Ted Cruz has officially renounced his Canuck citizenship

Why does Ted Cruz hate America so much that he felt the need to maintain dual citizenship for 47 years?

Take your pick.

Better medical care in Canada.
His family is vested in Canadian oil.
Butt Boy for the Koch Brothers.
Low thinking Texans that elected the guy.

I think Ted Cruz knows what a crappy healthcare system Texas has and kept his Canadian citizenship just in case
Senator Ted Cruz an Israeli Lackey

Senator Ted Cruz—his real name is Rafael Cruz—from Texas is Congress’ new fake conservative. Let me give you the scoop on this deceiver:

He swept into office thanks to Newt Gingrich and Sarah Palin campaigning for him. (Note: Gingrich and Palin are Israeli lackeys)
Cruz is a Cuban-American, born in Canada. His father was a Fidel Castro supporter who changed his mind and came over to Canada. Later, he moved to the U.S.
His wife works for Goldman-Sachs Bank. (That tells us something, doesn’t it?)

Cruz was heavily supported by the fake “Tea Party” set up by the billionaire Jews, the Koch brothers of New York.

Israeli clone Cruz already let everyone in Congress know he would be the southwest representative for the Israelis (Senator Marco Rubio of Florida is the southern representative). Like Rubio, Ted Cruz is 100% pro-immigration though he claims he’s for it only if we first fix border security (oh sure)

Israel a Strong Focus of Senator Ted Cruz?s Foreign Policy Push | Jewish & Israel News Algemeiner.com

While on the trip, Cruz made headlines by laying out his foreign policy positions regarding Israel during a speech to the Knesset. Cruz unequivocally blamed the Palestinians as being solely responsible for derailing the recent round of peace talks and blasted Secretary of State John Kerry and the Obama administration for criticizing Israel over settlement plans.
“If America can help provide a neutral forum, a venue for positive negotiations, then we should do so,” he said. “But the American president should not demonstrate arrogance in trying to dictate the terms of any solution for peace.”

No, Cruz. Just keep shoveling the money in their direction.

Although NORPAC raises money for pro-Israel candidates from both parties through its approximately 35 yearly fundraising events, the organization’s president, Ben Chouake, said Cruz was very well received.

Speculation about Cruz’s motives on the trip emanated from both sides of the aisle, since he is considered a likely presidential candidate in 2016.

At least one Jewish organizational leader framed Cruz’s trip in terms of it being a safe move among voters aligned with the GOP base: The pause in peace negotiations between the Israelis and the Palestinians allows politicians to make statements without fear of choosing between sides and, more than two years before the next presidential election, it’s clear that legislators are less influential in crafting foreign policy than the White House.

Texas businessman and Republican activist Fred Zeidman, who said he is close to Cruz, believes that the gap between the senator and the established Republican Jewish community is most likely the result of Cruz’s novelty on the foreign policy scene, but is gradually shrinking as they learn of his positions.

“You never know what somebody can do until they get in office,” said Zeidman. Cruz, he added, “was new to the game and he was running against a guy (Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst) who had a very long-term demonstrated record and was a major philanthropist to the state of Israel.”

Well the important thing in either case is that the interests of Israel should come first.

Ted Cruz Pulls no Punches in Pro-Israel Address - News from America - News - Arutz Sheva
Senator Ted Cruz Pulls no Punches in Pro-Israel Address
Republican presidential candidate hopeful vows to stand behind Israel in event of military strike on Iran, condemns Fatah-Hamas unity.


Cruz noted Congress's unanimous support for his bill to bar Iran from appointing a suspected terrorist as its UN ambassador, as well as Israel's thriving economy, as cause for celebration. But he warned a nuclear Iran was a serious threat to both Israel and the US, and vowed to support Israel if the Jewish state felt it necessary to carry out a military strike to thwart Tehran's plans.

That's right. Israel will decide whether the US goes to war with Iran.
Never mind WWIII. Israel needs Lebensraum.

And I am so skeert that Iran is going to drop a nuclear bomb on me any minute.

Please Mr Cruz, spare no expense.
What does a hoser from Canada care about our laws?

