TEApublican Quotes bible "Let the poor starve"


People that are in real need sometimes need help...Totally understandable if they're abled adults that are using the system.

What's even worse is that because of the sloths in the system, people who really do deserve help suffer a lower standard of living than we should otherwise be able to provide.

And whats worst is accusing ppl of being lazy while being too lazy to read the OP. Then bringing up a fake point that was addressed in the OP you were too lazy to read
Nobody refuses to work, and the myths you KNOW are hater bs. The min wage is a joke, and having to lose Medicaid to get work is a disgrace, ending next year. Pass a real gd jobs bill and a living wage, dupes. Also, those farm subsidies are usually a good idea when you know the facts, chumps lol.

The only chump here is you, Frank.

A lot of people refuse to work because welfare incentivizes them to stay at home. Tell me how welfare encourages people to work, then you can run your mouth all you want to. Or, just quit spouting liberal demagoguery all over this board. Thanks.
Hmm... a part in the bible that tells people to TAKE CARE OF THEMSELVES AND DON'T BE RELIANT ON OTHERS...

Yeah.. that is a BAD thing :rolleyes:

Well.. we see trolling troll is still trolly

No that is actually a good thing. Promoting the idea of letting starving ppl die is one of the main teaching of Jesus and its totally ok. Right Dave?

It's not, but Dave will never say it...Party above all eh Dave.

Now watch

Funny.. I am no longer a Republican. I am a registered Libertarian who votes Conservative.

I am not for letting people starve.. I am for doing all you wish to do for others VOLUNTARILY of your own free will. If it is more than person A, great. It is the same as person B, great. If it is less that person C, great. IT IS UP TO YOU....

But to FORCE others to pay for the personal upkeep of those who will not do for themselves is WRONG.... Because the vast majority of those getting 'assistance' are quite capable of doing things to earn for their upkeep. If is a minority that are truly in a state where they cannot take care of themselves at all.
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Nobody refuses to work, and the myths you KNOW are hater bs. The min wage is a joke, and having to lose Medicaid to get work is a disgrace, ending next year. Pass a real gd jobs bill and a living wage, dupes. Also, those farm subsidies are usually a good idea when you know the facts, chumps lol.

The only chump here is you, Frank.

A lot of people refuse to work because welfare incentivizes them to stay at home. Tell me how welfare encourages people to work, then you can run your mouth all you want to. Or, just quit spouting liberal demagoguery all over this board. Thanks.

Why not make most of the economy work by robotics? This way most people will just sit on their asses and bitch at each other. ;)
That's crazy so, you mean...AlterNet made him say that? That is all types of evil

Nah, I'm saying Alternet openly lies. Slander and Libel are the product that Alternet provides.

Only an idiot, and I mean a COMPLETE fucking idiot, believes one word from that putrid sewer of hate.

Of course the fact that they shamelessly lie about those you hate is what you like about Alternet.

DNC motto: "Integrity? Not here!"

You like to mix in a lot different things and call it a point. So they lied on what I posted or not?

Why are you avoiding that question?
Hmm... a part in the bible that tells people to TAKE CARE OF THEMSELVES AND DON'T BE RELIANT ON OTHERS...

Yeah.. that is a BAD thing :rolleyes:

Well.. we see trolling troll is still trolly

No that is actually a good thing. Promoting the idea of letting starving ppl die is one of the main teaching of Jesus and its totally ok. Right Dave?

It's not, but Dave will never say it...Party above all eh Dave.

Now watch

Funny.. I am no longer a Republican. I am a registered Libertarian who votes Conservative.
Save the bio, no one cares

I am not for letting people starve.. I am for doing all you wish to do for others VOLUNTARILY of your own free will. If it is more than person A, great. It is the same as person B, great. If it is less that person C, great. IT IS UP TO YOU....

But to FORCE others to pay for the personal upkeep of those who will not do for themselves is WRONG.... Because the vast majority of those getting 'assistance' are quite capable of doing things to earn for their upkeep. If is a minority that are truly in a state where they cannot take care of themselves at all.

