Teaching Anal Sex As "Good" In Schools. Where Is This Heading & Why?

I've thoroughly read the OP, visited the "gaslighting link", read that OP and I believe...

  • There's no pedophile "grooming" going on. It's just the OP as usual seeing things that aren't there

  • There does seem to be a progression towards involving kids in too much sex "information"

  • Yes, looking at the big picture, it's clear that the LGBT agenda is "grooming" kids (& adults).

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Laughing....can't tell kids about hugging or dancing. If we pretend that neither exists, they'll be safer...right?

Sigh....its like the characters of 'Footloose' walked off the screen and onto ours.

This is why I could never be a conservative. Ignorance is actually a family value to these fools. They carefully cultivate it from generation to generation.
My kid is 13 and knows all about it...I gave him the lecture....

Good! Every kid should have access to that information to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy and disease.

Again, sex ed lowers abortion rates. Sex ed lowers STD rates. Sex ed lowers unwanted pregnancies.

Ignorance increases all of these.

Actually, STD rates are skyrocketing, and abortion rates skyrocketed with the advent of sex "education" (also known as...teach kids to fuck).

Really? Because Gonnerhea hit its high point in about 1975. Now barely a fifth of its 1975 rate.

Syphillis is 1/4 its peak.

Clymadia is about 3/4s its peak.

HIV infections are 1/3rd their peak.

And teen pregnancy has dropped too.

Teen birth rates fell steeply in the United States from 2007 through 2011, resuming a decline that began in 1991 but was briefly interrupted in 2006 and 2007. The overall rate declined 25% from 41.5 per 1,000 teenagers aged 15–19 in 2007 to 31.3 in 2011—a record low. The number of births to teenagers aged 15–19 also fell from 2007 to 2011, by 26% to 329,797 in 2011.

Products - Data Briefs - Number 123 - May 2013

I don't quite understand why some Conservatives want Teenagers to catch more STD's and have more teenage pregnancies.

Because they're fucking idiots?

Abortion falls to record low in the U.S., CDC says

Abortion falls to record low in the U.S., CDC says

Sigh....you can't fix stupid.
My kid is 13 and knows all about it...I gave him the lecture....

Good! Every kid should have access to that information to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy and disease.

Again, sex ed lowers abortion rates. Sex ed lowers STD rates. Sex ed lowers unwanted pregnancies.

Ignorance increases all of these.

Actually, STD rates are skyrocketing, and abortion rates skyrocketed with the advent of sex "education" (also known as...teach kids to fuck).

Really? Because Gonnerhea hit its high point in about 1975. Now barely a fifth of its 1975 rate.

Syphillis is 1/4 its peak.

Clymadia is about 3/4s its peak.

HIV infections are 1/3rd their peak.

And teen pregnancy has dropped too.

Teen birth rates fell steeply in the United States from 2007 through 2011, resuming a decline that began in 1991 but was briefly interrupted in 2006 and 2007. The overall rate declined 25% from 41.5 per 1,000 teenagers aged 15–19 in 2007 to 31.3 in 2011—a record low. The number of births to teenagers aged 15–19 also fell from 2007 to 2011, by 26% to 329,797 in 2011.

Products - Data Briefs - Number 123 - May 2013

I don't quite understand why some Conservatives want Teenagers to catch more STD's and have more teenage pregnancies.

Because they're fucking idiots?

Abortion falls to record low in the U.S., CDC says

Abortion falls to record low in the U.S., CDC says

Sigh....you can't fix stupid.

Only a record low since the astronomical sky rocketing that took place after the advent of "sex education" and "abortion for all". Everything is relative, you know that.

Abortion rate is not lower than it was in 72. It's not lower than it was in 75. It's just a 'record' low based on numbers SINCE the exponential increase in abortions that took place in the 25 years following RvW.
Further, if you will look at the CDC disclaimers, they admit they don't really know what abortion numbers are, because the information, if received at all, is provided on an entirely VOLUNTARY basis. In other words, PP cooks the numbers.
Abortion rate is not lower than it was in 72. It's not lower than it was in 75. It's just a 'record' low based on numbers SINCE the exponential increase in abortions that took place in the 25 years following RvW.

