Ted Cruz has officially renounced his Canuck citizenship

Ok who do I report first for trolling?

Mmmmm decisions, decisions.

what, you wanted people to take this seriously? so he renounced his citizenship to canada. big deal. he's still an ignorant asshole, it's just now he's an ignorant asshole we own completely.

yes, it probably signals he's going to run for president, but then everyone already knew that, right?

It's the rules. I didn't write them. We're in Politics. And by the way I agree with the no trolling rule. I've witnessed too many packs of posters over the years using trolling and deflection as a distinct tactic to derail a thread over the years.

One of the most amazing tactics was for liberals to post recipes in a thread they didn't like.

Solution: if you don't like a thread stay the hell out of it.
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Cruz's wife works for Goldman-Sachs, also consistent with Zionism, which for some reason has been historically tied to Jewish banking.

Marrs concludes:

Cruz is also for more military spending and for more war and conflict in the Middle East. But, he claims he is a “conservative.”

I know what Senator Ted Cruz is—don’t you?

Rafael "Ted" Cruz shows every indication of being a "Neoconservative." Here is a fact, however, which many Americans will not know, that enables one to give a more specific answer to the question of what Rafael "Ted" Cruz is: after the Spanish Inquisition, Marrano Jews, in order to pass more easily for genuine Christians, often adopted surnames with a very strong Christian connotation. Cruz, meaning Cross, is such a name. In the Spanish-speaking world, surnames with a strong Christian connotation more often than not belong to Sephardic Jews.

Despite all the warning-signs, through grandstanding with a 24-hour filibuster and other theatrics Ted Cruz has in a short time given himself the appearance of being a major spokesman for what passes as conservatism in the United States today. It is a general weakness of crowds lacking organization or leadership that any interloper with a loud mouth who makes some of the right noises can draw attention to himself and pose as a leader, and that is what "Ted" Cruz has been doing.

Cruz represents exactly the kind of plutocratic, warmongering Jewish agenda that has made the Republicans into a losing party. Cruz represents opposition to the populist orientation that must guide the Republicans if they are to become a winning party again.

If you want to help conservatives get a clue, call in to talkshows, post on blogs, point out to them any way you can the faults of Ted Cruz and similar frauds (like Marco Rubio).

Ted Cruz Calls On John Kerry To Resign Over Israel Apartheid Comments | Fox News Latino

Sen. Ted Cruz has called for the resignation of Secretary of State John Kerry over reportedly telling world leaders that Israel could become an “apartheid state.”

As if it wasn't.

The Texas GOP said on Monday he was “greatly saddened” to read the comments Kerry made during a closed-door meeting of the Trilateral Commission in Washington on Friday.

The Daily Beast reported that during the meeting, Kerry said Israel risked becoming an “apartheid state” with two classes of citizens if negotiations for a peace deal failed and a two-state solution is not reached.

“I was convinced that as Secretary of State, John Kerry would place what he considered to be the wishes of the international community above the national security interests of the United States. I fear with these most-recent ill-chosen remarks, Secretary Kerry has proved those concerns founded,” Cruz said during a floor speech Monday. “Secretary Kerry has thus proven himself unsuitable for his position and that before any further harm is done to our alliance with Israel, he should offer President Obama his resignation and the President should accept it.”

Cruz continued: “The term ‘apartheid’ means ‘apart’ — different, isolated — the state of the victims of apartheid with which the Jews are all too familiar.

I'm sure the Palestinians would have a different take on "victim-hood" in this case.

But Cruz's indictment of Kerry was only made because of his overriding concern for the "security and best interest" of the US.

Sure it was.

While he pointedly did not apologize for his remarks, Kerry stressed he was, and is, a strong supporter of Israel, which he called a “vibrant democracy.”

And, he stressed, he does not believe Israel is, or is definitely on track to become, an "apartheid state."

"I will not allow my commitment to Israel to be questioned by anyone, particularly for partisan, political purposes, so I want to be crystal clear about what I believe and what I don't believe,"Kerry said after U.S. lawmakers and pro-Israel groups criticized him, with some demanding his resignation or at least an apology.

Then don't say anything which can possibly be twisted to convey the least criticism of Israel Mr Kerry. That is if you value your political career.
Netanyahu's office declined comment on Kerry's remarks. But Israeli Transportation Minister Yisrael Katz, a member of Netanyahu's Likud Party, wrote scathing criticism of the secretary of state on his Facebook page. Noting that Kerry's comments coincided with Israel's annual Holocaust Memorial Day, Katz wrote: "Shame on you, Kerry! There are words that mustn't be said."

House GOP leader Eric Cantor, R-Va., said Kerry should apologize, while the powerful American Israel Public Affairs Committee described his use of the term as "offensive."

Democratic Sen. Barbara Boxer of California was also critical of Kerry's comment, saying on Twitter, "Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East and any linkage between Israel and apartheid is nonsensical and ridiculous."

Don't even suggest the idea Mr Kerry!

