Ted Cruz Perfectly Explains Why Nancy Pelosi Is So Terrified of Trump Giving the SOTU Address

Ted Cruz is a bootlicker and nothing more. Unfortunately I voted for him in the primaries and I admit he conned me. We saw the effectiveness of Trump as a public speaker in his nationwide address. It was a huge bomb and more people trusted Pelosi and Schumer than they did Trump. There should not be a SOTU until Trump ends his shutdown.
The claim that you voted for Ted Cruz doesn't pass the laugh test.

I don't give a damn whether you believe it or not. Your IQ doesn't pass the laugh test. The fact is that President Reagan would not belong to the Trump Republican Party.

Actually, the historical facts are that the two great men knew and respected each other. Pictures of Trump and Reagan show harmony, not an adversarial relationship at all.

No they do not. The fact is that President Reagan was never close to Trump. Trump kept trying to push his way in but President Reagan refused those overtures. President Reagan was about tearing down walls not building them.

Trump isn't the first Republican who was considered Literally Hitler, you know. Reagan got the same kind of Hate Attacks from the Left, same with the Bushes, McCain, Romney, Goldwater.

Democrats and the Nazi Card | RealClearPolitics

Here is the problem. White supremacists and neo-nazis openly support Trump. These are the groups that Trump refused to denounce in Charlottesville. He claimed not to know who David Duke was when he clearly knew.
I couldn't get the story because they want money. They only allow you to view three of their articles a year, but I get the point from the headline.

Show me one business person that was successful with every investment they ever made. When you operate as many as Trump did and have failures, it's simply the nature of business--not an indication of failure. They tried to make the same claim with Romney when he was running for Prez. Romney too was a very successful businessman.

There is a pattern to Trump's failures. He has failed at every business that is consumer driven. You cannot pay off politicians to be successful in consumer driven businesses. Trump is a con-artist and being a developer requires exactly that.
Real Estate isn't consumer driven?

You don't go to Walmart for a 50 story building. Being a developer means that you have to pay certain people off and generally be a good con artist. Trump is a very good con man.

So what you're saying is that Trump is a man that gets the job done. Gee......now why would we want somebody like that for President?

Con artist extraordinaire who has used politicians to steal people's land through eminent domain.
Although I don't agree with eminent domain, they do get compensated. You Trump hating douchebags never had a complaint about eminent domain when it was used to build a highway or a wind farm, but the minute it's used to build a wall, then it becomes "theft."

What a bunch of douchebags.
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The claim that you voted for Ted Cruz doesn't pass the laugh test.

I don't give a damn whether you believe it or not. Your IQ doesn't pass the laugh test. The fact is that President Reagan would not belong to the Trump Republican Party.

Actually, the historical facts are that the two great men knew and respected each other. Pictures of Trump and Reagan show harmony, not an adversarial relationship at all.

No they do not. The fact is that President Reagan was never close to Trump. Trump kept trying to push his way in but President Reagan refused those overtures. President Reagan was about tearing down walls not building them.

Trump isn't the first Republican who was considered Literally Hitler, you know. Reagan got the same kind of Hate Attacks from the Left, same with the Bushes, McCain, Romney, Goldwater.

Democrats and the Nazi Card | RealClearPolitics

Here is the problem. White supremacists and neo-nazis openly support Trump. These are the groups that Trump refused to denounce in Charlottesville. He claimed not to know who David Duke was when he clearly knew.
Terrorists, child molesters, convicted felons and communists supported Hillary.

Your using the same old douchebag tactics that Dims have always used because you don't have the facts on their side.
I don't give a damn whether you believe it or not. Your IQ doesn't pass the laugh test. The fact is that President Reagan would not belong to the Trump Republican Party.

Actually, the historical facts are that the two great men knew and respected each other. Pictures of Trump and Reagan show harmony, not an adversarial relationship at all.

No they do not. The fact is that President Reagan was never close to Trump. Trump kept trying to push his way in but President Reagan refused those overtures. President Reagan was about tearing down walls not building them.
Why should anyone believe that?

This is what Reagan said, “Rather than talking about putting up a fence, why don’t we work out some recognition of our mutual problems? Make it possible for them to come here legally with a work permit, and they, while they’re working and earning here, they’d pay taxes here. And when they want to go back, they can go back. They can cross. Open borders both ways,”
He wasn't proposing to have them come here and stay permanently, moron.

