Ted Cruz: 1/6 was a “violent terrorist attack on the capitol”

Thanks. Cruz states the obvious. We all know what 1/6 was. Most Republicans know that attack on the Capitol Building was meant to halt the peaceful transfer of power, but are just too craven to say it in public.

Let me fix this for you.............

Thanks, me and the mouse in my pocket know what 1/6 was, and for that my mouse and I are all everyone.

In reality though all Republicans know the attack on the Capitol Building was meant to protest the Democrats stealing the election along with everything else they destroyed while Trump was POTUS, and fuck yeah they have no problem setting TDS snowflakes straight on that fact.
Let me fix this for you.............

Thanks, me and the mouse in my pocket know what 1/6 was, and for that my mouse and I are all everyone.

In reality though all Republicans know the attack on the Capitol Building was meant to protest the Democrats stealing the election along with everything else they destroyed while Trump was POTUS, and fuck yeah they have no problem setting TDS snowflakes straight on that fact.
Prove the election was stolen...
If they were violently entering the Capitol they are domestic terrorists.
Meh, have your day, in the morning you will wake-up to the same shit foisted upon us by Tater and his band of turds as you did yesterday......If course I guess you and your ilk wallow in the fail given you people are about as sharp as so many bowling balls.
I took the time to visit some of the more right-leaning forums I don't frequent as much anymore and threads on Cruz's comment were front and center and what was being said of him would not pass for flowers.

It's a good thing for him he's got four years left in the Senate because I don't believe he could be elected dogcatcher in Texas right about now. I can see him being easily primaried.

Of course the POS thinks he's going to waltz into the 2024 POTUS primaries and win from the middle....Good luck with that.
But this is a person you would have supported had the TV businessman not come along. You didn't see who he was, making your judgement suspect, or you didn't care, making your patriotism suspect.
This betrayal of the American people by Ted Cruz is just another example of why we can't depend upon the Legislature Branch to protect our Liberties any more than we can depend upon the Executive or Judicial Branches. The only guarantor of Liberty is the Second Amendment.

I suspect 99% of the people that voted for Cruz would disagree with his bullshit. I even suspect Cruz knows better himself but for some reason thinks it is better politically to kiss the ass of the filthy Left.
"I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard," Trump said in his speech

You need to make the letters ten times larger. They still cant read it. They also havn't played it yet on CNN
Narrator: it WAS a violent terrorist attack on the capitol.

Sorry but terrorism and attacks operate by surprise.
  1. They knew days in advance the rally was happening down the street.
  2. They pulled security OFF the capitol that day to far less than they normally have.
  3. Operatives took down barricades and directed people into the Capitol.
  4. Capitol police themselves were videotaped moving barriers and waving people in.
  5. Antifa is on film holding back others from stopping them as they tried to gain entrance.
  6. Even those storming into the capitol fighting with police brought not one gun nor knife nor weapon.
  7. The only person killed there that day was an unarmed girl shot just for walking through a door.
Just when did the terrorism begin, fuckknob?
This betrayal of the American people by Ted Cruz is just another example of why we can't depend upon the Legislature Branch to protect our Liberties any more than we can depend upon the Executive or Judicial Branches. The only guarantor of Liberty is the Second Amendment.

I suspect 99% of the people that voted for Cruz would disagree with his bullshit. I even suspect Cruz knows better himself but for some reason thinks it is better politically to kiss the ass of the filthy Left.

No matter. I knew Cruz was a POS lying sack of dog heave before this. He is dirt to me now.

The only thing worse than what the Left do to this country are pieces of crap like him who do nothing, talk out of both sides of his mouth, and then go along with it as an enabler for his own political expediency.

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