Now let us hear from the chorus of Kosher butt kissing sycophants.
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Great to see you again! We were afraid those sneaky Jews might have grabbed you and made you sit through ten back-to-back episodes of "Honey, I'm Goyim".

That sounds like something I might watch and maybe even enjoy.
It would really be great if they had Jack Benny around to play the role of a Deli owner and Marylin Monroe has his shiksa hoe wife.


No really, Mary Livingstone could play the part much better.


It's too bad they can't all be so amicable. If they were, there wouldn't be any "anti-semitism". And if there was, it could justifiably be condemned.

Opposition to criminal activity, even the bloodless white collar variety is NOT "anti-semitism".

To say that it is is comparable to calling someone "racist" for believing that OJ Simpson committed murder.
I don't know how this thread lead to Jew bashing, but it doesn't matter if he renounced his canadian citizenship or not. If he were a true patriot, he would have done this LONG time ago...out of principle. He didn't. He is a lousy canadian and him waiting til now to renounce his citizenship is telling and suspect...again, if he were a TRUE American, he wouldn't have waited so long.

He is canadian. Never trust a canadian...they are taught to be anti-American.
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I don't know how this thread lead to Jew bashing, but it doesn't matter if he renounced his canadian citizenship or not. If he were a true patriot, he would have done a LONG time ago...out of principle. He didn't. He is a lousy canadian and him waiting til now to do renounce his citizenship is telling and suspect...again, if he were a TRUE American, he wouldn't have waited so long.

He is canadian.

Cruz is a tool of the Jews, or a secret Jewboy dick sucker. Good God man, try to keep up with these important facts. You must understand quickly before the Global Elitists make you their slave...
I don't know how this thread lead to Jew bashing, but it doesn't matter if he renounced his canadian citizenship or not. If he were a true patriot, he would have done a LONG time ago...out of principle. He didn't. He is a lousy canadian and him waiting til now to do renounce his citizenship is telling and suspect...again, if he were a TRUE American, he wouldn't have waited so long.

He is canadian.

Cruz is a tool of the Jews, or a secret Jewboy dick sucker. Good God man, try to keep up with these important facts. You must understand quickly before the Global Elitists make you their slave...

Ahhh...so he is a canadian Jew dick sucking global elitist.
I don't know how this thread lead to Jew bashing, but it doesn't matter if he renounced his canadian citizenship or not. If he were a true patriot, he would have done a LONG time ago...out of principle. He didn't. He is a lousy canadian and him waiting til now to do renounce his citizenship is telling and suspect...again, if he were a TRUE American, he wouldn't have waited so long.

He is canadian.

Cruz is a tool of the Jews, or a secret Jewboy dick sucker. Good God man, try to keep up with these important facts. You must understand quickly before the Global Elitists make you their slave...

Ahhh...so he is a canadian Jew dick sucking global elitist.
Just this part, canadian Jew dick sucking tool. He's a slave too, but he gets a discount on suits because of the TV thing.
Ahhh...so he is a canadian Jew dick sucking global elitist.
Just this part, canadian Jew dick sucking tool. He's a slave too, but he gets a discount on suits because of the TV thing.[/QUOTE]

Very funny.

What I am opposed to is not "Jews". I am opposed to Marxism, Ponzi schemes, usury, unethical business practices, Jewish Supremacism and all the discrimination that comes with it, and globalist megalomaniacs who want to rule the world.

I don't like being black balled behind my back, cheated, or taken advantage of because of ignorance.

I don't like being spied on or treated like chattel.

I don't like having blacks, and illegal immigrants forced upon me by a bunch of people who believe they have a "G-d" given right to.

Judaism is the antithesis of Christianity.
Because it flatly denies the deity of Christ. That's the definition of it.
It doesn't stop there. It's stated mission is eradicate the very name if at all possible.

I don't like the way the Federal Reserve operates either. It has to go if this nation is to survive as the Republic it was intended to be.

I don't like organized crime calling itself Russian or by any other name because it is comprised of the kind of people who tend to use violence, promote practices which are harmful to individuals and society as well for the sake of profit.

I resent the violations of the Constitution, and the changes being introduced into our legislative, and judicial system by Jewish social engineers who seem to have nothing but contempt for anything they associate with Anglo Saxons and Christianity.

I don't like the homosexual agenda being foisted on the nation, "multiculturalism", atheism, feminism, and any other "isms" that can all be traced back to JUDAISM.

The Old Testament gives a clear record of how God dealt with "the back sliding heifer".

Now YOU may not believe it, but the NEW Testament IS the one we are living under right now.
It is the "law" , the "set of rules" , or the TESTAMENT which is applicable to THIS TIME PERIOD in which we are living.

People may not believe it or live by it. Even those who claim to may not. But that does not nullify the natural consequences which befall any individual or nation who goes against it any more than the ancient Israelites were exempted from the consequences of their actions.

