TEApublican Quotes bible "Let the poor starve"

My brother is an arch conservative, and has been since long before the tea party. He is against all forms of government welfare, at federal ,state, county, and city levels. He has nothing but contempt for those on food stamps , section 8 housing, etc., etc.

Oh, let me back up a little. My brother worked for a major defense contractor for 50 years. Every paycheck he got was due to government contracts for defence. His son got a government loan to go to college. His wife has MS, and all of her expenses for the last 8 years have been paid by Medicare. He lives in a custom built house that is worth about $600,000 with no mortgage, but draws his SS check every month. He just had surgery last month, again, paid by Medicare. In spite of that, he considers "Obamacare' to be socialistic. When we were growing up, our grandmother got monthly food subsidies , like penut butter and bread, which were provided by the government through their programs to buy and distribute farm surplues. Between that, and my mother's support, she did not starve. He hates unions, in spite of the fact that when our father lost his job, which meant that we would lose our home, the union got his job back for him.

I was on food stamps once. It was after Katrina, and all the banks and ATMS were closed. Almost all employers were closed. It was impossible to access one's money. There was no mail delivery, and even trying to use a credit card was very Iffy". With a food stamp card, I could go to Walmart, buy canned food, swip the food stamp card, and feed my family. I guess that makes me a welfare king, too lazy and irresponsible to rely on myself.

You opted for welfare and your brother didn't. So what's your point?

If I have to explain it to you, then I feel sorry for you. My brother lived in Texas, and did not have to deal with Katrina. I "Opted" for food stamps, because the alternative was not to eat. I am sure that marks me as a leach in your eyes.
Is that a Jesus quote? I'm unfamiliar with Christian thinking.

The Reign of King Charlemange, The Crusades, The Spanish Inquisition, European Pogroms, The Holocaust..

These are the results of Christian Thinking.

Nothing unusual here..

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=irx_QXsJiao]Tea Party Crowd Cheers Letting Uninsured Die - YouTube[/ame]

1. The crusades were caused by islam attacking into Europe. Remember islam was spread by the sword throughout the old roman world and they had thoughts of doing the same into Europe.
2. Spanish Inquisition-->Well, I don't like anything that forces people to do anything but islam really sucks.
3. Well, people of a nation can do as they want. Humanity has done a lot of this throughout history...How can you blame Christians alone?
4. Hitler wasn't following the words of the bible. lol. :eusa_pray: I could throw in Stalin, Mao, Po pot, etc to counter your point.

I don't want anyone to starve and anyone that uses jesus in such away is evil.

You are a virtual fountain of misinformation, any of which can be dismissed by a simple Google. The Muslim Turks did not start the Crusades by invading Europe. They invaded the Christain Bzantine Empire, whose emperor wrote a letter to Pope Urban II asking for a few mercenaries to help drive the Turks out of his kingdom in the holy land. Urban II called for the first crusade, which not only invaded the Turkish held holy land, but pretty much wiped out the Byzantine Empuire as well. The Christains had such a good time of it, that they continued to launch crusades into the holy land for over 200 years, before getting tired of having to give it all back when it was time to go home. Instead, they began waring with each other, as the formalized Western Europeian nations took shape. The Turks, who had never been an aggressor to Europen powers, were very relieved to see them go.
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Interesting that people actually condone letting people starve. It does take work to eat, no doubt about that. Seems to me that conservatives should be interested in giving people a hand up, not gloating as they starve.

There are working market solutions to the problem, urban gardening, barter, cottage industries, to name a few. Welfare reservations are a disgrace. So are conservatives and Christians who offer the poor nothing but the back of their hands.
The Reign of King Charlemange, The Crusades, The Spanish Inquisition, European Pogroms, The Holocaust..

These are the results of Christian Thinking.

Nothing unusual here..

