Ted Cruz: Gay community is waging a “jihad” against people of faith

Ted Cruz has officially had his hat in the ring for the 2016 GOP presidential nomination for less than three weeks, and no, his campaign has not ended yet. But perhaps it should, given that the Texas senator seems to think he can get elected by unflinchingly demonizing the LGBT community. It’s an interesting strategy.

At a presidential candidate forum in Iowa on Thursday, Cruz doubled down on his support for controversial “religious freedom” laws in states such as Indiana and Arkansas, from which other potential GOP nominees Jeb Bush and Rand Paul have already attempted to distance themselves. The laws are widely considered to sanction discrimination, particularly against LGBT individuals, but Cruz seems to think that’s just fine — because the gay community has launched a “jihad” against christians.

Flanked by former Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee, the GOP hopeful told a crowd of homeschooling activists to beware “the jihad that is being waged right now in Indiana and Arkansas, going after people of faith who respect the biblical teaching that marriage is the union of one man and one woman.”

“We need to bring people together,” Cruz said, adding that Republicans and Democrats used to be in agreement about religious liberty and, he implies, condoning discrimination. “This election needs to be about bringing together that consensus again, and that’s got to come from the people.”

Ted Cruz Gay community is waging a jihad against people of faith - Salon.com

So, if I support LBGT rights, I'm a jihadist?

Oh, yeah, I forgot, supporting LBGT rights is also going to make me Gay as well.

Well, does being a Gay Jihadist mean I develop as sense of style? I know my wife would like that part since she's had to deal with me for 15 years.
Ted Cruz wants sharia law for this country.

He said that ?
To gay jihadists not having the one Christian baker in town make your wedding cake is the equal of getting thrown off a building.
"Ted Cruz: Gay community is waging a “jihad” against people of faith"

Yep... Such is the nature of evil.
If HRC gets Julian Castro on the ticket, neither Rubio nor Cruz will take Florida or Virginia, can't take New Mexico or Colorado, and probably not Ohio.

Cruz wants to run a far right Christian political jihad against the rest of America. Simply won't work.

Rubio is likable, very much so, and while the callers into talk radio will vote for him if he is pick, his stance on a pathway to citizenship hurts him with the nativists.
McCain got beat because the economy tanked three weeks too early for him to recover, otherwise he would have won.

Romney lost for a number of things, including the 47% remark and Hurricane Sandy froze the election just when MR started getting traction.

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