Teas governor says the only reason they aren't just shooting

Maybe, invaders should be shot.
I have always said this.
The reason our southern border situation has been such a fiasco is because no one, not a Republican or any Democrat has been willing to pay more than lip service to wanting a "secure" border.
And no, not even Trump, with his detention centers, ridiculous wall, or so called "policies" made a difference.
The border was never "secure" under Trump.
That is just propaganda.
You're a tRumpling, you wouldn't recognize a lie if someone wrapped it around a wet fish and slapped you with it.
well no shit, if someone wrapped a wet fish with a lie, slapped me with it, that would be a challenge to a fight, not a debate

crepitus, I stated fentanyl is coming across the border, how does fentanyl get into the USA if it does not come across the border?
Where are your LINKS asshole.
Google is not the arbiter of truth

Those who can only link, are the ones that have not paid attention to the events. Those who demand links have no answers, are very ignorant, and must use google which is extreme democrat propaganda, are people with very low comprehension skills as well observatory skills.
Google is not the arbiter of truth

Those who can only link, are the ones that have not paid attention to the events. Those who demand links have no answers, are very ignorant, and must use google which is extreme democrat propaganda, are people with very low comprehension skills as well observatory skills.

How have YOU paid attention to the events??? By following websites which can't pass a fact check???? FOX News paid out over $1 billion dollars last year, for lying to the American people.

And still you keep posting their lies.
I linked to the Heritiage Foundation.org. Even the RIGHT WING think tanks are denying your propaganda and lies.

Your concession is noted and appreciated.
The truth is Biden invited these illegals during the 2020 campaign. He is fully responsible. There is no refugee crisis.
MIgrants out of hand is they the Biden Administration would charge them with murder.

THis is another case of republicans telling us who they are.

For sme reason they all seem to be just itching for the chance to shoot someone.

What is wrong with these people?

I tell you what. We will send you 20 of these migrants, picked at random, and supply enough bedrolls so they can sleep on the floor. YOU can wonder if they're M13 gang members, terrorists, drug/sex traffickers, sex offenders, other lawless types as the Administration isn't vetting most of them at all. YOU provide them shelter, food, take them to the doctor, and otherwise care for them at your expense.

And then you might have at least the moral justification to tell the rest of us that we shouldn't object to these people invading our country.
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The brainwashing is strong in this one.

It is really, really difficult to bring a child into the USA without documentation. And victims of child sexual abuse are so much easier to find already living in the USA.

"Studies estimate that 83% of child trafficking victims in the U.S. are Americans."

Unlike your lazy ass, I actually googled this to find out what's happening, and as usual, you're parroting debunked right wing conspiracy theories and lies.

Here's what Media Bias had to say about one of the main sources for your lies:

  • Overall, we rate CIS a questionable source based on publishing misleading information (propaganda) regarding immigration and ties either directly or indirectly to the John Tanton Network, a known White Nationalist.

And here are the facts as reported in Congress:

"Dunn Marcos replied: "I would like to set the record straight, we did not lose anyone. We provide safety and well-being calls between 30 and 37 days after release."

You're believing the right wing bullshit and lies - as usual.
So you whine about the source. Try debunking it, Moron.
well no shit, if someone wrapped a wet fish with a lie, slapped me with it, that would be a challenge to a fight, not a debate

crepitus, I stated fentanyl is coming across the border, how does fentanyl get into the USA if it does not come across the border?
Mostly in shipping containers from china.

This is well known.
This is what you are defending, vermin.

MIgrants out of hand is they the Biden Administration would charge them with murder.

THis is another case of republicans telling us who they are.

For sme reason they all seem to be just itching for the chance to shoot someone.

What is wrong with these people?

/----/ My Granddaddy once said, "Never use sarcasm above the Mason-Dixon Line. Yankees take everything you say literally.
sarcasm /sär′kăz″əm/


  1. A cutting, often ironic remark intended to express contempt or ridicule.
  2. A form of wit characterized by the use of such remarks.
    "detected a hint of sarcasm in his voice."
  3. A biting taunt or gibe, or the use of such a taunt; a bitter, cutting expression; a satirical remark or expression, uttered with scorn or contempt; in rhetoric, a form of irony; bitter irony.
I tell you what. We will send you 20 of these migrants, picked at random, and supply enough bedrolls so they can sleep on the floor. YOU can wonder if they're M13 gang members, terrorists, drug/sex traffickers, sex offenders, other lawless types as the Administration isn't vetting most of them at all. YOU provide them shelter, food, take them to the doctor, and otherwise care for them at your expense.

And then you might have at least the moral justification to tell the rest of us that we shouldn't object to these people invading our country.
AS I've already pointed out, nobody is asking you to do that either. Stop with the brainwashed crap.
Such an ignorant, stupid, lazy reply from a low intelligence human being. Drugonlad can not even quote the link.

A perfect example how Google is used by those of low intelligence to try and confirm their opinion.

We are discussing illegal aliens crossing the Mexico border. Not Asylum seekers! Who are entering the USA legally.

Let me quote what Drugonlad, linked to, to show the sheer stupidity of using google as a crutch for one's brain.

The headline is intentionally a lie. The article is about what? Asylum seekers? Not illegal immigrants? The title also says Fentanyl is smuggled by US citizens, the low IQ people will believe only US citizens smuggle fentanyl.

Fentanyl Is Smuggled for U.S. Citizens By U.S. Citizens, Not Asylum Seekers​

Drug trafficking occurs many different ways, one way is illegal aliens, which are not Asylum seekers
Nobody is asking you to put them in your house either, Son.

Stop with the made up bullshit and maybe people will start to take you seriously.
/----/ You clowns are working on it.
Any spare rooms at Gracie Mansion?
Mayor Eric Adams now wants to start paying every day New Yorkers to shelter migrants in their own homes – as the Big Apple struggles to find beds for the thousands of asylum seekers still flooding into the city.
In his latest attempt to battle the ongoing migrant crisis, Adams on Monday floated a half baked “private residence” plan, which could possibly see local homeowners getting compensation to put up asylum seekers.

Mostly in shipping containers from china.

This is well known.
So? There are millions of illegal aliens that crossed our border, that is not caught. Of the ones caught, we have captured them with fentanyl.

To state most of it comes in from shipping containers may be accurate but it is separate problem.

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