Ted Cruz: Democrats Are ‘Willing To Burn The Justice System To The Ground’ To Stay In Power

The two e jean carroll case and the civil fraud (judge engoron) and the hush money trial are all full of legal errors and will be overturned for sure . Then there are all the lawyers like John Eastman who have been disbarred merely for representing trump!

SRF; I SIMPLY LUV YOUR HANDLE!!! Even if Donald Trump could somehow be incarcerated immediately he'd still take the upcoming POTUS contest & set a precedent, FIRST POTUS TO WIN WHILE IMPRISONED!!! If the pubs can keep the lower House & also take the senate(gotta get rid of the freak'n RINOS!) along with POTUS Trump the statist left marxinazis would be bent over in pain like a dog schittn razor blades!
So you're saying covid gave dem governors the right to violate their own state constitution?
I'm saying trump was weak, and deferred his power.
Trump.........."No, I don't take ANY responsibility at ALL."

COVID happened under Trump.
Trump FAILED in the COVID response.

Am I clear?
Gaslighting. Cancun Cruz and his crew don't have the power yet to affect our country's Justice System. This is simply partisan rhetoric.

They just need your vote. Then they will do whatever the fuck they want. :rolleyes:
Cancun Ted should concern himself with his comrade Ron Johnson who was in the thick of the Wisconsin fake electors scheme instead of shooting his mouth off about the N.Y. trial. Ronny Boy is lucky he hasn't been indicted. At least not yet. And while we're on the subject God lover Mike Johnson also tried to overturn Biden's win along with a few of HIS comrades like Scott Perry & Jim Jordan. Perry begged Trump for a pardon. Gee, I wonder why.
Cancun Ted should concern himself with his comrade Ron Johnson who was in the thick of the Wisconsin fake electors scheme instead of shooting his mouth off about the N.Y. trial. Ronny Boy is lucky he hasn't been indicted. At least not yet. And while we're on the subject God lover Mike Johnson also tried to overturn Biden's win along with a few of HIS comrades like Scott Perry & Jim Jordan. Perry begged Trump for a pardon. Gee, I wonder why.
Because deep state. Duh. :rolleyes: (jk).
Look at PA. The state constitution bans no-excuse mail-in ballots and yet the dem gov sent out millions of them in 2020. The cheating was that massive and blatant.
The legislature passed a bipartisan bill in 2019 to allow no-excuse mail in ballots. The governor was just executing the laws on the books.

No one thought to sue until AFTER Trump lost. Republicans literally tried changing the rules after the election and you accuse Dems of trying to burn the system down?
It's insane. Americans have been contesting elections for 230 years but dems say you can't contest 2020 even though everybody agrees there was massive cheating.
Losers have been whining for 230 years, but only ONE has attempted to overthrow our democracy.

230 years of peaceful transitions of power, and then ONE maniac couldn't take his loss like a man.
Then there are all the lawyers like John Eastman who have been disbarred merely for representing trump!
Eastman did not "merely" represent Trump. He conspired with Trump to overthrow our democracy.

You see, when a lawyer breaks the law, a law they know they are breaking since they are...you know...a lawyer, they get disbarred by a whole bunch of other lawyers who really don't like it when someone gives lawyers a bad name, you know?
John Eastman......just ONE of many trump lawyers that stepped too deep into the trump swamp.
Yeah, it is astounding how many lawyers ended up disgraced, jailed, and/or disbarred for following Trump's illegal orders.

It's like I keep saying, what special kind of evil scum, looking at that track record of Trump lawyers, would be craven enough to go work for a mob boss like Trump going forward?
Yeah, it is astounding how many lawyers ended up disgraced, jailed, and/or disbarred for following Trump's illegal orders.
Is it though? :dunno: Do we not already have a pretty rock solid magaturd precedent here? I see it more par for the course than astounding.
It's like I keep saying, what special kind of evil scum, looking at that track record of Trump lawyers, would be craven enough to go work for a mob boss like Trump going forward?
I'd assume the ones with no morals or values. Believe it or not, some of these folks are astute enough to pass a bar. :dunno:
The speed at which the Democrats have taken over the "justice" system and turned it into their weapon for political vengeance is shocking.
What is actually shocking is that felonious Trump has been violating the law his entire life and only just now has been convicted in a criminal court.

There's a reason he is fighting desperately to get the other three trials postponed beyond the election. It's because they are all more of a slam dunk than the New York case.

Trump has been breaking the law for a very long time, and until now he just had to pay fines instead of going to prison where he belongs.

That ability to evade criminal trials made him arrogant. It encouraged him. The proverbial moral hazard.

Now that he's finally been convicted in criminal court, Trump is whining like a bitch with his fat tit caught in a wringer.

Too bad.
More namecalling from the dems. When they have no arguments they call the other side racists or nazis.
Actualy you called that for exhibiting the beavior of Nazis and racists. Your OP was a load of junk. None of it true and the source is the most disingenuous politcian in America.
Full of legal errors....says who?
Well, for openers look at the civil fraud trial. Judge engoron denied trump his 7A right to a jury trial and then hit him with a $450 million fine even though the judge admitted there were no victims. Both grounds for appeal on judicial error.
I'm saying trump was weak, and deferred his power.
Trump.........."No, I don't take ANY responsibility at ALL."

COVID happened under Trump.
Trump FAILED in the COVID response.

Am I clear?
But we now know covid was a lie created by fauci to enable democrats to use mail-in voting to win the 2020 election.
The legislature passed a bipartisan bill in 2019 to allow no-excuse mail in ballots. The governor was just executing the laws on the books

CAN'T YOU READ?? The state constitution bans NEMI ballots. The legislature can't override that. The state constitution needed to be amended.
It's a hallowed principle of our legal system that everyone has a right to a lawyer. Democrats say not trump!!!

tRump has gone through about every lawyer in the land. I would think that we need to put a limit on the number of lawyers any defendant has access to just to get the trial over and done with in time.
The two e jean carroll case and the civil fraud (judge engoron) and the hush money trial are all full of legal errors and will be overturned for sure . Then there are all the lawyers like John Eastman who have been disbarred merely for representing trump!

Trump said Cruz's wife is ugly and Cruz's father was involved in the JFK assassination.

What kind of sniveling sycophant is Cruz?

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