Ted Cruz: Gay community is waging a “jihad” against people of faith


VIP Member
Nov 25, 2014
Ted Cruz has officially had his hat in the ring for the 2016 GOP presidential nomination for less than three weeks, and no, his campaign has not ended yet. But perhaps it should, given that the Texas senator seems to think he can get elected by unflinchingly demonizing the LGBT community. It’s an interesting strategy.

At a presidential candidate forum in Iowa on Thursday, Cruz doubled down on his support for controversial “religious freedom” laws in states such as Indiana and Arkansas, from which other potential GOP nominees Jeb Bush and Rand Paul have already attempted to distance themselves. The laws are widely considered to sanction discrimination, particularly against LGBT individuals, but Cruz seems to think that’s just fine — because the gay community has launched a “jihad” against christians.

Flanked by former Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee, the GOP hopeful told a crowd of homeschooling activists to beware “the jihad that is being waged right now in Indiana and Arkansas, going after people of faith who respect the biblical teaching that marriage is the union of one man and one woman.”

“We need to bring people together,” Cruz said, adding that Republicans and Democrats used to be in agreement about religious liberty and, he implies, condoning discrimination. “This election needs to be about bringing together that consensus again, and that’s got to come from the people.”

Ted Cruz Gay community is waging a jihad against people of faith - Salon.com

So, if I support LBGT rights, I'm a jihadist?

Oh, yeah, I forgot, supporting LBGT rights is also going to make me Gay as well.

Well, does being a Gay Jihadist mean I develop as sense of style? I know my wife would like that part since she's had to deal with me for 15 years.
Ted Cruz has officially had his hat in the ring for the 2016 GOP presidential nomination for less than three weeks, and no, his campaign has not ended yet. But perhaps it should, given that the Texas senator seems to think he can get elected by unflinchingly demonizing the LGBT community. It’s an interesting strategy.

At a presidential candidate forum in Iowa on Thursday, Cruz doubled down on his support for controversial “religious freedom” laws in states such as Indiana and Arkansas, from which other potential GOP nominees Jeb Bush and Rand Paul have already attempted to distance themselves. The laws are widely considered to sanction discrimination, particularly against LGBT individuals, but Cruz seems to think that’s just fine — because the gay community has launched a “jihad” against christians.

Flanked by former Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee, the GOP hopeful told a crowd of homeschooling activists to beware “the jihad that is being waged right now in Indiana and Arkansas, going after people of faith who respect the biblical teaching that marriage is the union of one man and one woman.”

“We need to bring people together,” Cruz said, adding that Republicans and Democrats used to be in agreement about religious liberty and, he implies, condoning discrimination. “This election needs to be about bringing together that consensus again, and that’s got to come from the people.”

Ted Cruz Gay community is waging a jihad against people of faith - Salon.com

So, if I support LBGT rights, I'm a jihadist?

Oh, yeah, I forgot, supporting LBGT rights is also going to make me Gay as well.

Well, does being a Gay Jihadist mean I develop as sense of style? I know my wife would like that part since she's had to deal with me for 15 years.

Do you mean to say that Ted Cruz isn't gay? Are you serious?
So, I guess Cruz has lost those 8 votes he was going to get from the gay community. And the 7 votes he was going to get from Muslims.
It's true isn't it? When the BSA won a law suit to discriminate against possible pedophiles the sodomites went crazy and their minions in the democrat party demonized the Boy Scouts any way they could. A small percentage of Pizza parlor and bakery owners are evangelistic Christians and the sodomites can eat all the pizza they want and get wedding cakes made an a hundred thousand bakeries but they take the time to carefully shop around for discrimination. They deliberately seek out Christians and make a freaking federal case out of a freaking cake because they absolutely despise Christian values. I'd call that a jihad. Meanwhile the same chicken shit sodomites wouldn't dare challenge a Muslem bakery or try to force Muslems to put pork on a pizza because Christians are easier targets.
Ted Cruz has officially had his hat in the ring for the 2016 GOP presidential nomination for less than three weeks, and no, his campaign has not ended yet. But perhaps it should, given that the Texas senator seems to think he can get elected by unflinchingly demonizing the LGBT community. It’s an interesting strategy.

At a presidential candidate forum in Iowa on Thursday, Cruz doubled down on his support for controversial “religious freedom” laws in states such as Indiana and Arkansas, from which other potential GOP nominees Jeb Bush and Rand Paul have already attempted to distance themselves. The laws are widely considered to sanction discrimination, particularly against LGBT individuals, but Cruz seems to think that’s just fine — because the gay community has launched a “jihad” against christians.

Flanked by former Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee, the GOP hopeful told a crowd of homeschooling activists to beware “the jihad that is being waged right now in Indiana and Arkansas, going after people of faith who respect the biblical teaching that marriage is the union of one man and one woman.”