So letting them starve is a good thing or bad thing? Are you always so confused?

People that are in real need sometimes need help...Totally understandable if they're abled adults that are using the system.

What's even worse is that because of the sloths in the system, people who really do deserve help suffer a lower standard of living than we should otherwise be able to provide.

And whats worst is accusing ppl of being lazy while being too lazy to read the OP. Then bringing up a fake point that was addressed in the OP you were too lazy to read

You're too lazy to argue. Your OP was an anti-religious troll piece. This is why nobody takes you seriously.
All nondisabled welfare/ food stamp recipients ARE forced to work at minimum wage for all their cash and food benefits AND apply for employment... Read something, and pass a real gd jobs bill, and some training programs for that matter. Hater dupes.
If someone is poor because they refuse to work, the best thing you can do for them is to let them starve. If they choose to starve rather than go to work, they deserve starvation.

Is that a Jesus quote? I'm unfamiliar with Christian thinking.

The Reign of King Charlemange, The Crusades, The Spanish Inquisition, European Pogroms, The Holocaust..

These are the results of Christian Thinking.

Nothing unusual here..

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=irx_QXsJiao]Tea Party Crowd Cheers Letting Uninsured Die - YouTube[/ame]
Does anyone else see the HUGE difference between those unable to work and those unwilling? If a person has a choice and decides not to work, should we step up and enable them to remain lazy?

How many people take crappy jobs simply because they desire to feed and house themselves and their families? It's hard to have sympathy for those who just plain don't want to work.

What the guy is referring to is the old adage, "There's no such thing as a free lunch." Many of us were taught growing up that we must earn our way if we are able and that it's wrong to take advantage of others by having them provide for us that which we could provide for ourselves.

While the less sophisticated people will see that remark as starving the poor, it simply isn't what the guy was saying. He did not say anything about the disabled or the downtrodden. If a person chooses not to work when they could, they are not the downtrodden, they are the selfish ones and it is wrong for others to carry the burden. How many workers are just flat out disgusted with those who have the entitlement mentality and feel it's the responsibility of others to ensure that they have enough money left over for tattoos, gambling casinos and strip joints after they buy the necessities?

Those who have come to believe they are entitled just because they were born need to learn some tough lessons, like understanding that if they want something they should earn it.

Those who have stumbled after working for years usually are the ones who fight to pull themselves back up. What should we do to encourage those who have never tried to provide for themselves? How do we get them away from the selfish notion that they have a right to live off the labor of others? Enticing people to escape the liberal plantation should be the goal here, not finding more ways to make them comfortable in their dependence.
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Nobody refuses to work, and the myths you KNOW are hater bs. The min wage is a joke, and having to lose Medicaid to get work is a disgrace, ending next year. Pass a real gd jobs bill and a living wage, dupes. Also, those farm subsidies are usually a good idea when you know the facts, chumps lol.

The only chump here is you, Frank.

A lot of people refuse to work because welfare incentivizes them to stay at home. Tell me how welfare encourages people to work, then you can run your mouth all you want to. Or, just quit spouting liberal demagoguery all over this board. Thanks.

That's basically a lie. The people who "refuse" to work to go on the "fine living" that welfare provides are few and far between.

What you do find among the ranks of those who can not work are:
-The disabled.
-Veterans who were adversely effected by war.
-Ex Cons.
-The Mentally handicapped.

And letting those people rot would diminish us as a society and ruin our moral fabric.
You like to mix in a lot different things and call it a point. So they lied on what I posted or not?

Why are you avoiding that question?

Well, let's look at the slander you posted from the lying demagogues at the hate site Alternet, shall we?

He fulminates about people who are allegedly "unwilling to work"

Does he? Does he really? How about an actual quote instead of the smear that the little Goebbels puts out? How the fuck does anyone know what he actually said?