Judaism has become a major vector of anti-christ infecting this nation. No good can come of it. This tribalism helped pave the way to the political and social climate we are experiencing.
It has served as the platform from which the internationalist banking cabal hucksters have been able to operate.

It is JUDAISM the entity to which I am opposed. I'll take each individual as he comes. I am opposed to Judaism for the same reasons I would be opposed to Bolshevism. It is THOSE people who have no respect for individuals for the same kinds of reasons that Yomamma has no respect for the will of the people with regard to issues like illegal immigration and the Balkanization of the US.

In short, the Jews want to destroy US sovereignty, Christianity, Anglo Saxon culture, their heritage, and the race itself.

The Jews believe that they are entitled to rule the world according to their eschatology. They are actively working towards that goal while they are pushing for more laws which will prohibit anyone opposing their agendas, or speaking against anything they do.

I am constantly being attacked and called a Nazi for sounding the alarm about these issues.
This is not true. But it ought to cause people to stop and consider whether there could have been any basis for the "anti-semitism" which the Germans expressed prior to and during WWII.

People believe without question that the animosity arose for no reason at all. They are required to attribute the acts of the so called holocaust to nothing more than an irrational hatred which sprang from nowhere by virtue of an innate evil peculiar to the German people alone .

This is a little too much to accept if anyone would just take the time to ask themselves seriously what precipitated those events and whether the Jews did anything to antagonize the people around them.

Currently the US is an estimated 17 TRILLION dollars in debt. The Federal Reserve and the Jewish War mongering lobby arguably has had a hand in bringing this about. Is this nothing to worry about?

We have a President whom Jewish money and popularized racism, the kind the blacks and Jews harbor, the politically correct kind, put into office; a President who thumbs his nose up at the law and white America at will. He no doubt takes his cues from the same kind of people represented by the likes of Rahm Emmanuel of gansterland USA.

That may not be as well put as you would like it, but do you get the idea I'm driving at?

It isn't Jack Benny or a deli owner that I have problems with.

I am about as Nazi as Werner Klemperer.

This doesn't mean that I am not seriously concerned with the state of the nation and the direction it is headed. I may well be directly affected by the outcome in very real and personal ways. Anyone who might ought to be.

It doesn't mean that I feel a bit more obliged to suffer with the BS coming from "Africa America", Zionist America, Feminist America, "Gay" America, Mexico America, or any of the dozens of other Americas that have arisen from Jewish concepts of pluralism, than I am with the same kinds of things coming from any "white guy".

The Jews operate as a POLITICAL ENTITY and they have to be dealt with as such.


An honest "Jew" with a right mind would know exactly what I mean and would agree with me if he really wanted to be fair the same way an honest black would admit that OJ Simpson was guilty of murder. It appears to me that there are an awful lot of blacks and Jews who don't really want to be fair at all and simply refuse to admit it.
I don't know how this thread lead to Jew bashing, but it doesn't matter if he renounced his canadian citizenship or not. If he were a true patriot, he would have done this LONG time ago...out of principle. He didn't. He is a lousy canadian and him waiting til now to renounce his citizenship is telling and suspect...again, if he were a TRUE American, he wouldn't have waited so long.

He is canadian. Never trust a canadian...they are taught to be anti-American.


A while back Canada had a problem which arose between the French speaking and the English speaking sectors as to which language should be the national language.

Some people apparently believe that the US ought to speak Spanish as well as French. They are already introducing a lot of Yiddish words into our vocabulary.

This would all be very wonderful if it was all that easy to learn three or four languages, especially in a country where illiteracy is a growing problem
and which is falling further and further behind globally in education.
As it is we already have to use a magnifying glass to read the "multicultural" labels on everything. A sheet of instructions has now turned into a manual. Who knows who will be demanding their own language be written everywhere as well.
I'm even passing African Africans now in Big Lots. Or should I say "Big OTs" since I am living in the racist white south?
Dual Citizenship -- Should we be worried?
Dual Citizenship -- Loyal to Whom?

by Dan Eden

Please also see Omert Humiliates America and Who Controls Hollywood and the Media?.

Someone wrote and asked me, "Why are there Israeli- but not Mexican-American Dual Nationals?"

Well, here's my take on this. I'd also like your views and opinions.
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Here's another funny guy to think about.


Jonathan Jay Pollard
was an American-Israeli citizen who worked for the US government. He is well known because he stole more secrets from the U.S. than has any other spy in American history. During his interrogation Pollard said he felt compelled to put the "interests of my state" ahead of his own. Although as a U.S. Navy counter-intelligence specialist he had a top-secret security clearance, by "my state" he meant the state of Israel.

Literally tens of thousands of Americans holding U.S. passports admit they feel a primary allegiance to the state of Israel. In many instances, these Americans vote in Israeli elections, wear Israeli uniforms and fight in Israeli wars. Many are actively engaged both in the confiscation of Palestinian lands and in the Israeli political system.​

Most people aren't aware that there are a great many people living in Israel who vote in US elections.​

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