Ted Cruz Might Be The Real Winner In New Hampshire


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
If you think about what happened on Tuesday night, Cruz swapped a serious rival (Rubio) for a guy who likely is a one-hit wonder (Kasich). That’s a trade he will take every day and twice on Sundays. Because the “establishment” lane is now muddled and muddy (even Jeb Bush is looking better these days!), there is a real danger that mainstream conservative voters could begin to coalesce around Cruz as the best, last hope to stop Donald Trump.

We’re not quite there yet. There’s still a chance that someone else could emerge. Maybe Rubio pulls out a surprise win in South Carolina? It ain’t over till it’s over. But we are getting dangerously close to entering a stage where it becomes a Trump vs. Cruz race.

Read more: Ted Cruz Might Be The Real Winner In New Hampshire
From what I heard he really wasn't even campaigning much in New Hampshire, and concentrated on Iowa. Lets see what he does as the primaries head South and West.
the entire southern bible belt might prove to be good for Rafael.
Kasich has been pretty quiet, but you don't think he even has a shot at being the front runner among the establishment?
Kasich has been pretty quiet, but you don't think he even has a shot at being the front runner among the establishment?

With what money or ground support? Besides if he starts getting any traction one of his opponents just needs to run ads of him saying he should be running as a democrat
I agree Cruz has a good shot. He beat Rubio who is supposed to be more electable in a moderate state. You think he isn't electable in conservative states? Especially with rand Paul out.
I love how the author like to portray Cruz as not part of the establishment, and then at the end of the piece sneaks in;

Note: The author’s wife previously advised Ted Cruz’s race for U.S. Senate.

He must think his readers are idiots.
I love how the author like to portray Cruz as not part of the establishment, and then at the end of the piece sneaks in;

Note: The author’s wife previously advised Ted Cruz’s race for U.S. Senate.

He must think his readers are idiots.
how does that make Cruz part of the establishment....?
Listen, Cruz' wife is a Goldman Sac's asset. Cruz uses the assets of the Bush family, and he has ties in the MSM. Isn't that clear to you?

When the MSM manipulates the perceptions of voters, not only misreporting the news, but fashioning a particular paradigm, THAT IS how the establishment works to achieve its' ends.

So the author's wife worked for Cruz, and he is now quite obviously a supporter of this particular candidate. He might not have any financial ties directly, but a Cruz administration would most likely would include this fellow. Count on that.

His wife worked for him, that is his in. All meetings and discussions aren't going to be disclosed, but you can count on lunches with the campaign having had happened. Don't be obtuse.

Does any one think George Stephanopoulos is credibly unbiased when covering the Clintons? How about Mika Brezinski, does anyone intelligent take her coverage of politics seriously? Makes me wonder what's going on there with Trump. Is she a conduit with her dad?
I agree Cruz has a good shot. He beat Rubio who is supposed to be more electable in a moderate state. You think he isn't electable in conservative states? Especially with rand Paul out.

Cruz beat a lot of folks that put way more time and resources in NH, he's even better organized in SC. Kasich had all his eggs in NH and his second place finish might give him a small bump in SC, but I doubt he finishes better than 4th. The baby shrub and Carson are toast.
I agree Cruz has a good shot. He beat Rubio who is supposed to be more electable in a moderate state. You think he isn't electable in conservative states? Especially with rand Paul out.

Cruz beat a lot of folks that put way more time and resources in NH, he's even better organized in SC. Kasich had all his eggs in NH and his second place finish might give him a small bump in SC, but I doubt he finishes better than 4th. The baby shrub and Carson are toast.

I agree. I don't think jeb is staying in to win at this point. I think he just wants to take out trump
I agree Cruz has a good shot. He beat Rubio who is supposed to be more electable in a moderate state. You think he isn't electable in conservative states? Especially with rand Paul out.

Cruz beat a lot of folks that put way more time and resources in NH, he's even better organized in SC. Kasich had all his eggs in NH and his second place finish might give him a small bump in SC, but I doubt he finishes better than 4th. The baby shrub and Carson are toast.

I agree. I don't think jeb is staying in to win at this point. I think he just wants to take out trump
Well then he's doing it all wrong. The longer he stays in, the longer Trump stays in the drivers seat all the way to a nomination.
I agree Cruz has a good shot. He beat Rubio who is supposed to be more electable in a moderate state. You think he isn't electable in conservative states? Especially with rand Paul out.

Cruz beat a lot of folks that put way more time and resources in NH, he's even better organized in SC. Kasich had all his eggs in NH and his second place finish might give him a small bump in SC, but I doubt he finishes better than 4th. The baby shrub and Carson are toast.

I agree. I don't think jeb is staying in to win at this point. I think he just wants to take out trump

I wish I could be that optimistic, I think the baby shrub still has people whispering in his ear that he can win. He still has a butt load of cash to spend.
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