Ah, but that isn't the point or the goal, the aim here is to smear and libel, not to provide a factual account.

sucking off the government teat with impunity. This is a patently dishonest representation of the SNAP program.

So Herr Goebbels fails to offer a factual representation, then turns around and calls his victim "dishonest?"

ROFL - Only a leftist could be so brazen and ironic.

Most people who receive food stamps cannot be dismissed as losers who are "unwilling to work." Nearly half (47%) of all food stamp recipients are children.

That's dishonest - utterly. No children receive food stamps. Grants are made to the head of household, which 99% of the time is the mother. No one is sending an EBT to a 6 year old in their name the Alternet scumbag is openly and shamelessly lying- which is what Alternet does.
No that is actually a good thing. Promoting the idea of letting starving ppl die is one of the main teaching of Jesus and its totally ok. Right Dave?

It's not, but Dave will never say it...Party above all eh Dave.

Now watch

Funny.. I am no longer a Republican. I am a registered Libertarian who votes Conservative.
Save the bio, no one cares

I am not for letting people starve.. I am for doing all you wish to do for others VOLUNTARILY of your own free will. If it is more than person A, great. It is the same as person B, great. If it is less that person C, great. IT IS UP TO YOU....

But to FORCE others to pay for the personal upkeep of those who will not do for themselves is WRONG.... Because the vast majority of those getting 'assistance' are quite capable of doing things to earn for their upkeep. If is a minority that are truly in a state where they cannot take care of themselves at all.

So letting them starve is a good thing or bad thing? Are you always so confused?

Funny.. YOU made it about party... not me...

Voluntarily giving of yourself to help those less fortunate is a good thing. Not helping others when you can help is a bad thing. Forcing others to do your charity work thru government taxation and redistribution is just as much of a bad thing..

You you always trying to trap and thinking people can't see thru your bullshit??

Nobody refuses to work, and the myths you KNOW are hater bs. The min wage is a joke, and having to lose Medicaid to get work is a disgrace, ending next year. Pass a real gd jobs bill and a living wage, dupes. Also, those farm subsidies are usually a good idea when you know the facts, chumps lol.

The only chump here is you, Frank.

A lot of people refuse to work because welfare incentivizes them to stay at home. Tell me how welfare encourages people to work, then you can run your mouth all you want to. Or, just quit spouting liberal demagoguery all over this board. Thanks.

That's basically a lie. The people who "refuse" to work to go on the "fine living" that welfare provides are few and far between.

What you do find among the ranks of those who can not work are:
-The disabled.
-Veterans who were adversely effected by war.
-Ex Cons.
-The Mentally handicapped.

And letting those people rot would diminish us as a society and ruin our moral fabric.

Prove its a lie, Sallow. Do it. Don't word me to death. Don't waste my time with prevaricated talking points. Once again, as a Christian, I advocate helping people who actually need it, not those who would take advantage of my generosity. Do you really believe that every single person on Welfare could be anyone on that list? You can't honestly expect me to believe that.

Please, take your bleeding heart positions elsewhere.
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If someone is poor because they refuse to work, the best thing you can do for them is to let them starve. If they choose to starve rather than go to work, they deserve starvation.

Is that a Jesus quote? I'm unfamiliar with Christian thinking.

The Reign of King Charlemange, The Crusades, The Spanish Inquisition, European Pogroms, The Holocaust..

These are the results of Christian Thinking.

Nothing unusual here..

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=irx_QXsJiao]Tea Party Crowd Cheers Letting Uninsured Die - YouTube[/ame]

1. The crusades were caused by islam attacking into Europe. Remember islam was spread by the sword throughout the old roman world and they had thoughts of doing the same into Europe.
2. Spanish Inquisition-->Well, I don't like anything that forces people to do anything but islam really sucks.
3. Well, people of a nation can do as they want. Humanity has done a lot of this throughout history...How can you blame Christians alone?
4. Hitler wasn't following the words of the bible. lol. :eusa_pray: I could throw in Stalin, Mao, Po pot, etc to counter your point.