“We need to bring people together,” Cruz said, adding that Republicans and Democrats used to be in agreement about religious liberty and, he implies, condoning discrimination. “This election needs to be about bringing together that consensus again, and that’s got to come from the people.”

Ted Cruz Gay community is waging a jihad against people of faith - Salon.com

So, if I support LBGT rights, I'm a jihadist?

Oh, yeah, I forgot, supporting LBGT rights is also going to make me Gay as well.

Well, does being a Gay Jihadist mean I develop as sense of style? I know my wife would like that part since she's had to deal with me for 15 years.
Why is religious freedom controversial but being forced to participate in a gay wedding not supposed to be?
and he would be right. If that chaps your ass too bad

they have went after a frikken flower shop, pizza parlor, a state law where none of them even LIVE in.

so what else would you call it. waging love and peace
it's from Salon folks. one of the most vile and hateful leftwing hate site run by the disgusting Progressive/democrats liars on the Internet.

as we can see, it looks like all we're going to have in the run up to the elections. is having the poor poor homosexual rammed down our throats. they don't have anything else to run on. the people can't stand them and kicked them into minority status in congress for this very reason.

vote this party completely out of lives in 2016

I'd shun going to Salon and giving them support.

this is how Low they will crawl. they went and dug up someone from the Bush administration so they can put out on how ALL Republicans are racist. and not just you but they included YOUR CHILDREN too

“The GOP has scores of racists”: A former Bush official condemns modern Republican orthodoxy

Q: In the past you have said the Republican Party is full of racists. Do you stand by that and aren’t you afraid of a backlash?

A: I’m not afraid of a backlash. The GOP has scores of racists. Under Richard Nixon’s blessing, the GOP took advantage of disgruntled Democrats in the South. They are still there and their children are there.
I'm posting a link from another site because I REFUSE to go to such a disgusting site and give them any kind of support.
The GOP has scores of racists A former Bush official condemns modern Republican orthodoxy
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another take on this jihad being waged

Religious Freedom: What about the Florist and the Baker?
Ken Blackwell | Apr 11, 2015


Editor's Note: This column was coauthored by former U. S. Attorney General Edwin Meese, lll.

Hysteria over Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) has drowned out one critical question: Who are the florist and baker that ABC’s George Stephanopoulos hounded Gov. Mike Pence about? When Americans learn what that florist and baker are threatened with, we face an emerging trend that will destroy companies and jobs, and the chilling specter of what sort of a nation we are becoming.

The florist is 70-year-old grandmother Baronelle Stutzman of Washington State. A longtime gay customer—with whom she had a warm relationship—wanted her to do flower arrangements for his gay wedding. Mrs. Stutzman, a Southern Baptist, explained her Christian belief that marriage is between a man and woman, and thus could not participate in a gay wedding. Washington’s attorney general prosecuted her, pursuing not only her business, Arlene Flowers, but also Mrs. Stutzman personally. A state judge has ruled against her, and she faces the loss of her life’s savings and even her home.

The baker is Jack Phillips, who owns Masterpiece Cakeshop in Colorado. When he declined two gay men’s order to bake a cake celebrating gay marriage (though the men were welcome to buy any of the premade cakes off the shelf), they officially complained that Mr. Phillips violated Colorado’s civil-rights law. A court ruled against him, ordering him and his employees to undergo government-approved “tolerance training,” and also ordering him to bake cakes celebrating gay marriage for anyone who asks. If he refuses, he can go to jail—put behind bars—for contempt of court.

There are others. First was a New Mexico photographer who did not want to do the wedding shoot for a gay-commitment ceremony—not a wedding, because New Mexico had neither gay marriage nor civil unions at the time. A Kentucky T-shirt maker is being sued for not making shirts celebrating a gay-rights event. An Idaho pastor couple was pursued for not actually performing a gay wedding, until their town changed course. The list goes on, and grows monthly.

ALL of it here
Religious Freedom What about the Florist and the Baker - Ken Blackwell - Page 1
and he would be right. If that chaps your ass too bad

they have went after a frikken flower shop, pizza parlor, a state law where none of them even LIVE in.

so what else would you call it. waging love and peace

I wonder if it could be more obvious that Cruz is a latent homosexual? He should just come out of the closet instead of overcompensating all the time.
it's from Salon folks. one of the most vile and hateful leftwing hate site run by the disgusting Progressive/democrats liars on the Internet.

as we can see, it looks like all we're going to have in the run up to the elections. is having the poor poor homosexual rammed down our throats. they don't have anything else to run on. the people can't stand them and kicked them into minority status in congress for this very reason.

vote this party completely out of lives in 2016

I'd shun going to Salon and giving them support.

this is how Low they will crawl. they went and dug up someone from the Bush administration so they can put out on how ALL Republicans are racist. and not just you but they included YOUR CHILDREN too

“The GOP has scores of racists”: A former Bush official condemns modern Republican orthodoxy

Q: In the past you have said the Republican Party is full of racists. Do you stand by that and aren’t you afraid of a backlash?

