Teas governor says the only reason they aren't just shooting

So? There are millions of illegal aliens that crossed our border, that is not caught. Of the ones caught, we have captured them with fentanyl.

To state most of it comes in from shipping containers may be accurate but it is separate problem.
AS I've already pointed out, nobody is asking you to do that either. Stop with the brainwashed crap.
Yes you are. When you defend Biden's border policies you are forcing Americans to feed, clothe, shelter, educate, provide healthcare etc. millions of invaders with their hard earned tax dollars or you keep running up the credit card and exacerbating crushing inflation.

And you are forcing those dealing with ruthless and lawless migrants to be murdered, raped, vandalized, robbed, have their dogs and livestock killed, their fences cut, and otherwise generally be terrorized not by just a few but by hordes invading the country. If even 1% of those invading are criminally minded, that's at least 100,000 to 200,000 dangerous criminals free to do whatever they want to anybody. And that doesn't even factor in the hundreds of thousands of got-aways that we don't know who they are, where they're from, or what their intentions are.

If you think that doesn't justify a governor doing whatever he can legally do to stop an invasion of his state and country, you really should move to another country.

The least you can do is take on some of the burden yourself.
Selective out of context statements show us the relationship between Soros Media Matters and the ignorant hate filled left. In a just world Obama could be charged with negligent homicide in the death of a Border patrol officer who was killed with one of the illegal weapons he authorized to be shipped to Mexico. We won't even talk about the unarmed woman who was shot by a Capital Cop on Jan 6.
How have YOU paid attention to the events??? By following websites which can't pass a fact check???? FOX News paid out over $1 billion dollars last year, for lying to the American people.

And still you keep posting their lies.
Fox news, how about showing us the court papers that dictate exactly what Fox did or did not do.

Websites that can not pass a fact check by the democrats, a clever political propaganda ploy for the stupid.
You believe left wing propaganda bullshit.

I don't believe ANYONE who says anything I can't verify from outside third party sources which can pass a fact check, backed up with statistical data, and research.

Even statistics can be manipulated - like that "Biden lost 85,000 children" claim, which proved to be utterly false, and used real data but manipulated it in a way that rendered it a complete lie.
Fox news, how about showing us the court papers that dictate exactly what Fox did or did not do.

Websites that can not pass a fact check by the democrats, a clever political propaganda ploy for the stupid.

If you're too gullible and stupid to find this stuff out for yourself - when it was widely reported by EVERYONE IN THE WORLD except FOX News, there is no point in talking to you futher. Engaging with idiots is a waste of time.

I don't believe ANYONE who says anything I can't verify from outside third party sources which can pass a fact check, backed up with statistical data, and research.

Even statistics can be manipulated - like that "Biden lost 85,000 children" claim, which proved to be utterly false, and used real data but manipulated it in a way that rendered it a complete lie.
Biden invited the illegals to surge the border. That's a fact.
Maybe, invaders should be shot.
Let's make it more fun. Let's build moats on the border and fill them with alligators. Then cameras can be set up to record the gators eating their meals. Pay Per View can fund our border protection system.
If you're too gullible and stupid to find this stuff out for yourself - when it was widely reported by EVERYONE IN THE WORLD except FOX News, there is no point in talking to you futher. Engaging with idiots is a waste of time.

Court papers, not the media propaganda
Court papers, not the media propaganda

Links to the court papers are all in the links posted. Changing the goal posts when you're proven to be an idiot just strengthens the perception that you refuse to accept facts even when slapped about the head and shoulders with them.

How stupid is that? Clinging to lies and stupidity? This is why the WHOLE WORLD IS LAUGHING AT YOUR CLOWNS. You really are this stubborn and stupid.

You deserve to have your nation fail. If you're an example of American morality and common sense, your nation doesn't deserve to survive. I now await some FuckBoi poster to twist this post into something nefarious.
Links to the court papers are all in the links posted. Changing the goal posts when you're proven to be an idiot just strengthens the perception that you refuse to accept facts even when slapped about the head and shoulders with them.

How stupid is that? Clinging to lies and stupidity? This is why the WHOLE WORLD IS LAUGHING AT YOUR CLOWNS. You really are this stubborn and stupid.

You deserve to have your nation fail. If you're an example of American morality and common sense, your nation doesn't deserve to survive.
That's pretty funny....a commie talking about morality.
That's pretty funny....a commie talking about morality.

It's funny that you're claiming moral high ground while posting in support of shooting immigrants in cold blood.

I'm not a "commie" but once again you resort to insults because you have nothing else. I'm a retired banker turned law clerk who owns her own business. That doesn't exactly scream "commmunist" now does it????

Keep it up. Watching you flail about desperately is highly entertaining.
You're comparing landscapers and beauticians to a military unit.

And you're calling me "delusional". LOL

Nope, I'm comparing numbers. And how many do you think were landscapers in their home country? I'd say not many, if any. And don't think your ignoring facts have gone unnoticed. Just proves you have no desire to have a serious discussion. So just run along to your fairy tale land.

It's funny that you're claiming moral high ground while posting in support of shooting immigrants in cold blood.

I'm not a "commie" but once again you resort to insults because you have nothing else. I'm a retired banker turned law clerk who owns her own business. That doesn't exactly scream "commmunist" now does it????

Keep it up. Watching you flail about desperately is highly entertaining.
Many commies are lawyers. I never said I support shooting illegals. However, I do support shooting commies.
Drug cartels dont'control the migrants you ignorant racist.

It isn't a Democrat who is facing 91 indictments from criminal activities and trying to overthrow the government.

Parroting right wing bullshit just proves how gullible and stupid you really are.

Well aren't you just a lying foreign commie bitch. Cartels are making more off human smuggling than drugs.

MIgrants out of hand is they the Biden Administration would charge them with murder.

THis is another case of republicans telling us who they are.

For sme reason they all seem to be just itching for the chance to shoot someone.

What is wrong with these people?

Plenty of countries employ Lethal Force to enforce border security.

It is time to completely close the Southern Border.

It is time to declare an 8- or 16 -year moratorium on Immigration.

It is time to give Illegal Aliens who do not own property 6 months to leave the country or face a forced deportation.

It is time to give Illegal Aliens who DO own property 12 months to sell their stuff and leave or face a forced deportation.

It is time to declare an Illegal Alien Turn-In Reward program... turn-in an Illegal... get a $500 or $1000 reward.

It is time to spank (hard) Employers who hire Illegal Aliens.

It is time to criminalize the sale of real estate or to rent housing to Illegal Aliens.

It is time to flush this plague of locusts from our land.
What invasion?

10+ million, including at least 24,000 Chinese, 22,000 Russians, Syrians, Iranians, Afghans and many other countries, 164 in total, in the last 3 years. The majority military aged males. What the fuck would you call it child?


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