Ted Cruz, Longtime Foe Of NASA And Science, Will Oversee NASA And Science In New Congress

Private space exploration is the future. A nation $19 Trillion in Debt and a rapidly expanding Welfare/Warfare State, cannot afford space exploration. Taxpayers are already too stressed, and close to being maxed out.

Welfare/Warfare States don't come cheap. Many Government spending luxuries will have to go. That's the harsh reality. It's time for Americans to accept that.
space exploration brings us to many advances in Medicine and science and especially engineering to just say fuck it.....i would rather see money going into this than some fucking war in a third world shit hole or helping those countries that spit in our faces after we help them.....

Limit Entitlement spending and end Permanent War. Otherwise, spending luxuries like space exploration will have to go. And personally, i doubt anything's gonna change. This Welfare/Warfare will continue to expand. So space exploration will eventually be left to the Private Sector for the most part.

You know obviously in spite of what happened in France last week do you REALLY think ending "permanent war" is possible?
I just don't understand the ignorance and outright naïveté of to think ah let's JUST END Permanent WAR!
My goodness what grade level are you? Do you really think that the islamic terrorists will say "OK... Let's end it right now"!
Please leave that childish uninformed opinion in the playground OK???

Massive Entitlements and Permanent War costs us bigtime. How do people think we can continue paying for it? Obviously cuts will have to be made at some point. And space exploration will likely be one of those cuts.

You want your massive entitlements and permanent war? Well, it's gonna cost ya. You'll have to live with sacrificing something. You can't have it all. Taxpayers can only handle so much.
Private space exploration is the future. A nation $19 Trillion in Debt and a rapidly expanding Welfare/Warfare State, cannot afford space exploration. Taxpayers are already too stressed, and close to being maxed out.

Welfare/Warfare States don't come cheap. Many Government spending luxuries will have to go. That's the harsh reality. It's time for Americans to accept that.
space exploration brings us to many advances in Medicine and science and especially engineering to just say fuck it.....i would rather see money going into this than some fucking war in a third world shit hole or helping those countries that spit in our faces after we help them.....

Limit Entitlement spending and end Permanent War. Otherwise, spending luxuries like space exploration will have to go. And personally, i doubt anything's gonna change. This Welfare/Warfare will continue to expand. So space exploration will eventually be left to the Private Sector for the most part.

You know obviously in spite of what happened in France last week do you REALLY think ending "permanent war" is possible?
I just don't understand the ignorance and outright naïveté of to think ah let's JUST END Permanent WAR!
My goodness what grade level are you? Do you really think that the islamic terrorists will say "OK... Let's end it right now"!
Please leave that childish uninformed opinion in the playground OK???

Massive Entitlements and Permanent War costs us bigtime. How do people think we can continue paying for it? Obviously cuts will have to be made at some point. And space exploration will likely be one of those cuts.

You want your massive entitlements and permanent war? Well, it's gonna cost ya. You'll have to live with sacrificing something. You can't have it all. Taxpayers can only handle so much.

You obviously THINK "permanent war" is an option? A Choice?
The bad guys aren't playing war anymore then our troops are. It is a death battle. You want to die?
You make it sound like there is a button that turns on "permanent war"! There isn't. Do you understand?
Private space exploration is the future. A nation $19 Trillion in Debt and a rapidly expanding Welfare/Warfare State, cannot afford space exploration. Taxpayers are already too stressed, and close to being maxed out. Welfare/Warfare States don't come cheap. Many Government spending luxuries will have to go. That's the harsh reality. It's time for Americans to accept that.

Especially now that we want to add $2 trillion a year in "free" community college to our expenses.
You said: Especially now that we want to add $2 trillion a year in "free" community college to our expenses.

Closer to 60 billion, which is what Republicans gave the banks for working the Student Loan program.

2 trillion? Where do Republicans get their numbers? Remember when they were saying Keystone would make a million new jobs. Then we found out it was 35 permanent jobs. You heard right, 35.

Remember when Republicans said Obama was taking a trip to India costing $200,000,000.00 a day? I swear, the right wingers are brain damaged. What else could explain it? That much stupid takes lots of practice. It's actually eerie.
What was left after Barry Hussein's administration shut down the Space Shuttle concept? Should NASA become a bureaucratic funded wart on the backside of the American taxpayer or should the agency be trimmed until they have some freaking mission?
Obama, the man who ended the US manned space program and ordered all satellite point to Mecca 5 times a day (Ok, I made the last part up, but he did end the manned space program)

Actually, you made up all of that.

President Obama did not end manned space flights.

Turn off fox, limbaugh and brietbart.

