Ted Cruz: 1/6 was a “violent terrorist attack on the capitol”

And what about the Daily Kos and their post about Epps that I copied? Did you see that?
I'll bet you wouldn't admit it if you had.

FACT: There has been speculation online that Mr. Epps might be an undercover Fed:​

Bottom line, as they stated, "We are not going to discuss an ongoing investigation."

I don't know any truth about the Epps situation with the FBI, and neither do you.
Just Speculation, as your article states.

FACT: There has been speculation online that Mr. Epps might be an undercover Fed:​

Bottom line, as they stated, "We are not going to discuss an ongoing investigation."

I don't know any truth about the Epps situation with the FBI, and neither do you.
Just Speculation, as your article states.
The fact I know is that, for some reason, the FBI has stopped assiduously hunting down Ray Epps.

You can pretend this development isn't significant because it doesn't serve your narrative. But most people disagree.
The fact I know is that, for some reason, the FBI has stopped assiduously hunting down Ray Epps.

You can pretend this development isn't significant because it doesn't serve your narrative. But most people disagree.
I don't have a narrative on this Epps situation.
You don't know that they have stopped assiduously hunting down Ray Epps.
The fact I know is that, for some reason, the FBI has stopped assiduously hunting down Ray Epps.

You can pretend this development isn't significant because it doesn't serve your narrative. But most people disagree.

What is your narrative?​

Do you think Epps was/is an FBI informant before J6?

My stance would be: I don't know.

A real agent provocateur would have never used his real name. A real Fed plant would have used a fake name and a made up backstory. If Ray Epps had been an undercover agent for the FBI they would have never given him a number or put his face on their website in the first place.​

This is purely speculation on my part, but I think it’s a more logical explanation for the evidence at hand and the Department of Justice’s response to it. Which do you think is more likely: that Ray Epps is a federal agent provocateur, or that he was questioned and released by the FBI for lack of evidence?​


What is your narrative?​

Do you think Epps was/is an FBI informant before J6?

My stance would be: I don't know.

A real agent provocateur would have never used his real name. A real Fed plant would have used a fake name and a made up backstory. If Ray Epps had been an undercover agent for the FBI they would have never given him a number or put his face on their website in the first place.​

This is purely speculation on my part, but I think it’s a more logical explanation for the evidence at hand and the Department of Justice’s response to it. Which do you think is more likely: that Ray Epps is a federal agent provocateur, or that he was questioned and released by the FBI for lack of evidence?​

A...There is LOTS of evidence that Ray Epps was instrumental in orchestrating 1/6 attacks on Capitol police.
Have you heard of video tape?

And B, your view of how a real provocatuer would behave and what he would do is hilarious.

Here's what hasn't changed...the FBI just quietly stopped looking for Epps. He was featured on their 1/6 watch list. Now his isn't. Daily Kos and WND both find that fascinating.
And so do I. But you don't. Draw your own conclusions.
Of course you do.

The Daily Kos and World Net Daily both disagree with you and the facts support those
disparate sources. Not You! Federal agent? FBI quietly dropped Jan. 6 provocateur from Most Wanted list

Your denials of facts just demonstrate what a brain washed fool you, and your ilk, are.
Ok, just stop for a second.
I have made NO stance on who I think Epps is or what the FBI is/was doing with Epps.
All I stated is: I don't know, and my only stance was, YOU don't know either.

Can you agree with that?
You might be right, I Don't Know, and I haven't claimed in any way, what I think is the situation with Epps.
Ok, just stop for a second.
I have made NO stance on who I think Epps is or what the FBI is/was doing with Epps.
All I stated is: I don't know, and my only stance was, YOU don't know either.

Can you agree with that?
You might be right, I Don't Know, and I haven't claimed in any way, what I think is the situation with Epps.
If you want to be viable and a serious commentator you would at least see what Daily Kos and
WND are saying about this.

No one can make you look. I would just think for your own credibility you would educate yourself
just a little bit. I have.

I find the actions of the FBI fascinating. And when taken in totality about everything we know about the
1/6 attack it's very apparent Pelosi and the democrats didn't go out of their way to stop a riot they knew
was coming for purely political reasons.
It was advantageous to stoke the fire and let it all go.
If you want to be viable and a serious commentator you would at least see what Daily Kos and
WND are saying about this.

No one can make you look. I would just think for your own credibility you would educate yourself
just a little bit. I have.

I find the actions of the FBI fascinating.
The Bolded stuff I referenced was directly from the Daily Kos article you posted.
Yet you call it pure speculation on your part.
Directly from your article, I posted this>>>>
These are NOT my words, this is a direct quote from the article you posted.
Screen Shot 2022-01-08 at 10.39.48 AM.png

Screen Shot 2022-01-08 at 10.39.02 AM.png
The Daily Show just put up this brilliant plaque right in the middle of New York City to mark the one-year anniversary of Trump’s deadly insurrection


And those who committed destruction were arrested and charged all summer...don't you agree?
No, they were largely merely ticketed or immediately released.

Meanwhile, Kamala Harris encouraged support for bailing them out.

Not that I support the Jan 6th rioters, but they are in solitary confinement for no explainable reason. They're certainly being treated differently than other people who commit the crimes they did.
How many GOP believe the plotters and organizers should be prosecuted?
Pretty much all GOP have said prosecute to the furthest extent of the law.

Meanwhile, the group of rioters pretty much just all showed up from coordinating on facebook. I'm not sure if there was some mastermind plotter and or organizer... at least that's the FBI investigation determined.

What is your narrative?​

Do you think Epps was/is an FBI informant before J6?

My stance would be: I don't know.

A real agent provocateur would have never used his real name. A real Fed plant would have used a fake name and a made up backstory. If Ray Epps had been an undercover agent for the FBI they would have never given him a number or put his face on their website in the first place.​

This is purely speculation on my part, but I think it’s a more logical explanation for the evidence at hand and the Department of Justice’s response to it. Which do you think is more likely: that Ray Epps is a federal agent provocateur, or that he was questioned and released by the FBI for lack of evidence?​

the FBI didnt arrest Epps because he never entered the capitol or was violent

Trump has a distinct advantage in that he doesn't care what people think of him. he doesn't like phonies. a rare quality in politics. the opposite of Lyin' Ted!

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