Ted Cruz, Longtime Foe Of NASA And Science, Will Oversee NASA And Science In New Congress

Bad news for NASA

Good news that he did not get put in charge of a Senate chair with more influence
When your country is broke and the people are already taxed to the max a space program becomes a luxury we can't afford.
Actually, your Dear Leader has proven to be an even bigger foe of NASA. Just ask those who work there. He is truly despised.

Oh, another NaziCon suffering from Obama derangement syndrome.
you and Kosh should get a room together.....everyone who disagrees with you is a "Nazicon" and everyone who disagrees with him is a "Far Left Drone"....but yet neither one of you can prove what you say about the people you label....but yet i can prove this about both of you.....you are both Dicks......

Wrong! Once again! Many you believed to be moderates have shown to be far left drones, yet you can not admit to that. That seems to be your problem not mine. Even after they have admitted they think Obama is a "Centrist"..
you know what Kosh....just because someone might have far left view on something does not mean the guy is far left.....if every view is like that...then ok you have a point....but many you have labeled far left have been in many threads here with a fairly more to the center conservative view on something else..... we have done this dance before....in one thread you called a guy who was for the healthcare program a "far left obama drone",but yet in another thread that same person was battling the anti gun people,when that was pointed out YOU would not admit that.....
Following the ratification of Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) as chair of the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committtee last week, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) was named chair of the Subcommittee on Space, Science and Competitiveness, where he will oversee NASA and science programs.

Appointed Jan. 8, Cruz is expected to be confirmed to the new role by the end of the month as one of many changes to the new Republican-controlled Congress. But the Republican senator's words and actions during his time in office have painted him to be a far cry from an advocate for the sciences, leaving many concerned about the future of space and science funding.

Cruz's infamous hours-long speech in September 2013, led to a 16-day government shutdown barring 97 percent of NASA employees from appearing for work. Interns to the agency were temporarily displaced when the NASA-provided housing was closed during the shutdown, and many have said the agency suffered lasting damage due to the freeze.

And NASA wasn't the only agency hit by the shutdown: research programsrun by the National Institute of Healthsuffered a blow when new clinical trials were suspended, affecting 200 new patients each week of the shutdown. Environmental Protection Agency programs were also compromised, with 90 percent of employees on furlough.

The agency has conducted research on climate change, recently kicking off five projects to study how the earth's atmosphere affects global warming.

Cruz has claimed there isn't enough evidence to prove global warming is occurring,telling CNN he was skeptical of the "so-called scientific theory."

More: Ted Cruz, Longtime Foe Of NASA And Science, Will Oversee NASA And Science In New Congress

This is bad news NASA and other scientists - including Americans who support those programs.
Lakota is the name for a South Dakota indian tribe.
Current "global warming" temperature for SD...

Screen Shot 2015-01-12 at 3.26.54 PM.png
I hope Cruz zeros out all AGW funding

Well he wouldn't want to read the science behind it...

You mean the science that has:
"The number of [Siberian] stations increased from 8 in 1901 to 23 in 1951 and then decreased to 12 from 1989 to present only four (4) stations, those at Irkutsk, Bratsk, Chita and Kirensk, cover the entire 20th century.
IEA analysts say climatologists use the data of stations located in large populated centers that are influenced by the urban-warming effect more frequently than the correct data of remote stations…The scale of global warming was exaggerated due to temperature distortions for Russia accounting for 12.5% of the world’s land mass.The IEA said it was necessary to recalculate all global-temperature data in order to assess the scale of such exaggeration.
Climategatekeeping Siberia Climate Audit

The same science that depended on thermometers read by humans, that transcribed temperatures that then were re-entered into another book ...until computers and digital thermometers were used...sometime in the late 60s.
Obama, the man who ended the US manned space program and ordered all satellite point to Mecca 5 times a day (Ok, I made the last part up, but he did end the manned space program)
Except he didn't. The Orion Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle is a spacecraft intended to carry a crew of up to four astronauts to destinations at or beyond low Earth orbit. Wikipedia

Low Earth orbit ....and not to the Moon and beyond.
thats what NASA's Orion spacecraft is for Frank.....that one is designed to take humans deeper into space than ever before......

