Ted Cruz: 1/6 was a “violent terrorist attack on the capitol”

An Den? An What? He characterized a violent mob as a violent mob. How does this change anything about what is known about 1/6? Only the very dimwitted would attempt to deny that a violent mob gate-crashed the Capitol that day. That in no way proves insurrection or even conspiracy. Hey, keep that dream alive though. Just don't complain about blue balls when this latest TDS effort fails like the rest :laughing0301:
Probably because the day after the 6th he said what happened was wrong and Trump should have done something. Not long after that he flipped on those statements.
Now he flipped back again.
Teddy left out the planners, the financers, the enablers, the mastermind. Like him!
Yes, but for Ted, that was a pretty good summary of what Jan 6 was.
You downplay what you said. C'mon. Get checked for that short term memory issue.
You still make zero sense. I didn't downplay anything, Moron. I stand by every one of my posts here.
I watched it live on Fox News. It was mostly people standing outside waving flags and yelling, and mostly people walking around inside taking pictures and such. Only a small section of the crowd was violent. It was wrong, it should never happen again, but terrorist attack may be exaggerating a bit.
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"We are approaching a solemn anniversary this week," Cruz said, referring to Jan. 6. "And it is an anniversary of a violent terrorist attack on the Capitol where we saw the men and women law enforcement demonstrate incredible courage, incredible bravery, risk their lives to defend the men and women who serve in this Capitol."

"My view is that anyone who commits an act of violence should be prosecuted," he continued. "And anyone who assaults a law enforcement officer should go to jail for a very long time. And I think that's a principle that is true regardless of the politics of the violent criminal, whether they are right-wing, left-wing or they got no wings at all."
Between him & Mitch acknowledging what everyone else knew to be true what does it mean that he refused to take action when he could?
And that is why Ted Cruz will lose the primary if he's foolish enough to run.....Every man is responsible for the words than that come out of his mouth and he has doubled-down on stupid......OK, so be it.

I know a couple men who were there that day and to call them "terrorists" is beyond the pale. In fact it's farther from the truth as one could ever imagine. In fact I consider it a personal insult by Cruz to myself and to anyone else that knows them.

Piss on Ted Cruz. :mad:
And that is why Ted Cruz will lose the primary if he's foolish enough to run.....Every man is responsible for the words than that come out of his mouth and he has doubled-down on stupid......OK, so be it.

I know a couple men who were there that day and to call them "terrorists" is beyond the pale. In fact it's farther from the truth as one could ever imagine. In fact I consider it a personal insult by Cruz to myself and to anyone else that knows them.

Piss on Ted Cruz. :mad:
Lol hilarious 😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀 😀😀😀. Yep they be terrorists!!!!!!!!+ Just like Cruz said!!¡!!!!!!!!!!

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