Tectonic explosion soon to spark civil unrest


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Mat Bracken explains how America is ripe for societal collapse with only a little push needed to spark a major upheaval.

Matt Bracken: False Flags Work But Who Benefits/Civil Unrest Is Coming

America is on the brink of a civil war


you can either deny it , don't deny it but should you choose to deny all that is going around us and this ends up taking place it's your problem you can't face reality and see it in your faces already.

It will be your problem when you are caught off guard because you chose to hide in your own little world of " Safety" where daddy Government protects you and keeps you safe.

It's your problem when you won't be prepared because nobody is going to give a damn about you when your are flapping like a fish out of the water.

It might not happen tomorrow, or next week, it might be six months from now.

Since sheep spend their time in fantasy land they fail to miss all the years that have been building up to where we are currently at this point. It goes right over their heads like a balloon in a storm.

Well, bring it... I'm out in the middle of nowhere with everything I need to defend what I have, and thankfully most of the little podunk town I live in are all on the same page. So if the snowflakes and ANTIFA think they're going to rip this little burg up and smash windows and riot, they'll do so in a hail of lead. People here won't stand for it. Anarchy... sounds like a good reason to off a bunch of America hating progs to me.
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Well, bring it... I'm out in the middle of nowhere with everything I need to defend what I have, and thankfully most of the little podunk town I live in are all on the same page. So if the snowflakes and ANTIFA think they're going to rip this little burg up and smash windows and riot, they'll do so in a hail of lead. People here won't stand for it. Anarchy... sounds like a good reason to off a bunch of America hating progs to me.
Hillary Clinton just announced she is going to join the "resistance" and be its leader. Well, if you think freedom and liberty from disastrous democrat policies and executive orders needs to be resisted, then BRING IT ON BITCH!
Hillary Clinton just announced she is going to join the "resistance" and be its leader. Well, if you think freedom and liberty from disastrous democrat policies and executive orders needs to be resisted, then BRING IT ON BITCH!
Hillary joining the 'resistance' means it is doomed to fail now more than ever.

She is all about her own interests and she fucks up everything she gets her hands into.

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