Ted Cruz: 1/6 was a “violent terrorist attack on the capitol”


Please, just explain this to me... How were a bunch of unarmed idiots who only seemed determined to take pictures of themselves going to halt anything? I keep seeing this leftist gaslighting that there was some MAJOR attempt... as if there was a legitimate one. There wasn't.
did you forget the "hang mike pence" chant?
here are the weapons:

And that is why Ted Cruz will lose the primary if he's foolish enough to run.....Every man is responsible for the words than that come out of his mouth and he has doubled-down on stupid......OK, so be it.

I know a couple men who were there that day and to call them "terrorists" is beyond the pale. In fact it's farther from the truth as one could ever imagine. In fact I consider it a personal insult by Cruz to myself and to anyone else that knows them.

Piss on Ted Cruz. :mad:
During the Republican primaries in 2016, I supported Ted Cruz. I even made telephone calls to voters in the states where there were primaries asking them to vote for Cruz. When Trump won the Republican nomination, I switched my allegiance to him. I am very disappointed in Cruz for this ridiculous remark. It appears that he is just part of the swamp.

Ted Cruz: 1/6 was a “violent terrorist attack on the capitol”​

Hear it for yourself:

TOO FUNNY. :laughing0301: Cruz has immediately RESCINDED his comment saying that it is not at all what he really meant! Of course, Ted is a lying shit like ALL politicians who doesn't know from one minute to the next what he means, but it is so funny how you got reeled in yet one more time by The Lure Of The Republican! :laugh2:

You idiots can never resist a RINO who appears to be selling out his own people, if but for 5 minutes! :lmao:
How many genders are there? Let's see if you live in reality.

These Moon Bats are as ignorant of Biology as they are of Economics, History, Climate Science, Ethics and the Constitution.

Not only do they not know how many genders there are but they don't even know that a fetus is a human being.
During the Republican primaries in 2016, I supported Ted Cruz. I even made telephone calls to voters in the states where there were primaries asking them to vote for Cruz. When Trump won the Republican nomination, I switched my allegiance to him.
So you really have no principles at all. You're just anti-progress, anti-Democratic.
Terrorism is an act of violence committed against random, innocent people in order to instill fear among the general population and in pursuit of a political aim. BLM and ANTIFA burning down the businesses of innocent people is definitely terrorism in action. Mowing down people marching in a parade if definitely terrorism.

Assaults against government cannot be terroristic by very definition. The only term that could possibly apply would be guerilla warfare, if, and only if there was actual warfare involved. In this particular case, there wasn't and so we should be looking towards other, more accurate terms to apply. The term "insurrection" is certainly deceptive and politically motivated as there was no attempt to overthrow the government, and so at best this could be called a riot or an extreme case of civil disobedience.

Ted Cruz is usually more careful when using words, and he messed up here.

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