Ted Cruz names Bob Barr head of outreach effort to Ron Paul supporters and libertarians

Ted Cruz names Bob Barr head of outreach effort to Ron Paul supporters and libertarians

Seriously? How in the HELL is Cruz even close to a libertarian and why in the HELL would anyone that supported Ron Paul support Cruz's nutbag ass? He is a warmongering israel loving asshole. NOTHING Ron Paul was.
I dislike Ted Cruz for different reasons perhaps...but I agree that he's no Libertarian.

On social issues, the Liberal social issues platform is closer to the Libertarian social issues platform IN TERMS OF OUTCOMES.

There isn't one true Libertarian on Capitol Hill, just pesudo Libertarians.
Another sign Rand Paul may be about finished. They've begun gambling for his clothes,

to put some Bible stuff onto it...
Cruz soliciting Libertarians?

That is like Sanders soliciting Corporations.

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