Ted Cruz Makes Common Sense


Gold Member
Sep 8, 2014
I believe Ted Cruz applies the most common sense of any Republican candidate to date. The man is intelligent and has argued and won before the Supreme Court. Ted knows the Constitution better than any other candidate of either party. He has put forth plans that are actually of concern to all Americans and not just to a few that are looking for a taxpayer funded handout to get their kids educated: Follow the links and see what this honorable man has to offer. His plans are not hidden.

Cruz Immigration Plan Summary | Cruz for President

Five for Freedom Summary | Cruz for President

The Simple Flat Tax Plan | Cruz for President

Ted Cruz on Gun Control
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Not only does he know the COTUS, he believes in it. He fights for it.

Cruz is my absolute favorite candidate and will not pussyfoot around with these sniveling democrook parasites. He will roll back their regressive policies and regulations and shackle the federal government as the framers intended.

I believe Ted Cruz applies the most common sense of any Republican candidate to date. The man is intelligent and has argued and won before the Supreme Court. Ted knows the Constitution better than any other candidate of either party. He has put forth plans that are actually of concern to all Americans and not just to a few that are looking for a taxpayer funded handout to get their kids educated: Follow the links and see what this honorable man has to offer. His plans are not hidden.

Cruz Immigration Plan Summary | Cruz for President

Five for Freedom Summary | Cruz for President

The Simple Flat Tax Plan | Cruz for President

Yes, he is the best choice hands down as far as knowledge, and the ability to follow the letter of the law when concerning the constitution.

I don't want to be a "Debbie Downer," but how many people actually think the lefties, or the establishment Republicans, want to follow the constitution, or want the law enforced?
I mean seriously, how many conservatives actually believe that if any candidate wins the GOP primary that is NOT an establishment candidate, the Republican party won't work in the background to get Hillary elected. (personally, I believe the exact opposite if Bernie is the Dem nominee. Both parties will work against him)

The only difference between us and the Democrats as far as what is actually being forced down our throats is.........we figured it out 1st because we dislike it more. Once they discover it, it will be to late.

Democrats are not ALL far lefties. But, those that aren't, be prepared to be lumped with us very soon.
I believe Ted Cruz applies the most common sense of any Republican candidate to date. The man is intelligent and has argued and won before the Supreme Court. Ted knows the Constitution better than any other candidate of either party. He has put forth plans that are actually of concern to all Americans and not just to a few that are looking for a taxpayer funded handout to get their kids educated: Follow the links and see what this honorable man has to offer. His plans are not hidden.

Cruz Immigration Plan Summary | Cruz for President

Five for Freedom Summary | Cruz for President

The Simple Flat Tax Plan | Cruz for President

Yes, he is the best choice hands down as far as knowledge, and the ability to follow the letter of the law when concerning the constitution.

I don't want to be a "Debbie Downer," but how many people actually think the lefties, or the establishment Republicans, want to follow the constitution, or want the law enforced?
I mean seriously, how many conservatives actually believe that if any candidate wins the GOP primary that is NOT an establishment candidate, the Republican party won't work in the background to get Hillary elected. (personally, I believe the exact opposite if Bernie is the Dem nominee. Both parties will work against him)

The only difference between us and the Democrats as far as what is actually being forced down our throats is.........we figured it out 1st because we dislike it more. Once they discover it, it will be to late.

Democrats are not ALL far lefties. But, those that aren't, be prepared to be lumped with us very soon.

Well, as President, he would have control of the Department of Justice under which all other law enforcement agencies are lumped. ICE, the Border Patrol, the Department of Homeland Security, the FBI, DEA, ATF, all would fall under his attorney general or other appointments. I think at least existing laws would be better enforced. He may have problems getting any new laws through Congress but those on the books would be his to enforce. The problem we now have is that Obama will not enforce our existing laws.
I believe Ted Cruz applies the most common sense of any Republican candidate to date. The man is intelligent and has argued and won before the Supreme Court. Ted knows the Constitution better than any other candidate of either party. He has put forth plans that are actually of concern to all Americans and not just to a few that are looking for a taxpayer funded handout to get their kids educated: Follow the links and see what this honorable man has to offer. His plans are not hidden.

Cruz Immigration Plan Summary | Cruz for President

Five for Freedom Summary | Cruz for President

The Simple Flat Tax Plan | Cruz for President

Ted Cruz on Gun Control

Geeze Human, you posting what Cruz will do has just made him a target, lol. He will have far more sniper fire at him, then Hillary did, now won't he-) Oh wait, oh wait............did we get the whole story on that sniper fire from Hillary? I bet we shall soon get a report that she dashed away as the bullets were flying, and quickly changed into her supergirl outfit, returned, and saved the day!

Why did we not hear of this before? NATIONAL SECURITY, we can NOT admit to have a supergirl/superchick/superliar..............errr I mean, superfemale, in our government! If our enemies question us on this supergirl person, we should all know the super........secret............liberal............answer, put forth by those collective geniuses like Valerie Jarret, and David Axelrod.

