Team Trump's attempt to shift the debate to steps he's taken to combat corvid


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2013

Trump’s announcement comes as his administration has rolled out multiple health care announcements in recent weeks, in a pre-election effort to bolster the president’s record on an important issue to voters. These actions have included executive orders aimed at slashing drug prices, though the ambitious plans have limitations and are not expected to take effect before Election Day. Last week, the administration also released a report on surprise medical bills, as it urged Congress to revive bipartisan efforts to pass consumer protections.

Pressed about his lack of a replacement for Obamacare, Trump also has spent days promising to unveil a health plan of his own, though he declined to detail exactly what that plan would do.

Too Little Too Late? Too much trying to scare suburbia with …… Joe Biden? Portland? I dunno. I do think that today the number of infections actually declined.
Who knows, a new promise a day, mostly just negative comments about how bad half the country is ,when did the president of the United States become the president of one political party only? & every one else counts not at all.
When Trump was a NYC democrat his money was all good.
Now that he's a Republican they are trying to find if any laws were broken?!
How come the democrats never investigate democrats?

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