A: I’m not afraid of a backlash. The GOP has scores of racists. Under Richard Nixon’s blessing, the GOP took advantage of disgruntled Democrats in the South. They are still there and their children are there.
I'm posting a link from another site because I REFUSE to go to such a disgusting site and give them any kind of support.
The GOP has scores of racists A former Bush official condemns modern Republican orthodoxy

As much as you talk about it, some people think you like things stuffed down your throat.
Ted Cruz is waging a 'Jihad' against his own electability. He is not Presidential material, and his daily rants to the media kinda prove it.

Rand Paul or Bush have a much greater chance of getting elected President, simply because they can keep their mouths shut and not rock the boat in swing states that don't like controversial statements.
So, I guess Cruz has lost those 8 votes he was going to get from the gay community. And the 7 votes he was going to get from Muslims.
He does a good job losing votes, which seems to be his campaign goal. 'The gays are bad' isn't enough of policy platform to get elected President, unless you are running for office in Uganda.

I do disagree with a little bit of that as civilization is all about sharing...Sharing in building infrastructure, education and science institutions that make our lives better then Mexico. I do defend your right to not serve gays and to worship the god you wish.

Sharing ???

I have no problem with Gays. I figure they're living their lives as they see fit like the rest of us, big deal. .. a civil marriage that gives them rights equivalent to a "traditional marriage" then some social ceremony, sheesh, what else do they want (same, yet different) To me, the solution is simple.

It's all this other crap ... Politicians, they don't want a solution, Media, they want a story, hypesters, they like the bucks..well, they all like the bucks..

That makes us :popcorn: .. :beer:
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Ted Cruz has officially had his hat in the ring for the 2016 GOP presidential nomination for less than three weeks, and no, his campaign has not ended yet. But perhaps it should, given that the Texas senator seems to think he can get elected by unflinchingly demonizing the LGBT community. It’s an interesting strategy.

At a presidential candidate forum in Iowa on Thursday, Cruz doubled down on his support for controversial “religious freedom” laws in states such as Indiana and Arkansas, from which other potential GOP nominees Jeb Bush and Rand Paul have already attempted to distance themselves. The laws are widely considered to sanction discrimination, particularly against LGBT individuals, but Cruz seems to think that’s just fine — because the gay community has launched a “jihad” against christians.

Flanked by former Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee, the GOP hopeful told a crowd of homeschooling activists to beware “the jihad that is being waged right now in Indiana and Arkansas, going after people of faith who respect the biblical teaching that marriage is the union of one man and one woman.”

“We need to bring people together,” Cruz said, adding that Republicans and Democrats used to be in agreement about religious liberty and, he implies, condoning discrimination. “This election needs to be about bringing together that consensus again, and that’s got to come from the people.”

Ted Cruz Gay community is waging a jihad against people of faith - Salon.com

So, if I support LBGT rights, I'm a jihadist?

Oh, yeah, I forgot, supporting LBGT rights is also going to make me Gay as well.

Well, does being a Gay Jihadist mean I develop as sense of style? I know my wife would like that part since she's had to deal with me for 15 years.

If they weren't before, they are now.
Ted Cruz has officially had his hat in the ring for the 2016 GOP presidential nomination for less than three weeks, and no, his campaign has not ended yet. But perhaps it should, given that the Texas senator seems to think he can get elected by unflinchingly demonizing the LGBT community. It’s an interesting strategy.

At a presidential candidate forum in Iowa on Thursday, Cruz doubled down on his support for controversial “religious freedom” laws in states such as Indiana and Arkansas, from which other potential GOP nominees Jeb Bush and Rand Paul have already attempted to distance themselves. The laws are widely considered to sanction discrimination, particularly against LGBT individuals, but Cruz seems to think that’s just fine — because the gay community has launched a “jihad” against christians.

Flanked by former Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee, the GOP hopeful told a crowd of homeschooling activists to beware “the jihad that is being waged right now in Indiana and Arkansas, going after people of faith who respect the biblical teaching that marriage is the union of one man and one woman.”

“We need to bring people together,” Cruz said, adding that Republicans and Democrats used to be in agreement about religious liberty and, he implies, condoning discrimination. “This election needs to be about bringing together that consensus again, and that’s got to come from the people.”

Ted Cruz Gay community is waging a jihad against people of faith - Salon.com

So, if I support LBGT rights, I'm a jihadist?

Oh, yeah, I forgot, supporting LBGT rights is also going to make me Gay as well.

Well, does being a Gay Jihadist mean I develop as sense of style? I know my wife would like that part since she's had to deal with me for 15 years.

No where, in any of the links provided, does Cruz attribute the jihad to the gay community. He does not make that accusation.

Another typical left wing lie. Try again sparky.


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