TEApublican Quotes bible "Let the poor starve"

Is that a Jesus quote? I'm unfamiliar with Christian thinking.

The Reign of King Charlemange, The Crusades, The Spanish Inquisition, European Pogroms, The Holocaust..

These are the results of Christian Thinking.

Nothing unusual here..

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=irx_QXsJiao]Tea Party Crowd Cheers Letting Uninsured Die - YouTube[/ame]

1. The crusades were caused by islam attacking into Europe. Remember islam was spread by the sword throughout the old roman world and they had thoughts of doing the same into Europe.
2. Spanish Inquisition-->Well, I don't like anything that forces people to do anything but islam really sucks.
3. Well, people of a nation can do as they want. Humanity has done a lot of this throughout history...How can you blame Christians alone?
4. Hitler wasn't following the words of the bible. lol. :eusa_pray: I could throw in Stalin, Mao, Po pot, etc to counter your point.

I don't want anyone to starve and anyone that uses jesus in such away is evil.

Hitler perverted the Bible. Then he flat out disregarded it for the pagan so-called "Aryan" faith
i still want to know why libs aren't taking the homeless and hungry into their own homes

A conservative sees a hungry man and buys him a meal.

A leftist sees a hungry man and robs all his neighbors; then opens himself a restaurant and pays himself a six figure salary with the loot he took from others, to prepare a meal for the hungry man.
GOPer Who Got Millions in Farm Subsidies Thinks the Poor Should Starve Rather Than Get Food Stamps | Alternet

Republican Congressman Stephen Fincher of Tennessee, who supports cuts to the program, had his own Bible verse from the Book of Thessalonians to quote back to Vargas: “The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat,” he said.

I'll add this quote because the talking points will be repeated..

He fulminates about people who are allegedly "unwilling to work" sucking off the government teat with impunity. This is a patently dishonest representation of the SNAP program. Most people who receive food stamps cannot be dismissed as losers who are "unwilling to work." Nearly half (47%) of all food stamp recipients are children. Another 8% are 60 years of age or older. The "working poor" - people who live in a household with income from work - represent another 41%. Between children, the elderly, the working poor, and people who want a job but cannot find one - someone should tell Fincher that there are still more than 3 unemployed job seekers for every 1 opening - that leaves very few people who can be accurately described as being "unwilling" to work. It's also worth noting that the average monthly SNAP benefit is a whopping $287.

Compassionate Conservatives quoting the bible to justify letting the poor starve

they are an odd bunch those TEAPubs
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You are painfully stupid as evidenced by your retort "Children don't receive Food Stamps". Or at least you doing the perpetually dumb act. Or maybe you really think that they are saying that children go into welfare offices and apply for SNAP themselves.

Is that what you think? C'mon so I can laugh some more

Alternet is a lying cesspool, which you know and admire about them.

Children DON'T receive food stamps - simple fact.

The parents receive a grant based on the number of dependents, but it is the head of household, as both you and the lying fuckwads at Alternet know.

You got busted.

Even CommonDreams occasionally posts something factual - but if it's on Alternet - it's a lie, every single time.
NO one wants the poor to starve. Conservatives want help to be voluntary and selective. liberals want to steal money from those that have it and give it to who they (liberals) decide "need" it.

voluntary charity vs government slavery.

When you have worked in health care, you have seen the abuses of the system and they are beyond all reason. When Tenncare took over Medicaid in TN, they tried some novel things to cut down on those abuses. It was somewhat helpful, but abuse is still rampant because it makes perfect logical sense to some to call an ambulance for a stubbed toe.
You are painfully stupid as evidenced by your retort "Children don't receive Food Stamps". Or at least you doing the perpetually dumb act. Or maybe you really think that they are saying that children go into welfare offices and apply for SNAP themselves.

Is that what you think? C'mon so I can laugh some more

Alternet is a lying cesspool, which you know and admire about them.

Children DON'T receive food stamps - simple fact.

The parents receive a grant based on the number of dependents, but it is the head of household, as both you and the lying fuckwads at Alternet know.

You got busted.

Even CommonDreams occasionally posts something factual - but if it's on Alternet - it's a lie, every single time.

Did you think they meant Children are registering and receiveing food stamps or not?
Quite honestly, the ONLY form of farm subsidization that exists should be issuance of food stamps. Food stamp usage would help flow cash into the food market, and specific demand for nutritious foods (instead of easy-to-grow field corn and soy beans) could produce much-needed changes in the foods farmers produce.

Currently, farmers are just lazy, uneducated welfare mongers.

That is simply not true. Most around here are college educated and they work with the University of KY providing ground, machinery, and labor to test new forms of seed that improve yield and quality of the products they grow.

Food stamp usage helps the drug trade. Food cards are traded for drug money and then the children meant to benefit get fed 3 meals a day at school.
My brother is an arch conservative, and has been since long before the tea party. He is against all forms of government welfare, at federal ,state, county, and city levels. He has nothing but contempt for those on food stamps , section 8 housing, etc., etc.