Wow- so there was an increase in legal abortions- once abortion became legal.

And now we have the lowest rate of abortion since abortion became legal.

And you think that is a bad thing.......
"Young people aged 15-24 years develop half of all new sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), says a new report published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
"In fact, CDC states that 1 in 4 sexually active adolescent females has an STD.
"Overall, the report, titled “Sexually Transmitted Disease Surveillance 2014,” indicates the epidemic of STDs is growing worse in the United States, especially among young women."

So it looks like all that grooming kids in school does is make it more likely that they will be victimized and infected by their groomers. Go figger.

It's not a coincidence that most of the people who advocate for this sort of shit are sexually depraved themselves.

CDC: Sexually Transmitted Disease Epidemic Increasing Among Young People - Breitbart

And here's how they trick morons with their "Record low!" garbage:

"CDC reports that while the rate of reported syphilis among women between the ages of 15-19 decreased each year from 2009-2013, the rate increased 31.6 percent during the 2013-2014 period. Women between 20-24 years of age had the highest rate of syphilis in 2014. Between 2013 and 2014, the syphilis rate jumped up to 15.4 percent for this age group."

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"“Condoms are said to have at least a 10 percent failure rate in preventing pregnancy,” Dr. Jane Orient, executive director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS), tells Breitbart News.
"It seems logical that the failure rate for preventing all STDs is much higher–viruses and bacteria are much smaller than sperm, and skin-to-skin transmission also occurs. Why doesn’t the CDC announce failure rates – aside from those for HIV which seems much harder to catch?
"Orient says she is alarmed by the rate of STDs among college women.
“If you don’t take a detailed sexual history on your date, you don’t know him well enough to have sex,” she warns. “Safe sex is sex with your faithful spouse.”

CDC: Sexually Transmitted Disease Epidemic Increasing Among Young People - Breitbart
Pediatrician and American College of Pediatricians board member Dr. Jane Anderson tells Breitbart News that the increase in STIs among young people is part of a cultural shift in the United States.
“Beginning in the 1960s, the sexual revolution promoted the myth that sexual activity could occur outside of traditional marriage without any short-term or long term consequences,” Anderson says. “America is unfortunately continuing to reap the terrible results of that philosophy.”
“The recent CDC report documenting the increase in STIs among young people is just the tip of the iceberg when evaluating the consequences of promiscuity,” she adds. “There are additional physical, emotional, and even financial consequences that are draining our nation’s resources and damaging our young people’s potential. It is time for all those involved in the health sciences to acknowledge the detrimental results of our experiment with immorality.”
Dr. Michelle Cretella, president of the American College of Pediatricians, also expresses concern about the number of young people with reported STDs.
The STI epidemic is one result of our sexually saturated culture and the myth perpetuated by academe, medicine, psychology, and our government that latex, contraception, vaccines and Big Pharma can make all sexual behavior – including anal sex – risk free,” Cretella tells Breitbart News. “Sadly, children are increasingly being fed these lies through comprehensive sex education – sometimes beginning in kindergarten. And as the CDC data demonstrates, it is our young people who are suffering the most.”

