Team Biden’s lies pile up as Taliban hold abandoned Americans hostage


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Team Biden’s lies pile up as Taliban hold abandoned Americans hostage

8 Sep 2021 ~~ By NY Post Editorial Board
Why does Team Biden insist on telling lies that even it can’t keep up for more than a day? Does it really think its shameless spinning can contain the public fury or that Americans will just forget those left behind in the dishonorable exit from Afghanistan?
It’s been insisting that fewer than 100 Americans are stranded in the land the Taliban now controls. But a reported 143 US citizens and green-card holders alone are stuck at Mazar-i-Sharif’s airport, booked on waiting planes the Taliban won’t let leave.
More than a week after President Joe Biden declared his evacuation an “extraordinary success,” countless Americans remain de facto hostages. And his minions’ efforts to spin away the truth is pathetic.
White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said Tuesday that “just under” 100 Americans were left in Afghanistan, but others, including Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), put the number of those wanting out at 500 — all victims of Biden’s broken promise to “stay until we get them all out.”
The administration won’t even estimate how many hundreds of green-card holders — lawful permanent US residents — remain. Heck, it barely deigns to mention them.
The six nonprofit-chartered planes ready to evacuate 143 Americans have been grounded for over a week in Mazar-i-Sharif, delayed “first as State Department officials put up roadblocks and then as the Taliban issued demands, sources with first-hand information” told RealClearPolitics’ Susan Crabtree. Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), who’s been aiding the effort, fumed on Twitter that he’s “furious” at “our government’s delay & inaction.”
On Tuesday, Secretary of State Antony Blinken insisted paperwork was the only problem for the “relatively small number of Americans” waiting in Mazar-i-Sharif. The next day, he finally conceded that the Taliban won’t let the flights depart.
The Mazar-i-Sharif flights aren’t the only ones blocked — and the Taliban aren’t always doing the blocking. The State Department has refused to OK some flights that rescue groups chartered to evacuate Americans and allies, show e-mails that military lawyer and retired Marine Eric Montalvo shared with Fox News. Rep. Markwayne Mullin (R-Okla.) last week accused State of blocking another planned rescue.
Blinken confessed it’s a “challenge” to evacuate people without “personnel on the ground.” No kidding. That’s why Biden initially vowed to keep a presence in Afghanistan until every American and ally was out — and why his team is now trying to pretend it hasn’t abandoned thousands of them to a terrorist group with every incentive to use them as leverage.
With Americans trapped in enemy hands, it’s just obscene that the White House actually keeps trying to “turn the page” from Afghanistan to Biden’s big-spending agenda.

It is jaw dropping how Joey Xi Bai Dung can lie at every turn, and the media stays complicitly silent. Remember the websites with tabulations of Trump exaggerations? The constant fact checks done to a ridiculous level.
The today's edicts in a failed attempt to deflect his Afghan clusterfuck by redirecting to Covid-19.
This all works for them because the media controls the dumb masses.
Joey Xi has already dropped Afghanistan and is now deflecting by focusing on preparing us for the next series of decrees to imprison us to solve the “climate change crisis”.
Countdown to the next 9-11

How will they attack this time? I think they will take out far more than 3,000 next time.
With the borders open a massive attack will be a cakewalk.

A gift from the collective Left. (But they will spin it and blame Republicans and Trump.)