Tea Party Crowd Cheers Letting Uninsured Die - YouTube

1. The crusades were caused by islam attacking into Europe. Remember islam was spread by the sword throughout the old roman world and they had thoughts of doing the same into Europe.
2. Spanish Inquisition-->Well, I don't like anything that forces people to do anything but islam really sucks.
3. Well, people of a nation can do as they want. Humanity has done a lot of this throughout history...How can you blame Christians alone?
4. Hitler wasn't following the words of the bible. lol. :eusa_pray: I could throw in Stalin, Mao, Po pot, etc to counter your point.

I don't want anyone to starve and anyone that uses jesus in such away is evil.

You are a virtual fountain of misinformation, any of which can be dismissed by a simple Google. The Muslim Turks did not start the Crusades by invading Europe. They invaded the Christain Bzantine Empire, whose emperor wrote a letter to Pope Urban II asking for a few mercenaries to help drive the Turks out of his kingdom in the holy land. Urban II called for the first crusade, which not only invaded the Turkish held holy land, but pretty much wiped out the Byzantine Empuire as well. The Christains had such a good time of it, that they continued to launch crusades into the holy land for over 200 years, before getting tired of having to give it all back when it was time to go home. Instead, they began waring with each other, as the formalized Western Europeian nations took shape. The Turks, who had never been an aggressor to Europen powers, were very relieved to see them go.

Who tells you these things? What idiot is giving out that information? Oh, and learn to spell.

The Byzantine Empire was basically the Eastern half of the Roman Empire. It was, indeed, under attack by the Ottomans. Why do you lie like you do?
GOPer Who Got Millions in Farm Subsidies Thinks the Poor Should Starve Rather Than Get Food Stamps | Alternet

Republican Congressman Stephen Fincher of Tennessee, who supports cuts to the program, had his own Bible verse from the Book of Thessalonians to quote back to Vargas: “The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat,” he said.

I'll add this quote because the talking points will be repeated..

He fulminates about people who are allegedly "unwilling to work" sucking off the government teat with impunity. This is a patently dishonest representation of the SNAP program. Most people who receive food stamps cannot be dismissed as losers who are "unwilling to work." Nearly half (47%) of all food stamp recipients are children. Another 8% are 60 years of age or older. The "working poor" - people who live in a household with income from work - represent another 41%. Between children, the elderly, the working poor, and people who want a job but cannot find one - someone should tell Fincher that there are still more than 3 unemployed job seekers for every 1 opening - that leaves very few people who can be accurately described as being "unwilling" to work. It's also worth noting that the average monthly SNAP benefit is a whopping $287.

Compassionate Conservatives quoting the bible to justify letting the poor starve
My brother is an arch conservative, and has been since long before the tea party. He is against all forms of government welfare, at federal ,state, county, and city levels. He has nothing but contempt for those on food stamps , section 8 housing, etc., etc.

Oh, let me back up a little. My brother worked for a major defense contractor for 50 years. Every paycheck he got was due to government contracts for defence. His son got a government loan to go to college. His wife has MS, and all of her expenses for the last 8 years have been paid by Medicare. He lives in a custom built house that is worth about $600,000 with no mortgage, but draws his SS check every month. He just had surgery last month, again, paid by Medicare. In spite of that, he considers "Obamacare' to be socialistic. When we were growing up, our grandmother got monthly food subsidies , like penut butter and bread, which were provided by the government through their programs to buy and distribute farm surplues. Between that, and my mother's support, she did not starve. He hates unions, in spite of the fact that when our father lost his job, which meant that we would lose our home, the union got his job back for him.

I was on food stamps once. It was after Katrina, and all the banks and ATMS were closed. Almost all employers were closed. It was impossible to access one's money. There was no mail delivery, and even trying to use a credit card was very Iffy". With a food stamp card, I could go to Walmart, buy canned food, swip the food stamp card, and feed my family. I guess that makes me a welfare king, too lazy and irresponsible to rely on myself.

You opted for welfare and your brother didn't. So what's your point?

If I have to explain it to you, then I feel sorry for you. My brother lived in Texas, and did not have to deal with Katrina. I "Opted" for food stamps, because the alternative was not to eat. I am sure that marks me as a leach in your eyes.

idk, if it was me, I'd opt to get a job. but that's just me
Compassionate Conservatives quoting the bible to justify letting the poor starve

I was unaware that the poor are unwilling to work. Or that the wealthy were all working.