CDC: Sexually Transmitted Disease Epidemic Increasing Among Young People - Breitbart
The grooming programs don't do what the pedos say they do. They aren't educating our kids to make them safe. They're educating them to prepare for lives as sexual victims and disease riddled sex slaves.
So to recap:

"fauxConservatives' like Kosher
  • Want kids ignorant of sex
  • Want kids to have unprotected sex
  • Want kids to get pregnant- and have teen pregnancies.
  • Is appalled that the rate of teen pregnancies and teen abortions has been dropping
  • Is appalled that the rate of STD's has been dropping in teen
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)
The current rate of gonorrhea is 338 cases per 100,000, the lowest it has been within record.
Since 2010, rates of syphilis have been increasing among males and decreasing among females).
Sexually active youth are more likely than older individuals to engage in sexual behaviors that increase their risk of acquiring an STI, such as unprotected sex and having multiple sex partners

  • And they are against condom use
Condom Use
The grooming programs don't do what the pedos say they do. They aren't educating our kids to make them safe. They're educating them to prepare for lives as sexual victims and disease riddled sex slaves.

By 'grooming programs' you of course mean- actually educating teenagers about sex.

You want kids to be uneducated and easy victims to child molesters and pedophiles.
Further, if you will look at the CDC disclaimers, they admit they don't really know what abortion numbers are, because the information, if received at all, is provided on an entirely VOLUNTARY basis. In other words, PP cooks the numbers.

In other words, you are intent on ignoring the numbers and making up more hapless, imaginary bullshit because it doesn't ape what you want to believe.

If you have evidence that PP under reported its abortion numbers to the CDC, show us.

You have nothing....but an abiding, even desperate dependence on your own willful ignorance.
The grooming programs don't do what the pedos say they do. They aren't educating our kids to make them safe. They're educating them to prepare for lives as sexual victims and disease riddled sex slaves.

By 'grooming programs' you of course mean- actually educating teenagers about sex.

You want kids to be uneducated and easy victims to child molesters and pedophiles.

I can't shut down enough of my brain to be a conservative. As *so much* of their beliefs are based on denial, self deception, willful ignorance and outright delusion.
You can't get pregnant from faggot sex dimbass. And I'm quite sure 99.9% of 15 to 17 year olds know how pregnancy works ALREADY DESPITE YOUR OBSESSION WITH PLAYING IN SHIT

Only a sick fuck like yourself wants kids to remain uneducated and vulnerable- to get pregnant, catch STD's or even HIV.

What a sick fuck you are

Can you get pregnant from butt sex? Are butt babies real? And currently, the most effective way to catch HIV or any STD is to take it up the ass. I bet you'd educate our kids real good.

Laughing....are you so ignorant as to assume that sex ed is *only* about anal sex?

I'm not ignorant at all.

You just insist our kids be.

No thank you. Sex Ed helps reduce unwanted pregnancies, abortions and STDs.

I know I don't want anybody but ME telling my children about sex. Because people who tell other people's kids about sex are typically mentally ill perverted freaks.

Laughing.....or you're just batshit crazy. One of the two.

I don't want to teach your kids anything. You teach them, you're all het up for it.
Further, if you will look at the CDC disclaimers, they admit they don't really know what abortion numbers are, because the information, if received at all, is provided on an entirely VOLUNTARY basis. In other words, PP cooks the numbers.

In other words, you are intent on ignoring the numbers and making up more hapless, imaginary bullshit because it doesn't ape what you want to believe.

If you have evidence that PP under reported its abortion numbers to the CDC, show us.

You have nothing....but an abiding, even desperate dependence on your own willful ignorance.

PP doesn't have to report at all in many states. And all the information is voluntary. Now shut up. Adults are talking about this important issue, and you obviously are incorrigibly stupid.
Further, if you will look at the CDC disclaimers, they admit they don't really know what abortion numbers are, because the information, if received at all, is provided on an entirely VOLUNTARY basis. In other words, PP cooks the numbers.

In other words, you are intent on ignoring the numbers and making up more hapless, imaginary bullshit because it doesn't ape what you want to believe.

If you have evidence that PP under reported its abortion numbers to the CDC, show us.

You have nothing....but an abiding, even desperate dependence on your own willful ignorance.
I linked the CDC stats, you ignoramus.
Further, if you will look at the CDC disclaimers, they admit they don't really know what abortion numbers are, because the information, if received at all, is provided on an entirely VOLUNTARY basis. In other words, PP cooks the numbers.