NASA s Orion Spacecraft - Latest News Videos and Photos
The same science that required
"Feds close 600 weather stations amid criticism they're situated to report warming thanks to temperature readings from sweltering parking lots, airports and other locations that distort the true state of the climate.

Indeed, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has closed some 600 out of nearly 9,000 weather stations over the past two years that it has deemed problematic or unnecessary, after a long campaign by one critic highlighting the problem of using unreliable data.
The agency says the closures will help improve gathering of weather data, but critics like meterologist and blogger Anthony Watts say it is too little, too late.
Following the ratification of Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) as chair of the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committtee last week, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) was named chair of the Subcommittee on Space, Science and Competitiveness, where he will oversee NASA and science programs.

Appointed Jan. 8, Cruz is expected to be confirmed to the new role by the end of the month as one of many changes to the new Republican-controlled Congress. But the Republican senator's words and actions during his time in office have painted him to be a far cry from an advocate for the sciences, leaving many concerned about the future of space and science funding.

Cruz's infamous hours-long speech in September 2013, led to a 16-day government shutdown barring 97 percent of NASA employees from appearing for work. Interns to the agency were temporarily displaced when the NASA-provided housing was closed during the shutdown, and many have said the agency suffered lasting damage due to the freeze.

And NASA wasn't the only agency hit by the shutdown: research programsrun by the National Institute of Healthsuffered a blow when new clinical trials were suspended, affecting 200 new patients each week of the shutdown. Environmental Protection Agency programs were also compromised, with 90 percent of employees on furlough.

The agency has conducted research on climate change, recently kicking off five projects to study how the earth's atmosphere affects global warming.

Cruz has claimed there isn't enough evidence to prove global warming is occurring,telling CNN he was skeptical of the "so-called scientific theory."

More: Ted Cruz, Longtime Foe Of NASA And Science, Will Oversee NASA And Science In New Congress

This is bad news NASA and other scientists - including Americans who support those programs.
Lakota is the name for a South Dakota indian tribe.
Current "global warming" temperature for SD...

View attachment 35833

No shit, Sherlock, it gets cold in South Dakota in the Winter.
You'd be hard-pressed to find anyone at NASA who respects or admires this current President. That's the reality.
Prove it. And don't go bringing up moon astronauts 90 years old who think we should be going back to the moon again and again.

Landing on asteroids, private spaceships, Mars, that's where it's at. That's the future. And I suspect the scientists at NASA aren't very fond of "magical creation" Republicans who think science is a faith and education is for snobs.

And that I can prove.
maybe you should take your own advice dean and Google shit before you talk........

NASA - How We ll Get Back to the Moon
You'd be hard-pressed to find anyone at NASA who respects or admires this current President. That's the reality.
Is that because they are all white guys from Texas?


It's not. NASA bought two cone calorimeters from the company I used to work at and I was there for two weeks at White Sands installing them.

cone calorimeter test Topics by Science.gov

While they do show a lot of white guys in the control room, they aren't all white. In fact, I would guess that two thirds of the scientists are from all over the world. The guy whose department I worked in was from Transylvania. And that's no joke.

It's funny that the gov of Texas goes to California and New York looking for skilled workers. If they were so smart in Texas, well, you know. Now that 5 billion has been cut from Texas education, they will stay stupid for a long, long time.
so dean you told me that personal experiences dont fly on the internet....so i guess for you its different?.....
Following the ratification of Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) as chair of the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committtee last week, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) was named chair of the Subcommittee on Space, Science and Competitiveness, where he will oversee NASA and science programs.

Appointed Jan. 8, Cruz is expected to be confirmed to the new role by the end of the month as one of many changes to the new Republican-controlled Congress. But the Republican senator's words and actions during his time in office have painted him to be a far cry from an advocate for the sciences, leaving many concerned about the future of space and science funding.

Cruz's infamous hours-long speech in September 2013, led to a 16-day government shutdown barring 97 percent of NASA employees from appearing for work. Interns to the agency were temporarily displaced when the NASA-provided housing was closed during the shutdown, and many have said the agency suffered lasting damage due to the freeze.