If you aren't willing to work, you shouldn't eat. But what does that say about those who are unable to for whatever reason, but who are more than willing to?

Of course, you don't really care about the poor. So I am not surprised you are arguing this. If you did, you wouldnt support policies designed to keep them poor.
Send the illegals back to where ever they came from. There would be plenty of work.
i looked for a non left winger source for this quote and couldn't find a single one. not even a video of him saying.

until there is a reliable source, i call bullshit on this supposed quote.
Compassionate Conservatives quoting the bible to justify letting the poor starve

I was unaware that the poor are unwilling to work. Or that the wealthy were all working.

If you aren't willing to work, you shouldn't eat. But what does that say about those who are unable to for whatever reason, but who are more than willing to?

Of course, you don't really care about the poor. So I am not surprised you are arguing this. If you did, you wouldnt support policies designed to keep them poor.

Yeah except you and other Repubs like to to say "If you don't work you shouldn't eat" and then apply that to ppl on Welfare. Assuming that because you are on Welfare you aren't working.

From the article we know this isn't the case. So, what he is saying (and many of you are defending) is that ppl on Welfare don't work therefore they should starve.
If someone is poor because they refuse to work, the best thing you can do for them is to let them starve. If they choose to starve rather than go to work, they deserve starvation.

Is that a Jesus quote? I'm unfamiliar with Christian thinking.

Just an observation from someone with parents that refused to work, until they had to. For all our years of homelessness and abject poverty, I blame the people that helped us along the way. The people that gave us shelter helped us stay homeless, the people that shared their food gave us permission to stay hungry. If only NO one had helped, we might have been able to crawl out of poverty earlier. Maybe they were Christians, but certainly misguided Christians.

Well now, I guess I see exactly what you mean. Had they let you starve, we would not have to put up with you on the board.
Is that a Jesus quote? I'm unfamiliar with Christian thinking.

Just an observation from someone with parents that refused to work, until they had to. For all our years of homelessness and abject poverty, I blame the people that helped us along the way. The people that gave us shelter helped us stay homeless, the people that shared their food gave us permission to stay hungry. If only NO one had helped, we might have been able to crawl out of poverty earlier. Maybe they were Christians, but certainly misguided Christians.

Well now, I guess I see exactly what you mean. Had they let you starve, we would not have to put up with you on the board.

Not really, the authorities would have just taken me away sooner. When push came to some serious shove, my dad got a job quick enough and an apartment. So that kind of poverty was entirely self inflicted. Self inflicted with help from a number of do good enablers.
Compassionate Conservatives quoting the bible to justify letting the poor starve

I was unaware that the poor are unwilling to work. Or that the wealthy were all working.

If you aren't willing to work, you shouldn't eat. But what does that say about those who are unable to for whatever reason, but who are more than willing to?

Of course, you don't really care about the poor. So I am not surprised you are arguing this. If you did, you wouldnt support policies designed to keep them poor.

Yeah except you and other Repubs like to to say "If you don't work you shouldn't eat" and then apply that to ppl on Welfare. Assuming that because you are on Welfare you aren't working.

From the article we know this isn't the case. So, what he is saying (and many of you are defending) is that ppl on Welfare don't work therefore they should starve.

Ok. lets try to get this straight. No conservatives or republicans or libertarians want people to starve.

But, if someone is able to work, has a job available to them, and refuses to work, then that person should not get help from the government (us).

If someone is physically or mentally unable to work then that person should be helped--by both private charties and govt subsistence.

what we oppose is generational welfare that has destroyed families, communities, and lives.
I was unaware that the poor are unwilling to work. Or that the wealthy were all working.

If you aren't willing to work, you shouldn't eat. But what does that say about those who are unable to for whatever reason, but who are more than willing to?

Of course, you don't really care about the poor. So I am not surprised you are arguing this. If you did, you wouldnt support policies designed to keep them poor.

Best welfare system I've ever seen is the Mormon welfare system. The recipients of aid are also the workers in the system.