In other words, you are intent on ignoring the numbers and making up more hapless, imaginary bullshit because it doesn't ape what you want to believe.

If you have evidence that PP under reported its abortion numbers to the CDC, show us.

You have nothing....but an abiding, even desperate dependence on your own willful ignorance.

PP doesn't have to report at all in many states. And all the information is voluntary. Now shut up. Adults are talking about this important issue, and you obviously are incorrigibly stupid.

Don't tell me. Show me. Show me that PP under reported its abortion numbers to the CDC.

You can't. All you can do is cite whatever batshit fantasy you've made up. The bizarro part? You actually believe that the CDC's numbers are bound to whatever you imagine.

You can't teach that, Kosher.
Further, if you will look at the CDC disclaimers, they admit they don't really know what abortion numbers are, because the information, if received at all, is provided on an entirely VOLUNTARY basis. In other words, PP cooks the numbers.

In other words, you are intent on ignoring the numbers and making up more hapless, imaginary bullshit because it doesn't ape what you want to believe.

If you have evidence that PP under reported its abortion numbers to the CDC, show us.

You have nothing....but an abiding, even desperate dependence on your own willful ignorance.
I linked the CDC stats, you ignoramus.

None saying what you just did.

Try again. As all you have is sniveling excuses why you can't back any of your silly batshit.

Sigh. Predictably.

If you have evidence that PP under reported its abortion numbers to the CDC, show us.
Pediatrician and American College of Pediatricians board member Dr. Jane Anderson tells Breitbart News that the increase in STIs among young people is part of a cultural shift in the United States.
“Beginning in the 1960s, the sexual revolution promoted the myth that sexual activity could occur outside of traditional marriage without any short-term or long term consequences,” Anderson says. “America is unfortunately continuing to reap the terrible results of that philosophy.”
“The recent CDC report documenting the increase in STIs among young people is just the tip of the iceberg when evaluating the consequences of promiscuity,” she adds. “There are additional physical, emotional, and even financial consequences that are draining our nation’s resources and damaging our young people’s potential. It is time for all those involved in the health sciences to acknowledge the detrimental results of our experiment with immorality.”
Dr. Michelle Cretella, president of the American College of Pediatricians, also expresses concern about the number of young people with reported STDs.
The STI epidemic is one result of our sexually saturated culture and the myth perpetuated by academe, medicine, psychology, and our government that latex, contraception, vaccines and Big Pharma can make all sexual behavior – including anal sex – risk free,” Cretella tells Breitbart News. “Sadly, children are increasingly being fed these lies through comprehensive sex education – sometimes beginning in kindergarten. And as the CDC data demonstrates, it is our young people who are suffering the most.”

CDC: Sexually Transmitted Disease Epidemic Increasing Among Young People - Breitbart


Chlamydia :
While the rate in women from 2013–2014 increased
1.3% and the rate in men increased 6.8%, the rate among
women aged 15-19 years decreased 4.2%, continuing a
decline in that group since 2011.

In 2009, the national rate of reported gonorrhea cases
reached an historic low of 98.1 cases per 100,000
population (Figure 12 and Table 1). However, during
2009–2012, the rate increased slightly each year, to 106.7
cases per 100,000 population in 2012. In 2013, the rate
decreased to 105.3 cases per 100,000 population. But in
2014, a total of 350,062 gonorrhea cases were reported,
and the national gonorrhea rate increased to 110.7 cases per
100,000 population

In 2000 and 2001, the national rate of reported primary
and secondary (P&S) syphilis cases was 2.1 cases per
100,000 population, the lowest rate since reporting began
in 1941 (Figure 31, Table 1). However, the P&S syphilis
rate has increased almost every year since 2000–2001. In
2014, a total of 19,999 P&S syphilis cases were reported,
and the national P&S syphilis rate increased to 6.3 cases per
100,000 population, the highest rate since 1994


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