "gay" men to have an artificial vagina handy that doesn't bitch at them as much about taking out the trash...or whatever their issue is for rejecting women in general, but still wanting sex...

You're right. We should teach IT ALL, not just some parts of the "why some men use the anus as an artificial vagina; and what that does to the body" conversation...Instead of showing a boy's lower torso with a penis soon to be inserted in his anus with the caption "easy as 1,2,3" above it...to 5th graders who are not sexually active and still in the "experimental" phase of very very early adolescence...

Yep, all I had to do was take out the trash, work all week, do the laundry, the shopping, take care of the animals and the kid and I might get a kiss, no hug though..
There is no 'church of LGBT' and gays and lesbians are not in charge of what is taught in our schools. You're lost in fear and hate, not based in reality.
Agree. They are going to do it anyway and they should be informed about how to do it safely.

Ignorance is not bliss.

We aren't talking about "they're going to do it anyway". We're talking about the church of LGBT taking that a step too far. Their mantra is "they're going to do it anyway, so why tell them its dangerous? Instead we should tell them it's "normal and good" and just hope they use condoms...(for which kids are notoriously bad at doing throughout time: preventative safety about "quasi-risky behavior".)

If a child was CERTAIN anal sex would statistically lead to their EARLY HORRIFYING, SUFFERING DEATH, then the child would be less likely in the first place to even opt for that very dangerous type of sex. Then the fear of pregnancy might be the spur in their side to put a condom on. Pregnancy shows immediate consequences (the fear factor). HIV lies invisible for up to 10 years while it spreads and kills others from this "good and normal attempt to use the lower digestive tract to express latent desires of "gay" men to have an artificial vagina handy that doesn't bitch at them as much about taking out the trash...or whatever their issue is for rejecting women in general, but still wanting sex...

You're right. We should teach IT ALL, not just some parts of the "why some men use the anus as an artificial vagina; and what that does to the body" conversation...Instead of showing a boy's lower torso with a penis soon to be inserted in his anus with the caption "easy as 1,2,3" above it...to 5th graders who are not sexually active and still in the "experimental" phase of very very early adolescence...

Agree. They are going to do it anyway and they should be informed about how to do it safely.

Ignorance is not bliss.

We aren't talking about "they're going to do it anyway". We're talking about the church of LGBT taking that a step too far. Their mantra is "they're going to do it anyway, so why tell them its dangerous? Instead we should tell them it's "normal and good" and just hope they use condoms...(for which kids are notoriously bad at doing throughout time: preventative safety about "quasi-risky behavior".)

If a child was CERTAIN anal sex would statistically lead to their EARLY HORRIFYING, SUFFERING DEATH, then the child would be less likely in the first place to even opt for that very dangerous type of sex. Then the fear of pregnancy might be the spur in their side to put a condom on. Pregnancy shows immediate consequences (the fear factor). HIV lies invisible for up to 10 years while it spreads and kills others from this "good and normal attempt to use the lower digestive tract to express latent desires of "gay" men to have an artificial vagina handy that doesn't bitch at them as much about taking out the trash...or whatever their issue is for rejecting women in general, but still wanting sex...

You're right. We should teach IT ALL, not just some parts of the "why some men use the anus as an artificial vagina; and what that does to the body" conversation...Instead of showing a boy's lower torso with a penis soon to be inserted in his anus with the caption "easy as 1,2,3" above it...to 5th graders who are not sexually active and still in the "experimental" phase of very very early adolescence...


Fear mongering doesn't work. Age appropriate sexual educations as part of a comprehensive health curriculum is necessary and has the potential to reduce unwanted / unplanned pregnancy, STD's and the emotional angst and guilt resultant by "just say no" abstinence education.

The truth, age appropriate, will set them free; any other method is harmful and has zero impact on the health - mental and physical - on the minor.
There is no 'church of LGBT' and gays and lesbians are not in charge of what is taught in our schools. You're lost in fear and hate, not based in reality.
There is in fact a cult of LGBT. Sometimes I call it a "church". It has rigid dogma and evangelizes to kids (now in the 5th grade..."easy as 1,2,3"...), and becomes enraged when someone tries to leave its fold (declaring the name "Anne Heche" synonymous with "traitor" or "heretic"). The Education Czar in Obama's group is a gay man who advocated teaching fisting to kids in school. Or have you conveniently forgotten that? The legislator in California that made it illegal for children to get counseling to throw off homosexual imprinting, even if gotten though molestation episodes, is also a gay man. Your cult's powerful leadership and fat cat sponsors (look up "Bean" "Oregon" "sodomize" and "minor" on Google) and advocates are most certainly behind teaching anal sex showing a diagram with a boy's pelvis soon to receive a penis as "easy as 1,2,3"...

Know your facts before you speak up ignorantly.

Let me guess...I suppose a heterosexual man or woman drew up this diagram and promoted it to be taught to 5th graders, right? You people expecting people to buy your lies... You're so full of crap it's coming out of your ears..


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