I don't want anyone to starve and anyone that uses jesus in such away is evil.
My brother is an arch conservative, and has been since long before the tea party. He is against all forms of government welfare, at federal ,state, county, and city levels. He has nothing but contempt for those on food stamps , section 8 housing, etc., etc.

Oh, let me back up a little. My brother worked for a major defense contractor for 50 years. Every paycheck he got was due to government contracts for defence. His son got a government loan to go to college. His wife has MS, and all of her expenses for the last 8 years have been paid by Medicare. He lives in a custom built house that is worth about $600,000 with no mortgage, but draws his SS check every month. He just had surgery last month, again, paid by Medicare. In spite of that, he considers "Obamacare' to be socialistic. When we were growing up, our grandmother got monthly food subsidies , like penut butter and bread, which were provided by the government through their programs to buy and distribute farm surplues. Between that, and my mother's support, she did not starve. He hates unions, in spite of the fact that when our father lost his job, which meant that we would lose our home, the union got his job back for him.

I was on food stamps once. It was after Katrina, and all the banks and ATMS were closed. Almost all employers were closed. It was impossible to access one's money. There was no mail delivery, and even trying to use a credit card was very Iffy". With a food stamp card, I could go to Walmart, buy canned food, swip the food stamp card, and feed my family. I guess that makes me a welfare king, too lazy and irresponsible to rely on myself.

You opted for welfare and your brother didn't. So what's your point?

Probably that his brother is an arrogant, blinkered, ignorant, brainwashed hater dupe that's going to hell, and that hater dupes that believe in the lazy UE and disabled will be joining him. Thank God for our safety net. Successful people in the Greatest Generation used to be grateful for their good fortune and wanted to help their fellow man and the country. Oh, I guess those were STILL the Dems...

Breaking News for hater dupes: This is the Pub Great World Recession, not a new entitlement attitude. Brainwashed hater morons. Enjoy hell. LOL
If someone is poor because they refuse to work, the best thing you can do for them is to let them starve. If they choose to starve rather than go to work, they deserve starvation.

Is that a Jesus quote? I'm unfamiliar with Christian thinking.

The Reign of King Charlemange, The Crusades, The Spanish Inquisition, European Pogroms, The Holocaust..

These are the results of Christian Thinking.

Nothing unusual here..

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=irx_QXsJiao]Tea Party Crowd Cheers Letting Uninsured Die - YouTube[/ame]

Mass killings under Communist regimes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nope, nothing unusual here.
i still want to know why libs aren't taking the homeless and hungry into their own homes
You like to mix in a lot different things and call it a point. So they lied on what I posted or not?

Why are you avoiding that question?

Well, let's look at the slander you posted from the lying demagogues at the hate site Alternet, shall we?

He fulminates about people who are allegedly "unwilling to work"

Does he? Does he really? How about an actual quote instead of the smear that the little Goebbels puts out? How the fuck does anyone know what he actually said?

Ah, but that isn't the point or the goal, the aim here is to smear and libel, not to provide a factual account.

sucking off the government teat with impunity. This is a patently dishonest representation of the SNAP program.

So Herr Goebbels fails to offer a factual representation, then turns around and calls his victim "dishonest?"

ROFL - Only a leftist could be so brazen and ironic.

Most people who receive food stamps cannot be dismissed as losers who are "unwilling to work." Nearly half (47%) of all food stamp recipients are children.

That's dishonest - utterly. No children receive food stamps. Grants are made to the head of household, which 99% of the time is the mother. No one is sending an EBT to a 6 year old in their name the Alternet scumbag is openly and shamelessly lying- which is what Alternet does.

You are painfully stupid as evidenced by your retort "Children don't receive Food Stamps". Or at least you doing the perpetually dumb act. Or maybe you really think that they are saying that children go into welfare offices and apply for SNAP themselves.

Is that what you think? C'mon so I can laugh some more

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