Nope, he just hired Russia to act as chaffeur....which Russia now refuses to do.
Hey, you nice little corksmoker, Elon Musk has bigger and better rockets than Russia. And they are private enterprise. And Elon has some pretty ambitious competitors. And it happened under the present President.
What was left after Barry Hussein's administration shut down the Space Shuttle concept? Should NASA become a bureaucratic funded wart on the backside of the American taxpayer or should the agency be trimmed until they have some freaking mission?
You said: What was left after Barry Hussein's administration shut down the Space Shuttle concept? Should NASA become a bureaucratic funded wart on the backside of the American taxpayer or should the agency be trimmed until they have some freaking mission?

NASA s current mission - Google Search

And many of these missions are ongoing.
NASA Missions NASA

You don't even care how stupid you look. Strange you have no shame and revel in ignorance. I don't understand the thrill. Perhaps you could explain it to us?
NASA also known as the National Aeronautics and Space Administration had it's maned space program ended by the current President which is why we now pay Russia to take people into space for us.
What's with the panic about Cruz heading up this committee? He's on record stating that he believes NASA has to be a leader in space.
Private space exploration is the future. A nation $19 Trillion in Debt and a rapidly expanding Welfare/Warfare State, cannot afford space exploration. Taxpayers are already too stressed, and close to being maxed out. Welfare/Warfare States don't come cheap. Many Government spending luxuries will have to go. That's the harsh reality. It's time for Americans to accept that.

Especially now that we want to add $2 trillion a year in "free" community college to our expenses.
You said: Especially now that we want to add $2 trillion a year in "free" community college to our expenses.

Closer to 60 billion, which is what Republicans gave the banks for working the Student Loan program.

2 trillion? Where do Republicans get their numbers? Remember when they were saying Keystone would make a million new jobs. Then we found out it was 35 permanent jobs. You heard right, 35.

Remember when Republicans said Obama was taking a trip to India costing $200,000,000.00 a day? I swear, the right wingers are brain damaged. What else could explain it? That much stupid takes lots of practice. It's actually eerie.

YOU are 100% right regarding the gross error of "$2 trillion a year"! Totally wrong and I agree.
YOU are 100% right regarding making "million new jobs"..totally wrong and I agree.
YOU are 100% right regarding Obama's India trip. I agree.

NOW.. will YOU agree with these GROSS brain damaged statements made by NON-right wingers Barack Obama, and accepted by i.e. idiots like YOU?

A) Gross Exaggeration: Obama said:“I don’t have to explain to you that nearly 46 million Americans don’t have health insurance coverage today. In the wealthiest nation on Earth, 46 million of our fellow citizens have no coverage.”
Wild Exaggeration ... Not when:
1) Even Hussein agrees that 10 million of the 46 million the Census number used included NON-CITIZENS hence NOT Americans!
2) When the Census agrees that 14 million "counted" as "uninsured" really due to the fault of the administration WERE NEVER ENROLLED IN MEDICAID/SCHIP!
3) 18 million people making over $50,000 refuse their employers' health plan YET they've been falsely and erroneously counted!
So would you agree there never were 46 million but less the 4 million after subtracting the above 42 million that were falsely and exaggeratedly included?
Would you also agree that this was gigantic exaggeration made by Obama?

B) Gross Exaggeration: Obama said "Up to half of all Americans have a pre-existing condition,"
Another grossly wrong outright lie! Gave the impression 155 million Americans were not able to get insurance!
1) Facts: half of 310 million Americans is 155 million. You agree?
85% of Americans have coverage... that means 266 million so where in the hell did he come up with "half"?
2) Facts: a total of 1.5 million Americans who were denied health insurance or paid higher premiums due to pre-existing conditions.
Obama s Pre-existing Conditions Whopper - Forbes

C) Gross Exaggeration: PRESIDENT OBAMA: "Partly because it’s not treated as effectively as it could be. Right now if we paid a family if a family care physician works with his or her patient to help them lose weight, modify diet, monitors whether they are taking their medications in a timely fashion, they might get reimbursed a pittance. But if that same doctor Ends up getting their foot amputated, that’s $30,000, $40,000, $50,000. Immediately the surgeon is reimbursed."

Another GROSS OUTRIGHT f...king LIE...
1) A family physican does not do amputations! So WHY would he be that "SAME doctor" that does the amputation! PURE bull crap!
2) So what Obama the fabricator did was his common practice HE ignorantly counted EVERYTHING but make it sound like the physician makes $30,40,50..etc.

FACTS: Obama was quickly attacked by doctor organizations for getting his numbers wrong.
According to an article from HealthLeaders Media, the American College of Surgeons noted in a statement that Medicare actually reimburses surgeons between $740 and $1,140 for a leg amputation — NOT $50,000!!!

YOUR NON-Right Winger Obama has made these GROSS widely exaggerated statements...in the vein of $2trillion for community college by a "right-winger"...