My sister in law from my first marriage married an Iranian - stupid. At any rate - it ended in disaster and she was left with 3 kids, no marketable skills, no education, no hope. She was Mormon (Why she married a Muslim is the question of the ages, low self-esteem.)

They put her into their welfare program. This was WAYYYYY different than the dole from the government. She didn't get food stamps, but rather a form that listed the foods she needed for the week. She filled it out and the actual food was brought to her.

But it doesn't end there. Because the Mormons produce their own food for the welfare program. So for 3 days a week, church ladies would care for her kids. She'd get picked up and driven to Colton (in California) to work in the Deseret canning plant - helping to process the very food she was receiving.

This did several things;

First it taught her a skill. It taught her how to interact in a work environment. But mostly it gave her a sense of self-respect - she was EARNING her way. Sure, not all of it, but she was contributing to her own survival, not just putting her hand out.

Another think was they never gave her cash. The Bishop paid her rent directly to the landlord. They did the same with utilities. Her needs were met, but there was no monthly check and no discretionary spending. No McDonalds or other crap.

This is the way government welfare should work. Government welfare is more about the government workers than the needy, it's designed to keep millions of SEIU member sucking off the public tit, not to help the needy. Under the Mormon system, no one got a pay check. Everyone working in the system were either recipients or volunteers.

See, I don't object to my taxes helping the truly needy. I DO object to my taxes going to fund greedy government union slugs who retire at 50.
I was unaware that the poor are unwilling to work. Or that the wealthy were all working.

If you aren't willing to work, you shouldn't eat. But what does that say about those who are unable to for whatever reason, but who are more than willing to?

Of course, you don't really care about the poor. So I am not surprised you are arguing this. If you did, you wouldnt support policies designed to keep them poor.

Yeah except you and other Repubs like to to say "If you don't work you shouldn't eat" and then apply that to ppl on Welfare. Assuming that because you are on Welfare you aren't working.

From the article we know this isn't the case. So, what he is saying (and many of you are defending) is that ppl on Welfare don't work therefore they should starve.

Ok. lets try to get this straight. No conservatives or republicans or libertarians want people to starve.

But, if someone is able to work, has a job available to them, and refuses to work, then that person should not get help from the government (us).

If someone is physically or mentally unable to work then that person should be helped--by both private charties and govt subsistence.

what we oppose is generational welfare that has destroyed families, communities, and lives.


When ppl say that ppl on welfare don't work. Then say that ppl who don't work deserve to starve. What they are saying is that ppl on welfare deserve to starve. While ignoring the FACT that ppl on welfare DO WORK.

Its' like saying Pigeons don't fly and birds that don't fly deserve to be killed so I go to the house floor with bible quotes and other bullshit making the case for killing pigeons. Except, PIGEONS DO FLY!!

See how this game is played? Suggest, suggest, suggest but don't say it because saying it bluntly would make you look bad
GOPer Who Got Millions in Farm Subsidies Thinks the Poor Should Starve Rather Than Get Food Stamps | Alternet

Republican Congressman Stephen Fincher of Tennessee, who supports cuts to the program, had his own Bible verse from the Book of Thessalonians to quote back to Vargas: “The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat,” he said.

I'll add this quote because the talking points will be repeated..

He fulminates about people who are allegedly "unwilling to work" sucking off the government teat with impunity. This is a patently dishonest representation of the SNAP program. Most people who receive food stamps cannot be dismissed as losers who are "unwilling to work." Nearly half (47%) of all food stamp recipients are children. Another 8% are 60 years of age or older. The "working poor" - people who live in a household with income from work - represent another 41%. Between children, the elderly, the working poor, and people who want a job but cannot find one - someone should tell Fincher that there are still more than 3 unemployed job seekers for every 1 opening - that leaves very few people who can be accurately described as being "unwilling" to work. It's also worth noting that the average monthly SNAP benefit is a whopping $287.

