Ted Cruz, Longtime Foe Of NASA And Science, Will Oversee NASA And Science In New Congress

Sacrifices will have to be made people. NASA could very well be one of those sacrifices. Welfare/Warfare States don't come cheap. It's pretty clear Americans want their massive Entitlements and Permanent War. But they're already $19 Trillion in Debt. and their Welfare/Warfare State continues to expand.

How much can the Taxpayers afford? How much more burden can be placed on them? Obviously, cuts will have to be made at some point. Sacrifice is coming.

The insane government spending WILL come to an end you can't max out credit cards forever. Then people will know true pain and suffering. The national debt has tripled in only the last 15 years. If nothing changes it will be $60 trillion when I retire in 15 years.

Yeah, Americans want their massive Entitlements and Permanent War. But most can't comprehend they're already $19 Trillion in Debt. and their Welfare/Warfare State is rapidly expanding. How can Taxpayers continue to support it?

Government spending on space exploration is likely a spending luxury America won't be able to afford at some point. It'll be a Private Sector endeavor eventually. Americans can't have it all. If they want their massive Entitlements and Permanent War, they're gonna have to face the fact cuts will have to be made elsewhere. It is what it is.

We are living beyond our means by maxing out credit cards and sticking our grand kids with the bill. I find this disgusting but while I look on in horror it seems I'm in a small minority, the vast majority of Americans seem fine with this.

Americans truly believe they can have it all. They're living on borrowed time. The day of reckoning for this Welfare/Warfare State is coming.
Sacrifices will have to be made people. NASA could very well be one of those sacrifices. Welfare/Warfare States don't come cheap. It's pretty clear Americans want their massive Entitlements and Permanent War. But they're already $19 Trillion in Debt. and their Welfare/Warfare State continues to expand.

How much can the Taxpayers afford? How much more burden can be placed on them? Obviously, cuts will have to be made at some point. Sacrifice is coming.

The insane government spending WILL come to an end you can't max out credit cards forever. Then people will know true pain and suffering. The national debt has tripled in only the last 15 years. If nothing changes it will be $60 trillion when I retire in 15 years.

Yeah, Americans want their massive Entitlements and Permanent War. But most can't comprehend they're already $19 Trillion in Debt. and their Welfare/Warfare State is rapidly expanding. How can Taxpayers continue to support it?

Government spending on space exploration is likely a spending luxury America won't be able to afford at some point. It'll be a Private Sector endeavor eventually. Americans can't have it all. If they want their massive Entitlements and Permanent War, they're gonna have to face the fact cuts will have to be made elsewhere. It is what it is.

We are living beyond our means by maxing out credit cards and sticking our grand kids with the bill. I find this disgusting but while I look on in horror it seems I'm in a small minority, the vast majority of Americans seem fine with this.

Americans truly believe they can have it all. They're living on borrowed time. The day of reckoning for this Welfare/Warfare State is coming.

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