Please do you agree with the above gross exaggerations just as I agreed with YOU?
See you NON-RIGHTWINGERS can NOT admit YOU are wrong! You can't come up with any argument that refutes the gross EXAGGERATIONS of Obama!
Come on now tell me where the 46 million "uninsured" are or the 155 million that have pre-existing conditions or one example of a family physician that made $50,000 amputating a diabetic patient!
Where is the proof for those gross exaggerations?
Sacrifices will have to be made people. NASA could very well be one of those sacrifices. Welfare/Warfare States don't come cheap. It's pretty clear Americans want their massive Entitlements and Permanent War. But they're already $19 Trillion in Debt. and their Welfare/Warfare State continues to expand.

How much can the Taxpayers afford? How much more burden can be placed on them? Obviously, cuts will have to be made at some point. Sacrifice is coming.
Sacrifices will have to be made people. NASA could very well be one of those sacrifices. Welfare/Warfare States don't come cheap. It's pretty clear Americans want their massive Entitlements and Permanent War. But they're already $19 Trillion in Debt. and their Welfare/Warfare State continues to expand.

How much can the Taxpayers afford? How much more burden can be placed on them? Obviously, cuts will have to be made at some point. Sacrifice is coming.

The insane government spending WILL come to an end you can't max out credit cards forever. Then people will know true pain and suffering. The national debt has tripled in only the last 15 years. If nothing changes it will be $60 trillion when I retire in 15 years.
Sacrifices will have to be made people. NASA could very well be one of those sacrifices. Welfare/Warfare States don't come cheap. It's pretty clear Americans want their massive Entitlements and Permanent War. But they're already $19 Trillion in Debt. and their Welfare/Warfare State continues to expand.

How much can the Taxpayers afford? How much more burden can be placed on them? Obviously, cuts will have to be made at some point. Sacrifice is coming.

The insane government spending WILL come to an end you can't max out credit cards forever. Then people will know true pain and suffering. The national debt has tripled in only the last 15 years. If nothing changes it will be $60 trillion when I retire in 15 years.

Yeah, Americans want their massive Entitlements and Permanent War. But most can't comprehend they're already $19 Trillion in Debt. and their Welfare/Warfare State is rapidly expanding. How can Taxpayers continue to support it?

Government spending on space exploration is likely a spending luxury America won't be able to afford at some point. It'll be a Private Sector endeavor eventually. Americans can't have it all. If they want their massive Entitlements and Permanent War, they're gonna have to face the fact cuts will have to be made elsewhere. It is what it is.
Sacrifices will have to be made people. NASA could very well be one of those sacrifices. Welfare/Warfare States don't come cheap. It's pretty clear Americans want their massive Entitlements and Permanent War. But they're already $19 Trillion in Debt. and their Welfare/Warfare State continues to expand.

How much can the Taxpayers afford? How much more burden can be placed on them? Obviously, cuts will have to be made at some point. Sacrifice is coming.

The insane government spending WILL come to an end you can't max out credit cards forever. Then people will know true pain and suffering. The national debt has tripled in only the last 15 years. If nothing changes it will be $60 trillion when I retire in 15 years.

Yeah, Americans want their massive Entitlements and Permanent War. But most can't comprehend they're already $19 Trillion in Debt. and their Welfare/Warfare State is rapidly expanding. How can Taxpayers continue to support it?

Government spending on space exploration is likely a spending luxury America won't be able to afford at some point. It'll be a Private Sector endeavor eventually. Americans can't have it all. If they want their massive Entitlements and Permanent War, they're gonna have to face the fact cuts will have to be made elsewhere. It is what it is.

We are living beyond our means by maxing out credit cards and sticking our grand kids with the bill. I find this disgusting but while I look on in horror it seems I'm in a small minority, the vast majority of Americans seem fine with this.
Following the ratification of Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) as chair of the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committtee last week, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) was named chair of the Subcommittee on Space, Science and Competitiveness, where he will oversee NASA and science programs.

Appointed Jan. 8, Cruz is expected to be confirmed to the new role by the end of the month as one of many changes to the new Republican-controlled Congress. But the Republican senator's words and actions during his time in office have painted him to be a far cry from an advocate for the sciences, leaving many concerned about the future of space and science funding.

Cruz's infamous hours-long speech in September 2013, led to a 16-day government shutdown barring 97 percent of NASA employees from appearing for work. Interns to the agency were temporarily displaced when the NASA-provided housing was closed during the shutdown, and many have said the agency suffered lasting damage due to the freeze.

And NASA wasn't the only agency hit by the shutdown: research programsrun by the National Institute of Healthsuffered a blow when new clinical trials were suspended, affecting 200 new patients each week of the shutdown. Environmental Protection Agency programs were also compromised, with 90 percent of employees on furlough.

The agency has conducted research on climate change, recently kicking off five projects to study how the earth's atmosphere affects global warming.

Cruz has claimed there isn't enough evidence to prove global warming is occurring,telling CNN he was skeptical of the "so-called scientific theory."

More: Ted Cruz, Longtime Foe Of NASA And Science, Will Oversee NASA And Science In New Congress

This is bad news NASA and other scientists - including Americans who support those programs.
moron trolling alert!

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