Ted Cruz, Longtime Foe Of NASA And Science, Will Oversee NASA And Science In New Congress


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Following the ratification of Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) as chair of the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committtee last week, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) was named chair of the Subcommittee on Space, Science and Competitiveness, where he will oversee NASA and science programs.

Appointed Jan. 8, Cruz is expected to be confirmed to the new role by the end of the month as one of many changes to the new Republican-controlled Congress. But the Republican senator's words and actions during his time in office have painted him to be a far cry from an advocate for the sciences, leaving many concerned about the future of space and science funding.

Cruz's infamous hours-long speech in September 2013, led to a 16-day government shutdown barring 97 percent of NASA employees from appearing for work. Interns to the agency were temporarily displaced when the NASA-provided housing was closed during the shutdown, and many have said the agency suffered lasting damage due to the freeze.

And NASA wasn't the only agency hit by the shutdown: research programsrun by the National Institute of Healthsuffered a blow when new clinical trials were suspended, affecting 200 new patients each week of the shutdown. Environmental Protection Agency programs were also compromised, with 90 percent of employees on furlough.

The agency has conducted research on climate change, recently kicking off five projects to study how the earth's atmosphere affects global warming.

Cruz has claimed there isn't enough evidence to prove global warming is occurring,telling CNN he was skeptical of the "so-called scientific theory."

More: Ted Cruz, Longtime Foe Of NASA And Science, Will Oversee NASA And Science In New Congress

This is bad news NASA and other scientists - including Americans who support those programs.
Evidence Cruz is a "foe of NASA"? Of course not. Lakhota is smoking shit again.
Obama, the man who ended the US manned space program and ordered all satellite point to Mecca 5 times a day (Ok, I made the last part up, but he did end the manned space program)
Obama, the man who ended the US manned space program and ordered all satellite point to Mecca 5 times a day (Ok, I made the last part up, but he did end the manned space program)
Except he didn't. The Orion Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle is a spacecraft intended to carry a crew of up to four astronauts to destinations at or beyond low Earth orbit. Wikipedia
There is a lot of bullshit flying in this topic.

Pointing to the government shutdown as evidence Cruz hates the space program is disingenuous. EVERY government function was shut down during that period.

Obama ending the manned space program is also bullshit.

But look here. Ted Cruz is from Texas. Texas and the space program are intertwined. I seriously doubt Cruz is going to fuck over Texas's space programs.
Obama, the man who ended the US manned space program and ordered all satellite point to Mecca 5 times a day (Ok, I made the last part up, but he did end the manned space program)
Except he didn't. The Orion Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle is a spacecraft intended to carry a crew of up to four astronauts to destinations at or beyond low Earth orbit. Wikipedia
Guess where the Orion program office is located.

Houston, TX.

Guess what state Ted Cruz represents.
Obama, the man who ended the US manned space program and ordered all satellite point to Mecca 5 times a day (Ok, I made the last part up, but he did end the manned space program)

Actually, you made up all of that.

President Obama did not end manned space flights.

Turn off fox, limbaugh and brietbart.
Actually, your Dear Leader has proven to be an even bigger foe of NASA. Just ask those who work there. He is truly despised.

Oh, another NaziCon suffering from Obama derangement syndrome.
you and Kosh should get a room together.....everyone who disagrees with you is a "Nazicon" and everyone who disagrees with him is a "Far Left Drone"....but yet neither one of you can prove what you say about the people you label....but yet i can prove this about both of you.....you are both Dicks......

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