Oh, let me back up a little. My brother worked for a major defense contractor for 50 years. Every paycheck he got was due to government contracts for defence. His son got a government loan to go to college. His wife has MS, and all of her expenses for the last 8 years have been paid by Medicare. He lives in a custom built house that is worth about $600,000 with no mortgage, but draws his SS check every month. He just had surgery last month, again, paid by Medicare. In spite of that, he considers "Obamacare' to be socialistic. When we were growing up, our grandmother got monthly food subsidies , like penut butter and bread, which were provided by the government through their programs to buy and distribute farm surplues. Between that, and my mother's support, she did not starve. He hates unions, in spite of the fact that when our father lost his job, which meant that we would lose our home, the union got his job back for him.

I was on food stamps once. It was after Katrina, and all the banks and ATMS were closed. Almost all employers were closed. It was impossible to access one's money. There was no mail delivery, and even trying to use a credit card was very Iffy". With a food stamp card, I could go to Walmart, buy canned food, swip the food stamp card, and feed my family. I guess that makes me a welfare king, too lazy and irresponsible to rely on myself.

You opted for welfare and your brother didn't. So what's your point?

Probably that his brother is an arrogant, blinkered, ignorant, brainwashed hater dupe that's going to hell, and that hater dupes that believe in the lazy UE and disabled will be joining him. Thank God for our safety net. Successful people in the Greatest Generation used to be grateful for their good fortune and wanted to help their fellow man and the country. Oh, I guess those were STILL the Dems...

Breaking News for hater dupes: This is the Pub Great World Recession, not a new entitlement attitude. Brainwashed hater morons. Enjoy hell. LOL

Off your meds again I see.
NO one wants the poor to starve. Conservatives want help to be voluntary and selective. liberals want to steal money from those that have it and give it to who they (liberals) decide "need" it.

voluntary charity vs government slavery.

When you have worked in health care, you have seen the abuses of the system and they are beyond all reason. When Tenncare took over Medicaid in TN, they tried some novel things to cut down on those abuses. It was somewhat helpful, but abuse is still rampant because it makes perfect logical sense to some to call an ambulance for a stubbed toe.

which is exactly why obamacare will not ever work.
Quite honestly, the ONLY form of farm subsidization that exists should be issuance of food stamps. Food stamp usage would help flow cash into the food market, and specific demand for nutritious foods (instead of easy-to-grow field corn and soy beans) could produce much-needed changes in the foods farmers produce.

Currently, farmers are just lazy, uneducated welfare mongers.

That is simply not true. Most around here are college educated and they work with the University of KY providing ground, machinery, and labor to test new forms of seed that improve yield and quality of the products they grow.

Food stamp usage helps the drug trade. Food cards are traded for drug money and then the children meant to benefit get fed 3 meals a day at school.

true, but off topic. why should our tax money be used to pay farmers to NOT plant crops? You do know that WE are paying farmers to let their land sit idle in order to keep prices up on the commodity exchanges don't you?
Quite honestly, the ONLY form of farm subsidization that exists should be issuance of food stamps. Food stamp usage would help flow cash into the food market, and specific demand for nutritious foods (instead of easy-to-grow field corn and soy beans) could produce much-needed changes in the foods farmers produce.

Currently, farmers are just lazy, uneducated welfare mongers.

That is simply not true. Most around here are college educated and they work with the University of KY providing ground, machinery, and labor to test new forms of seed that improve yield and quality of the products they grow.

Food stamp usage helps the drug trade. Food cards are traded for drug money and then the children meant to benefit get fed 3 meals a day at school.

true, but off topic. why should our tax money be used to pay farmers to NOT plant crops? You do know that WE are paying farmers to let their land sit idle in order to keep prices up on the commodity exchanges don't you?

I don't know of any land here that is sitting idle. This is an agricultural area.
Last year the crops failed due to the drought, and they might have gotten some assistance, but I see no fallow crop land around here. Nada. I do see a lot of silos where they store their crops, likely until they get the price they want, but that is just being a good business person.
true, but off topic. why should our tax money be used to pay farmers to NOT plant crops? You do know that WE are paying farmers to let their land sit idle in order to keep prices up on the commodity exchanges don't you?

Bottom line here is that this is a typical Alternet hit piece. They target Tennessee Congressman Stephen Fincher, then lie through their fucking teeth to smear him. They are literally the most dishonest piles of shit on the internet. If it's on Alternet, it's a lie.
true, but off topic. why should our tax money be used to pay farmers to NOT plant crops? You do know that WE are paying farmers to let their land sit idle in order to keep prices up on the commodity exchanges don't you?

Bottom line here is that this is a typical Alternet hit piece. They target Tennessee Congressman Stephen Fincher, then lie through their fucking teeth to smear him. They are literally the most dishonest piles of shit on the internet. If it's on Alternet, it's a lie.

Yeah, and they tried to make you believe children were getting food stamps when really their PARENTS ARE!!! AHA!!

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