Compassionate Conservatives quoting the bible to justify letting the poor starve

I don't see how you get "Let the poor Starve" from "Those who are unwilling to work shall not eat"

One can be poor and willing to work. One can be willing to work but be unable to work. One can be willing to work while being out of work at the moment.
I was unaware that the poor are unwilling to work. Or that the wealthy were all working.

If you aren't willing to work, you shouldn't eat. But what does that say about those who are unable to for whatever reason, but who are more than willing to?

Of course, you don't really care about the poor. So I am not surprised you are arguing this. If you did, you wouldnt support policies designed to keep them poor.

Best welfare system I've ever seen is the Mormon welfare system. The recipients of aid are also the workers in the system.

My sister in law from my first marriage married an Iranian - stupid. At any rate - it ended in disaster and she was left with 3 kids, no marketable skills, no education, no hope. She was Mormon (Why she married a Muslim is the question of the ages, low self-esteem.)

They put her into their welfare program. This was WAYYYYY different than the dole from the government. She didn't get food stamps, but rather a form that listed the foods she needed for the week. She filled it out and the actual food was brought to her.

But it doesn't end there. Because the Mormons produce their own food for the welfare program. So for 3 days a week, church ladies would care for her kids. She'd get picked up and driven to Colton (in California) to work in the Deseret canning plant - helping to process the very food she was receiving.

This did several things;

First it taught her a skill. It taught her how to interact in a work environment. But mostly it gave her a sense of self-respect - she was EARNING her way. Sure, not all of it, but she was contributing to her own survival, not just putting her hand out.

Another think was they never gave her cash. The Bishop paid her rent directly to the landlord. They did the same with utilities. Her needs were met, but there was no monthly check and no discretionary spending. No McDonalds or other crap.

This is the way government welfare should work. Government welfare is more about the government workers than the needy, it's designed to keep millions of SEIU member sucking off the public tit, not to help the needy. Under the Mormon system, no one got a pay check. Everyone working in the system were either recipients or volunteers.

See, I don't object to my taxes helping the truly needy. I DO object to my taxes going to fund greedy government union slugs who retire at 50.

That is EXCELLENT. That's the way it should work.
i looked for a non left winger source for this quote and couldn't find a single one. not even a video of him saying.

until there is a reliable source, i call bullshit on this supposed quote.

no surprise closed caption can't find a reliable source to back up his thread

My brother is an arch conservative, and has been since long before the tea party. He is against all forms of government welfare, at federal ,state, county, and city levels. He has nothing but contempt for those on food stamps , section 8 housing, etc., etc.

Oh, let me back up a little. My brother worked for a major defense contractor for 50 years. Every paycheck he got was due to government contracts for defence. His son got a government loan to go to college. His wife has MS, and all of her expenses for the last 8 years have been paid by Medicare. He lives in a custom built house that is worth about $600,000 with no mortgage, but draws his SS check every month. He just had surgery last month, again, paid by Medicare. In spite of that, he considers "Obamacare' to be socialistic. When we were growing up, our grandmother got monthly food subsidies , like penut butter and bread, which were provided by the government through their programs to buy and distribute farm surplues. Between that, and my mother's support, she did not starve. He hates unions, in spite of the fact that when our father lost his job, which meant that we would lose our home, the union got his job back for him.

I was on food stamps once. It was after Katrina, and all the banks and ATMS were closed. Almost all employers were closed. It was impossible to access one's money. There was no mail delivery, and even trying to use a credit card was very Iffy". With a food stamp card, I could go to Walmart, buy canned food, swip the food stamp card, and feed my family. I guess that makes me a welfare king, too lazy and irresponsible to rely on myself.

You opted for welfare and your brother didn't. So what's your point?

If I have to explain it to you, then I feel sorry for you. My brother lived in Texas, and did not have to deal with Katrina. I "Opted" for food stamps, because the alternative was not to eat. I am sure that marks me as a leach in your eyes.

Well your entire story sounds like made up hogwash. If as you claim credit cards were "iffy" then food stamp cards would be "iffy" too. If you can swipe a food stamp card, you can swipe a credit or debit card just as easily. I've lived through many hurricanes here on the Texas coast and never once had to lower myself to go on welfare.

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