Team Biden’s lies pile up as Taliban hold abandoned Americans hostage

8 Sep 2021 ~~ By NY Post Editorial Board
Why does Team Biden insist on telling lies that even it can’t keep up for more than a day? Does it really think its shameless spinning can contain the public fury or that Americans will just forget those left behind in the dishonorable exit from Afghanistan?
It’s been insisting that fewer than 100 Americans are stranded in the land the Taliban now controls. But a reported 143 US citizens and green-card holders alone are stuck at Mazar-i-Sharif’s airport, booked on waiting planes the Taliban won’t let leave.
More than a week after President Joe Biden declared his evacuation an “extraordinary success,” countless Americans remain de facto hostages. And his minions’ efforts to spin away the truth is pathetic.
White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said Tuesday that “just under” 100 Americans were left in Afghanistan, but others, including Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), put the number of those wanting out at 500 — all victims of Biden’s broken promise to “stay until we get them all out.”
The administration won’t even estimate how many hundreds of green-card holders — lawful permanent US residents — remain. Heck, it barely deigns to mention them.
The six nonprofit-chartered planes ready to evacuate 143 Americans have been grounded for over a week in Mazar-i-Sharif, delayed “first as State Department officials put up roadblocks and then as the Taliban issued demands, sources with first-hand information” told RealClearPolitics’ Susan Crabtree. Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), who’s been aiding the effort, fumed on Twitter that he’s “furious” at “our government’s delay & inaction.”
On Tuesday, Secretary of State Antony Blinken insisted paperwork was the only problem for the “relatively small number of Americans” waiting in Mazar-i-Sharif. The next day, he finally conceded that the Taliban won’t let the flights depart.
The Mazar-i-Sharif flights aren’t the only ones blocked — and the Taliban aren’t always doing the blocking. The State Department has refused to OK some flights that rescue groups chartered to evacuate Americans and allies, show e-mails that military lawyer and retired Marine Eric Montalvo shared with Fox News. Rep. Markwayne Mullin (R-Okla.) last week accused State of blocking another planned rescue.
Blinken confessed it’s a “challenge” to evacuate people without “personnel on the ground.” No kidding. That’s why Biden initially vowed to keep a presence in Afghanistan until every American and ally was out — and why his team is now trying to pretend it hasn’t abandoned thousands of them to a terrorist group with every incentive to use them as leverage.
With Americans trapped in enemy hands, it’s just obscene that the White House actually keeps trying to “turn the page” from Afghanistan to Biden’s big-spending agenda.

It is jaw dropping how Joey Xi Bai Dung can lie at every turn, and the media stays complicitly silent. Remember the websites with tabulations of Trump exaggerations? The constant fact checks done to a ridiculous level.
The today's edicts in a failed attempt to deflect his Afghan clusterfuck by redirecting to Covid-19.
This all works for them because the media controls the dumb masses.
Joey Xi has already dropped Afghanistan and is now deflecting by focusing on preparing us for the next series of decrees to imprison us to solve the “climate change crisis”.
OK, OK, You're still pissed that he got us out of there as he said he would. We get it.
Have you written your Congressmen and Senators to see if they's even put forth a resolution to send the troops back in there? They probably won't go along with you no matter what party they belong to. If they did, he'd veto it, but think how good it would make you feel to try. Then you could bitch about failure and how nobody would go along with your brilliant insight.
2500 troops kept a lid on this thing and kept the Russians and chinese out.
Biden just gifted the country to debauchers, lechers, Chinese and the Russians.
I see the Chinese just gifted a whole bunch to the taliban.
Probably interest from out debt.
Reportedly, the first passenger flight since 10 days ago was allowed out from Kabul earlier today. Meanwhile, Taliban beat up specific journalists that covered the recent protests for women. Hmm...that must be what the Taliban spokesman meant that "the media will be allowed to criticize us, in a positive manner" a week or so ago. Journalists covering protests conflicts with having a good image for the Taliban. Anything short of showing a positive look won't be allowed nor shown...unless one risks death getting the information out.

"Al Jazeera’s Mohammed Jamjoom, reporting from the airport in Doha, said there were about 113 passengers on board. The nationalities on board are comprised of Canadians, Americans, Ukrainians, Germans, British citizens and others”.

It's crazy to think that this guy, Biden, would be able to get people out of Afghanistan when he and his party are too helpless to get IDs for their voting constituents. Nobody should be surprised that he is forced to kiss terrorists asses because they don't respect him, not to mention he equipped them and ceded all the high ground. If Biden ever gets a promotion he will be at imbecile level. And that, boys and girls, is why people don't trust him or believe a word he says.

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