Ted Cruz: 1/6 was a “violent terrorist attack on the capitol”

Check the date:

^ Trolling his own thread.
For those debating what is or is not terrorism, 18 USC 2331(5) defines "domestic terrorism" to include illegal acts "dangerous to human life" that "appear to be intended . . .to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion;"
In other words, Democrat Covid policies.
The fact is, there are not any Republicans who support Trump who have an actual spine. Cruz is not alone in being a simpering lickspittle.

It is precisely this moral weakness among the gutless cowards in the party which enabled Loser Donald to take over the GOP and make it into his personal cult of personality.
^ Democrat projection.
Rump mortally insulted Ruz' wife.

Rump mortally insulted Ruz' father.

Ruz chose to kiss the ring and enable the traitorous orange POS rather than standing against those who publicly insulted and shamed Ruz' loved ones.

No self-respecting Man would do that.

A Vote-Whore, maybe, but not a Man.

I stopped listening to Ruz when it dawned on me that he was NOT a Man, after all, but a fawning, cowardly creature.
Thanks. Cruz states the obvious. We all know what 1/6 was. Most Republicans know that attack on the Capitol Building was meant to halt the peaceful transfer of power, but are just too craven to say it in public.
I bet Cruz got some inside info and that is why he's distancing himself.
Doesn't want to get caught as an early adopter. He wants to lead the exodus.
Thanks. Cruz states the obvious. We all know what 1/6 was. Most Republicans know that attack on the Capitol Building was meant to halt the peaceful transfer of power, but are just too craven to say it in public.

Please, just explain this to me... How were a bunch of unarmed idiots who only seemed determined to take pictures of themselves going to halt anything? I keep seeing this leftist gaslighting that there was some MAJOR attempt... as if there was a legitimate one. There wasn't.
Cruz was of course right.

If you're still crowing about how the 2020 election was stolen, you're in the same camp as those who:
- Think the Russians stole the 2016 election from Hillary Clinton
- Think George Bush caused 9-11

Don't be like these people.
You said nobody in Congress respected him, I asked for a link.

Got it? :)
Are you ready for a sample? Too bad if you're not because here it comes...

McCain isn't the only one who had scathing words for the senator. Former Speaker of the House John Boehner once described Cruz as "Lucifer in the flesh" and Sen. Lindsey Graham once said: "If you killed Ted Cruz on the floor of the Senate, and the trial was in the Senate, nobody would convict you."​

What can we say....it's not looking good for him. :dunno:

You can put a fork in him, he is done.

Are you ready for a sample? Too bad if you're not because here it comes...

McCain isn't the only one who had scathing words for the senator. Former Speaker of the House John Boehner once described Cruz as "Lucifer in the flesh" and Sen. Lindsey Graham once said: "If you killed Ted Cruz on the floor of the Senate, and the trial was in the Senate, nobody would convict you."

You can't be this stupid - can you be? :eek:

You claimed that NOBODY in Congress respected Cruz, and I asked for a link proving this claim.

Posting random criticisms of the guy does NOT demonstrate your claim.

If you don't understand this, you should not vote.

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