TEApublican Quotes bible "Let the poor starve"


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2010
GOPer Who Got Millions in Farm Subsidies Thinks the Poor Should Starve Rather Than Get Food Stamps | Alternet

Republican Congressman Stephen Fincher of Tennessee, who supports cuts to the program, had his own Bible verse from the Book of Thessalonians to quote back to Vargas: “The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat,” he said.

I'll add this quote because the talking points will be repeated..

He fulminates about people who are allegedly "unwilling to work" sucking off the government teat with impunity. This is a patently dishonest representation of the SNAP program. Most people who receive food stamps cannot be dismissed as losers who are "unwilling to work." Nearly half (47%) of all food stamp recipients are children. Another 8% are 60 years of age or older. The "working poor" - people who live in a household with income from work - represent another 41%. Between children, the elderly, the working poor, and people who want a job but cannot find one - someone should tell Fincher that there are still more than 3 unemployed job seekers for every 1 opening - that leaves very few people who can be accurately described as being "unwilling" to work. It's also worth noting that the average monthly SNAP benefit is a whopping $287.

Compassionate Conservatives quoting the bible to justify letting the poor starve
The reason this is even more egregious than the usual Republican class warfare is that Fincher himself is a poster boy for government dependency. It's not just that he's benefited here and there from some government help. That sort of low-level hypocrisy is almost to be expected from these types. But Fincher has received millions - $3.2 million as of June 2010 - in federal crop subsidies. The people who refer to themselves as Tea Partiers threatened to derail his candidacy over this, but then they realized that they have no principles, and supported him anyway. He's now a member of the "Tea Party Caucus," which, amazingly, is something that actually exists. Fincher's brother and father also snatched another $6.7 million in subsidies as Stephen geared up to run for Congress on a platform of eliminating "wasteful government spending." The "wasteful spending" that he had in mind, of course, was that which serves policy aims with which he disagrees, such as keeping poor people alive.

Seems like the only handout this guy hates is the one that isn't going into his own hands
The reason this is even more egregious than the usual Republican class warfare is that Fincher himself is a poster boy for government dependency. It's not just that he's benefited here and there from some government help. That sort of low-level hypocrisy is almost to be expected from these types. But Fincher has received millions - $3.2 million as of June 2010 - in federal crop subsidies. The people who refer to themselves as Tea Partiers threatened to derail his candidacy over this, but then they realized that they have no principles, and supported him anyway. He's now a member of the "Tea Party Caucus," which, amazingly, is something that actually exists. Fincher's brother and father also snatched another $6.7 million in subsidies as Stephen geared up to run for Congress on a platform of eliminating "wasteful government spending." The "wasteful spending" that he had in mind, of course, was that which serves policy aims with which he disagrees, such as keeping poor people alive.

Seems like the only handout this guy hates is the one that isn't going into his own hands

I have to agree that "conservative" farmers who support agricultural subsidies are some of the biggest hypocrites there are. I lambasted them constantly when I attended Colorado State University - a big agricultural school. If I ever became dictator, farm subsidies would be their first government program I eliminated.

That being said, the hypocrisy of farmers isn't a valid justification for other kinds of welfare.
Quite honestly, the ONLY form of farm subsidization that exists should be issuance of food stamps. Food stamp usage would help flow cash into the food market, and specific demand for nutritious foods (instead of easy-to-grow field corn and soy beans) could produce much-needed changes in the foods farmers produce.

Currently, farmers are just lazy, uneducated welfare mongers.
Hmm... a part in the bible that tells people to TAKE CARE OF THEMSELVES AND DON'T BE RELIANT ON OTHERS...

Yeah.. that is a BAD thing :rolleyes:

Well.. we see trolling troll is still trolly

No that is actually a good thing. Promoting the idea of letting starving ppl die is one of the main teaching of Jesus and its totally ok. Right Dave?

It's not, but Dave will never say it...Party above all eh Dave.

Now watch
If someone is poor because they refuse to work, the best thing you can do for them is to let them starve. If they choose to starve rather than go to work, they deserve starvation.
If the Bible really did teach that, then why does my church run a food drive for the hungry? A clothing drive for the needy? Why do we minister to others during the holidays?

CC this is overtly disingenuous. I have you on ignore, but I still can read the title. Dork.

Proverbs 19:17

"Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed."
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If someone is poor because they refuse to work, the best thing you can do for them is to let them starve. If they choose to starve rather than go to work, they deserve starvation.

Is that a Jesus quote? I'm unfamiliar with Christian thinking.
If someone is poor because they refuse to work, the best thing you can do for them is to let them starve. If they choose to starve rather than go to work, they deserve starvation.

Is that a Jesus quote? I'm unfamiliar with Christian thinking.

