Ted Cruz: 1/6 was a “violent terrorist attack on the capitol”

Cruz just seems to flip-flop over to whichever side is most beneficial to him at the time.

Clearly NOW he thinks that aligning himself with Jan 6 is not in his best interest. He’s certainly correct about abandoning that sinking ship.

But what that spineless simp with the punchable face really thinks is anyone’s guess.

The 74 million trump Nazis are convinced the insurrectionists' attack on the Capitol was an act of patriotism to defend democracy for the white Americans. As time passes and the congressional Republicans continue to downplay the January 6th coup attempt, it can be noted that the vast majority of centrist voters that helped elect Biden are gradually taking that same stance.

But, that has been the tradition of centrist voters for decades, alternating their support between the two parties to make Congress less and less responsive to the voters, and instead, serve the interests of their most generous political contributors. (And in the case of Joe Manchin, use his Senate seat to serve his own financial interests.)

This November, the centrists will join the trump Nazis to load Congress with a collection of white supremacists like the GOP's current Fascist Five: Lauren Boebert, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Matt Gaetz, Madison Cawthorn, and Paul Gosar.

The Fascist Five, also known as the Traitor Tots, do nothing but agitate to keep their names in the headlines. They make no positive contributions to the legislative process, and they are the rising stars of the Republican Party. And this, will be our government after the 2022 Mid-term Elections.

here is Ted Cruz shamelessly taking credit for freeing Britney from her father and getting Elon Musk to move to Texas


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