Undoubtedly more than a scumbag from Kenya!:eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

Our president can prove he was born in this country. The hoser from Canada cant

But his FATHER wasn't an American, never even applied for citizenship, besides showing a phony birth certificate!....Fact is, if the Manchurian muslim wasn't black, he would never have gotten even a nomination...It was the Hildebeasty's turn, to begin with, but now she's looks so decrepit, that that alone will keep her as a laughing stock of the world! Even Merkel looks better!!!...Calling Lincoln a Senator!!!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:
Undoubtedly more than a scumbag from Kenya!:eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

Our president can prove he was born in this country. The hoser from Canada cant

But his FATHER wasn't an American, never even applied for citizenship, besides showing a phony birth certificate!....Fact is, if the Manchurian muslim wasn't black, he would never have gotten even a nomination...It was the Hildebeasty's turn, to begin with, but now she's looks so decrepit, that that alone will keep her as a laughing stock of the world! Even Merkel looks better!!!...Calling Lincoln a Senator!!!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

The Great State of Hawaii claims President Obama as a native son

Who claims Cruz? Manitoba?
Our president can prove he was born in this country. The hoser from Canada cant

But his FATHER wasn't an American, never even applied for citizenship, besides showing a phony birth certificate!....Fact is, if the Manchurian muslim wasn't black, he would never have gotten even a nomination...It was the Hildebeasty's turn, to begin with, but now she's looks so decrepit, that that alone will keep her as a laughing stock of the world! Even Merkel looks better!!!...Calling Lincoln a Senator!!!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

The Great State of Hawaii claims President Obama as a native son

Who claims Cruz? Manitoba?

No, Alberta.
And here I thought a natural born citizen of the U.S had to be born in the U.S., with the exception of those born in another country to parents who were stationed overseas while serving in the U.S. military. Guess to righties, being born in another country to parents serving Communist Castro also qualifies. :dunno:
The simple fact is that he wasn't born in the US so none of this matters. Let Texas elect whoever they want (it's Texas, what do you expect?) but he can't run for national election. Cruz will never be President because he was not born in the United States.

Strict Constitutionalist Teabagger Republicans should know that.
And here I thought a natural born citizen of the U.S had to be born in the U.S., with the exception of those born in another country to parents who were stationed overseas while serving in the U.S. military. Guess to righties, being born in another country to parents serving Communist Castro also qualifies. :dunno:

Silly you... :lol: /sarcasm
But his FATHER wasn't an American, never even applied for citizenship, besides showing a phony birth certificate!....Fact is, if the Manchurian muslim wasn't black, he would never have gotten even a nomination...It was the Hildebeasty's turn, to begin with, but now she's looks so decrepit, that that alone will keep her as a laughing stock of the world! Even Merkel looks better!!!...Calling Lincoln a Senator!!!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

The Great State of Hawaii claims President Obama as a native son

Who claims Cruz? Manitoba?

No, Alberta.

Same difference

Cruz is loyal to his native country
Same difference

Cruz is loyal to his native country

Ted Cruz is a canadian. How can any conservative, in their right mind, support a canadian. Just amazingly pathetic. Absolutely pathetic.

Conservatives hate America

That's why they want a Canadian to lead it

The correct answer is that Teaper's hate America...no true American loving Conservative would vote for someone who is an idiot AND a canadian to boot!
If Cruz were to be President, how can we be sure he wouldn't give the country away to Canada?
If Cruz were to be President, how can we be sure he wouldn't give the country away to Canada?

I wonder what all the militia nutters will do when they realize Cruz is a canadian and his father was a Cuban communist.
Our president can prove he was born in this country. The hoser from Canada cant

But his FATHER wasn't an American, never even applied for citizenship, besides showing a phony birth certificate!....Fact is, if the Manchurian muslim wasn't black, he would never have gotten even a nomination...It was the Hildebeasty's turn, to begin with, but now she's looks so decrepit, that that alone will keep her as a laughing stock of the world! Even Merkel looks better!!!...Calling Lincoln a Senator!!!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

The Great State of Hawaii claims President Obama as a native son

Who claims Cruz? Manitoba?

And McCain was born in Panama, and had NO PROBLEM running for president! :eusa_clap:...Also many consider Chester A. Arthur to have been born in Canada, but back then proving where you were born, was as easy as someone making up a Hawaiian B.C. for a Kenyan! :badgrin:

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