Ted Cruz: 1/6 was a “violent terrorist attack on the capitol”

How many genders are there? Let's see if you live in reality.
Genders or sexes?

Tell you what: you post the Websters definition of gender and then I'll answer. I want to make sure you know before I waste my time.
"I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard," Trump said in his speech
"I want you to take care of our little friend who has been talking to the FBI" - Mafia Boss

He means take care, like do nice things for him?

You're not smart.
"I want you to take care of our little friend who has been talking to the FBI" - Mafia Boss

He means take care, like do nice things for him?

You're not smart.
Kinda funny your entire case depends on your ability to read minds, not the real world.
Of course. I'm not in Cult45. I live in reality, where science trumps wishful thinking.
Excellent, you will need to get another every 60-90 days or so, so your covid infections don't kill you, you also might consider a TB screen, and wear that mask now day and night, even at bedtime, odds are(40%)you'll be dead or dying by the midterm.... Oh and sweetie-pie, you are definitely in the cult..... :banana:
You would have voted for him if Trump didn't run.

Yes. At the time back in 2015, I was actually hoping that Trump would pick him as VP. Live and learn.

And you would have voted for a baboon had Joe not run.

The baboon would have been better.
No matter. I knew Cruz was a POS lying sack of dog heave before this. He is dirt to me now.

The only thing worse than what the Left do to this country are pieces of crap like him who do nothing, talk out of both sides of his mouth, and then go along with it as an enabler for his own political expediency.

The Democrats have done tremendous damage to this country. Almost always they have been aided by the Republicans.

Just look at how the Republicans didn't do jackshit when the filthy Democrats stole the 2020 election from the American people.

They didn't even have the courage to do the right thing and call for an audit of the disputed Democrat controlled districts.

We only have one party and that is the party of Big Government.

Cruz's betrayal of America will cost him Patriot votes in Texas. Maybe the demented SOB thinks he will make it up by Moon Bats voting for him but he would be wrong.
They are Both Right: rioters with criminal intent infiltrated an otherwise peaceful protest to create such chaos that both innocent law-abiding citizens and truly criminal co-conspirators were mixed together in a crowd which became dangerous and deadly.

Lives were lost while many people and police intended the demonstration to remain civil peaceful and legal. Both are right: the people there to protest lawfully have equal right to defend their Constitutional rights by law that other people violated and should be held accountable.

As for the election process: two of three conditions are still contested as unlawful while the third condition (of Congress voting to certify the results) was met. The other two conditions (regarding the lack of notarization for millions of contested mailin ballots, and the lack of formal vote by state legislators on these rule changes) have rendered the election results faith-based (with neither ability to prove or disprove the contested mailin ballots without notarization, nor the validity or invalidity of rule changes neither proven nor disproven to represent the voting public per state), so that the only proof that the election was valid is in Congress voting to certify "faith based" results.

Constitutionalists reserve the right to contest that vote by the First Amendment, while others can argue it fails to provide equal Public Accommodations for such people, discriminating and disparaging rights of people and states on the basis of creed, whether we agree or not. By the Code of Ethics of Govt Service, www.ethics-commission.net, creed or party should not be imposed above Constitutional standards protecting all people's rights equally regardless of our beliefs.

This is probably the shortest summary of my position on the election and Jan 6.

I will send it to Cruz and another Republican chair in NH who made similar points, and see if we can organize a bipartisan statement co signed by D R L and maybe G or C party leaders. We need a consensus on this which includes and is fair to people of all beliefs, so we are represented equally in public policy, govt and media narratives.

Thank you. Please PM me if you want to add names of other party members to this statement, please share with local Democrats Libertarians Greens Constitutionalists or other Parties interested in proportional and equal representation instead of one party imposed on the entire nation which is causing these onesided battles for dominance instead of equal inclusion in the democratic process.

Thank you and Happy 2022!
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Thanks. Cruz states the obvious. We all know what 1/6 was. Most Republicans know that attack on the Capitol Building was meant to halt the peaceful transfer of power, but are just too craven to say it in public.
He's already been attacked for it by lil'tucker the whiny.
The Democrats have done tremendous damage to this country. Almost always they have been aided by the Republicans.

Just look at how the Republicans didn't do jackshit when the filthy Democrats stole the 2020 election from the American people.

They didn't even have the courage to do the right thing and call for an audit of the disputed Democrat controlled districts.

We only have one party and that is the party of Big Government.

Cruz's betrayal of America will cost him Patriot votes in Texas. Maybe the demented SOB thinks he will make it up by Moon Bats voting for him but he would be wrong.

This is thin-skinned Cruz getting his shallow revenge on Trump.
Cruz showed his true colors.
This is why you are a total piece of shit liar.

View attachment 584397
I'm using the scientific definition, not the PC bullshit made up one.



1. Grammar
a. A grammatical category, often designated as male, female, or neuter, used in the classification of nouns, pronouns, adjectives, and, in some languages, verbs that may be arbitrary or based on characteristics such as sex or animacy and that determines agreement with or selection of modifiers, referents, or grammatical forms.
b. The fact of being classified as belonging to such a category: agreement in gender, number, and case.
Either of the two divisions, designated female and male, by which most organisms are classified on the basis of their reproductive organs and functions; sex.
b. One's identity as female or male or as neither entirely female nor entirely male.
c. Females or males considered as a group: Students lined up with the genders in different lines.


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