Just an observation from someone with parents that refused to work, until they had to. For all our years of homelessness and abject poverty, I blame the people that helped us along the way. The people that gave us shelter helped us stay homeless, the people that shared their food gave us permission to stay hungry. If only NO one had helped, we might have been able to crawl out of poverty earlier. Maybe they were Christians, but certainly misguided Christians.
GOPer Who Got Millions in Farm Subsidies Thinks the Poor Should Starve Rather Than Get Food Stamps | Alternet

Republican Congressman Stephen Fincher of Tennessee, who supports cuts to the program, had his own Bible verse from the Book of Thessalonians to quote back to Vargas: “The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat,” he said.

I'll add this quote because the talking points will be repeated..

He fulminates about people who are allegedly "unwilling to work" sucking off the government teat with impunity. This is a patently dishonest representation of the SNAP program. Most people who receive food stamps cannot be dismissed as losers who are "unwilling to work." Nearly half (47%) of all food stamp recipients are children. Another 8% are 60 years of age or older. The "working poor" - people who live in a household with income from work - represent another 41%. Between children, the elderly, the working poor, and people who want a job but cannot find one - someone should tell Fincher that there are still more than 3 unemployed job seekers for every 1 opening - that leaves very few people who can be accurately described as being "unwilling" to work. It's also worth noting that the average monthly SNAP benefit is a whopping $287.

Compassionate Conservatives quoting the bible to justify letting the poor starve

The poor can't work?

If you're on welfare you should be out cleaning up your city instead of sitting on your donkey.

It's about time we put an end to generational welfare and get these lazy ass democrats to work.
If the Bible really did teach that, then why does my church run a food drive for the hungry? A clothing drive for the needy? Why do we minister to others during the holidays?

CC this is overtly disingenuous. I have you on ignore, but I still can read the title. Dork.

Proverbs 19:17

"Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed."

I said this Teapublican is promoting that and somehow you thought when I mentioned a person you thought I meant your church
If I had my druthers you and your fellow parasites would be forced to fend for yourselves, and I'd step over your starved corpses after you failed to do so.

Your existence proves liberalism has reversed evolution, because it's now the slothful, stupid, and weak who are breeding and being encouraged to do so even more. We're litterally subsidizing poverty, and some people are actually suprised we're getting more of it.

GOPer Who Got Millions in Farm Subsidies Thinks the Poor Should Starve Rather Than Get Food Stamps | Alternet

Republican Congressman Stephen Fincher of Tennessee, who supports cuts to the program, had his own Bible verse from the Book of Thessalonians to quote back to Vargas: “The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat,” he said.

I'll add this quote because the talking points will be repeated..

He fulminates about people who are allegedly "unwilling to work" sucking off the government teat with impunity. This is a patently dishonest representation of the SNAP program. Most people who receive food stamps cannot be dismissed as losers who are "unwilling to work." Nearly half (47%) of all food stamp recipients are children. Another 8% are 60 years of age or older. The "working poor" - people who live in a household with income from work - represent another 41%. Between children, the elderly, the working poor, and people who want a job but cannot find one - someone should tell Fincher that there are still more than 3 unemployed job seekers for every 1 opening - that leaves very few people who can be accurately described as being "unwilling" to work. It's also worth noting that the average monthly SNAP benefit is a whopping $287.

Compassionate Conservatives quoting the bible to justify letting the poor starve

The poor can't work?

If you're on welfare you should be out cleaning up your city instead of sitting on your donkey.

It's about time we put an end to generational welfare and get these lazy ass democrats to work.

Next time read what you quote instead of going on auto-pilot with your talking points. The poor do work. Now time for you to find a new justification for being an asshole
If you are able bodied and not willing to work you don't deserve any handouts.
This is what he is talking about as well as the Bible.
Big difference between sitting on your butt doing nothing all day but watching TV and playing video games and actual starving poor who could do something for their handouts.
If they are not physically able to work is another thing and they should also get help.
If someone is poor because they refuse to work, the best thing you can do for them is to let them starve. If they choose to starve rather than go to work, they deserve starvation.

Is that a Jesus quote? I'm unfamiliar with Christian thinking.

Just an observation from someone with parents that refused to work, until they had to. For all our years of homelessness and abject poverty, I blame the people that helped us along the way. The people that gave us shelter helped us stay homeless, the people that shared their food gave us permission to stay hungry. If only NO one had helped, we might have been able to crawl out of poverty earlier. Maybe they were Christians, but certainly misguided Christians.

Who cares who you blame? This sounds like a personal issue. From MY point of view, I don't particularly care what you do. It's your soul, so it's your responsibility. I do know that the government issues welfare payments because it's cheaper than actually fixing the problem--besides, aristocrats rather enjoy the presence of a large underclass of peons.

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