And what is the super, secret, tried and true tested response we should spout when under duress while being questioned, created by the smartest lefties in America?


You have a pen to write down this brilliance?

Are you ready?

Are you sure?

Do you have the cone of silence on?

OK, here it is------------------> WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Ted Cruz Makes Common Sense"

Actually not.

In fact, Cruz is completely devoid of sense, common or otherwise.

Cruz' positions on the issues is comprehensively wrong, ridiculous, and often detached from reality:

"On the economic front, a President Cruz would abolish the IRS, institute a 10 percent flat tax across the board and retie the value of the dollar to the gold standard. The U.S. stopped trading gold for dollars in 1933 and while the supply of gold has grown, there isn't enough gold in the world to match the $18 trillion U.S GDP. The money supply, the availability of credit and the nation's economy would likely have to contract to match the supply of bullion. Nevertheless, Cruz says returning to the gold standard deserves serious consideration.

If elected president, Cruz would order the FBI and the Department of Justice to investigate Planned Parenthood for fraud. The Texas senator doesn't believe in climate change science and would veto any legislation that would raise taxes or fees to inhibit global warming. He would like to institute term limits for U.S. Supreme Court justices. He opposes any minimum wage increase. And he would deport the millions of unauthorized immigrants in this country, all of them."

As His Moderate Rivals Are 'Ripping Each Other Apart,' Ted Cruz Sees An In

This is pure, unmitigated idiocy – a reckless, irresponsible, reactionary agenda hostile to sound governance and public policy; it's the stuff of a clueless rightwing extremist adhering blindly to failed, wrongheaded conservative dogma.

The last thing America needs is this sort of fear, ignorance, and hate advocated by Cruz and his misguided supporters.
Flat tax will not work...

It will if you're rich.

Two kinds of people for Repubs. The very wealthy or the very stupid.
Those who don't know which they are should check their wallet.

And you RWNJs need to be damn careful what you wish for.
"If elected president, Cruz would order the FBI and the Department of Justice to investigate Planned Parenthood for fraud."

This is typical of a petty, small-minded, vindictive partisan hack, not someone deserving to be president.
"If elected president, Cruz would order the FBI and the Department of Justice to investigate Planned Parenthood for fraud."

This is typical of a petty, small-minded, vindictive partisan hack, not someone deserving to be president.
Yet they leave religion alone and it's fraudulent basis...
Ted Cruz is also my very favorite GOP candidate. He's promised to repeal Obamacare and he's going to bring real religious morals back to the White's house.

He's a masterful speaker who knows how to stare into a camera when he's driving home his well rehearsed lofty rhetoric. He isn't afraid to tell us everything that's wrong with the country.......and he knows how to nail those snarky applause lines.

I especially like his teeny tiny teeth and that thin-lipped smirk that he gives after he makes a nutter funny. Oh....and his soft, doughy hands are spectacular. He's a rugged feller who looks awesome in an Elmer Fudd cap.

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Ted Cruz is my chosen nutbag. May he get his day in the sun soon.
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"If elected president, Cruz would order the FBI and the Department of Justice to investigate Planned Parenthood for fraud."

This is typical of a petty, small-minded, vindictive partisan hack, not someone deserving to be president.
You liberals always get scared when your favorite baby killing factory gets closely looked at

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
"If elected president, Cruz would order the FBI and the Department of Justice to investigate Planned Parenthood for fraud."

This is typical of a petty, small-minded, vindictive partisan hack, not someone deserving to be president.

He's a humanitarian. He wishes to stop you Democrats from fulfilling your desires for the genocide of the Black community through Planned Parenthood.
"If elected president, Cruz would order the FBI and the Department of Justice to investigate Planned Parenthood for fraud."

This is typical of a petty, small-minded, vindictive partisan hack, not someone deserving to be president.

He's a humanitarian. He wishes to stop you Democrats from fulfilling your desires for the genocide of the Black community through Planned Parenthood.
Nothing better than voluntary genocide...
"If elected president, Cruz would order the FBI and the Department of Justice to investigate Planned Parenthood for fraud."

This is typical of a petty, small-minded, vindictive partisan hack, not someone deserving to be president.
You liberals always get scared when your favorite baby killing factory gets closely looked at

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Planned Parenthood is Hillary's slush fund. They get 1/2 billion in taxpayer funds then turn around and contribute those taxpayer funds toward Hillary's campaign fund.
"If elected president, Cruz would order the FBI and the Department of Justice to investigate Planned Parenthood for fraud."

This is typical of a petty, small-minded, vindictive partisan hack, not someone deserving to be president.

He's a humanitarian. He wishes to stop you Democrats from fulfilling your desires for the genocide of the Black community through Planned Parenthood.
Nothing better than voluntary genocide...

Yeah. Give'em an Obamaphone to keep them happy and voting Democrat while you are busy annihilating them. Great plan by the Democrats. You are busily replacing the Blacks with illegal aliens all the while.

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