And NASA wasn't the only agency hit by the shutdown: research programsrun by the National Institute of Healthsuffered a blow when new clinical trials were suspended, affecting 200 new patients each week of the shutdown. Environmental Protection Agency programs were also compromised, with 90 percent of employees on furlough.

The agency has conducted research on climate change, recently kicking off five projects to study how the earth's atmosphere affects global warming.

Cruz has claimed there isn't enough evidence to prove global warming is occurring,telling CNN he was skeptical of the "so-called scientific theory."

More: Ted Cruz, Longtime Foe Of NASA And Science, Will Oversee NASA And Science In New Congress

This is bad news NASA and other scientists - including Americans who support those programs.
Lakota is the name for a South Dakota indian tribe.
Current "global warming" temperature for SD...

View attachment 35833

No shit, Sherlock, it gets cold in South Dakota in the Winter.

Not with what AlGore,Biden/Obama think! Global warming will send tsunamis of water inundating Mt. Rushmore..
Screen Shot 2015-01-12 at 3.48.35 PM.png
Private space exploration is the future. A nation $19 Trillion in Debt and a rapidly expanding Welfare/Warfare State, cannot afford space exploration. Taxpayers are already too stressed, and close to being maxed out.

Welfare/Warfare States don't come cheap. Many Government spending luxuries will have to go. That's the harsh reality. It's time for Americans to accept that.
space exploration brings us to many advances in Medicine and science and especially engineering to just say fuck it.....i would rather see money going into this than some fucking war in a third world shit hole or helping those countries that spit in our faces after we help them.....
Private space exploration is the future. A nation $19 Trillion in Debt and a rapidly expanding Welfare/Warfare State, cannot afford space exploration. Taxpayers are already too stressed, and close to being maxed out.

Welfare/Warfare States don't come cheap. Many Government spending luxuries will have to go. That's the harsh reality. It's time for Americans to accept that.

Sounds like it's time to get the RED states off the government tit.

Massive Entitlements and Permanent War costs a whole lot of money. And who do you think's gotta pay for it? Government spending luxuries like space exploration are gonna have to bite the dust at some point. How much more burden can be put on Taxpayers? They're already close to being maxed out. Private space exploration is the future. It's a logical inevitability.

Cry to Republicans - especially Reagan and Bush Jr. Democrats fill the Treasury - Republicans loot it.
and your breed of politician dont?.....
Private space exploration is the future. A nation $19 Trillion in Debt and a rapidly expanding Welfare/Warfare State, cannot afford space exploration. Taxpayers are already too stressed, and close to being maxed out.

Welfare/Warfare States don't come cheap. Many Government spending luxuries will have to go. That's the harsh reality. It's time for Americans to accept that.
space exploration brings us to many advances in Medicine and science and especially engineering to just say fuck it.....i would rather see money going into this than some fucking war in a third world shit hole or helping those countries that spit in our faces after we help them.....

Limit Entitlement spending and end Permanent War. Otherwise, spending luxuries like space exploration will have to go. And personally, i doubt anything's gonna change. This Welfare/Warfare will continue to expand. So space exploration will eventually be left to the Private Sector for the most part.
Private space exploration is the future. A nation $19 Trillion in Debt and a rapidly expanding Welfare/Warfare State, cannot afford space exploration. Taxpayers are already too stressed, and close to being maxed out.

Welfare/Warfare States don't come cheap. Many Government spending luxuries will have to go. That's the harsh reality. It's time for Americans to accept that.
space exploration brings us to many advances in Medicine and science and especially engineering to just say fuck it.....i would rather see money going into this than some fucking war in a third world shit hole or helping those countries that spit in our faces after we help them.....

Limit Entitlement spending and end Permanent War. Otherwise, spending luxuries like space exploration will have to go. And personally, i doubt anything's gonna change. This Welfare/Warfare will continue to expand. So space exploration will eventually be left to the Private Sector for the most part.

You know obviously in spite of what happened in France last week do you REALLY think ending "permanent war" is possible?
I just don't understand the ignorance and outright naïveté of to think ah let's JUST END Permanent WAR!
My goodness what grade level are you? Do you really think that the islamic terrorists will say "OK... Let's end it right now"!
Please leave that childish uninformed opinion in the playground OK???

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