I have no doubts that President Reagan would have supported things like DACA moron. President Reagan would not have sent people back who are in fear of their lives. Ronald Reagan was a great man who had a heart. He would never align himself with the far right neo-nazis and white supremacists.
That is what makes us a great country. No other country does this except us and I support continuing the tradition.

Well we are continuing that tradition. Trump didn't stop that. We are still letting a million people become citizens, still allowing some people to work here, still allowing foreigners to come here on Visa's. So what's the problem?

Because Trump is trying to roll it back. He is sending people who are fearing for their lives back where they could be killed.

Or he is sending people back because it's a BS story. You can get killed in any country. It's been that way in those places for decades. Why all of a sudden now is it an emergency?

I could understand a change in government, slaughter by government, or otherwise a civil war. But nothing has changed in these places. And if it's so bad, why did the people in the last caravan refuse Mexico's offer for asylum? Why do they keep having kids?

What they want IS a better place to live, but we can't let in every Tom, Dick and Harry into this country that wants the same. If you want a better place to live, make where you are at a better place. After all, we've lost millions of people in war fighting for this country; still losing people today. We had a civil war. We had race wars, we create and pump a lot of money into our government and country. And now these people look at us and say "Look what those Americans did! Why should we do all that? Let's just move there!"

F that. Trump is not doing anything to people that want to apply and come here legally. Letting these people in because they are sick of where they live is a disservice to all those who waited in line for God knows how many years to get into this country. In fact, Latino's support a strong border for that reason.

Yes they have. The drug cartels basically run the country. Several people we know of who have been deported have been killed by the drug cartels.

Trump is doing things to deny legitimate claims. He is rewriting interpretations that have existed for decades. Ignoring laws that have been established by Congress.
Asylum is intended for people who face political or religion persecution, not people who live in high crime neighborhoods.

Asylum was intended for people who face death at the hands of the cartels. They have taken over the countries and force the population to work for them or face death or the death of loved ones.
The claim that you voted for Ted Cruz doesn't pass the laugh test.

I don't give a damn whether you believe it or not. Your IQ doesn't pass the laugh test. The fact is that President Reagan would not belong to the Trump Republican Party.

Actually, the historical facts are that the two great men knew and respected each other. Pictures of Trump and Reagan show harmony, not an adversarial relationship at all.

No they do not. The fact is that President Reagan was never close to Trump. Trump kept trying to push his way in but President Reagan refused those overtures. President Reagan was about tearing down walls not building them.

Trump isn't the first Republican who was considered Literally Hitler, you know. Reagan got the same kind of Hate Attacks from the Left, same with the Bushes, McCain, Romney, Goldwater.

Democrats and the Nazi Card | RealClearPolitics

Here is the problem. White supremacists and neo-nazis openly support Trump. These are the groups that Trump refused to denounce in Charlottesville. He claimed not to know who David Duke was when he clearly knew.

CNN Contributor Dave Duke isn't an important person- he has almost zero public supporters, why would you expect the President to know shit about him?
There is a pattern to Trump's failures. He has failed at every business that is consumer driven. You cannot pay off politicians to be successful in consumer driven businesses. Trump is a con-artist and being a developer requires exactly that.
Real Estate isn't consumer driven?

You don't go to Walmart for a 50 story building. Being a developer means that you have to pay certain people off and generally be a good con artist. Trump is a very good con man.

So what you're saying is that Trump is a man that gets the job done. Gee......now why would we want somebody like that for President?

Con artist extraordinaire who has used politicians to steal people's land through eminent domain.
Although I don't agree with eminent domain, they do get compensated. You Trump hating douchebags never had a complaint about eminent domain when it's used to build a highway or a wind farm, but the minute it's used to build a way, then it comes "theft." What a bunch of douchebags.

You are the douchebag. I have opposed eminent domain unless it is absolutely necessary.
I don't give a damn whether you believe it or not. Your IQ doesn't pass the laugh test. The fact is that President Reagan would not belong to the Trump Republican Party.

Actually, the historical facts are that the two great men knew and respected each other. Pictures of Trump and Reagan show harmony, not an adversarial relationship at all.

No they do not. The fact is that President Reagan was never close to Trump. Trump kept trying to push his way in but President Reagan refused those overtures. President Reagan was about tearing down walls not building them.

Trump isn't the first Republican who was considered Literally Hitler, you know. Reagan got the same kind of Hate Attacks from the Left, same with the Bushes, McCain, Romney, Goldwater.

Democrats and the Nazi Card | RealClearPolitics

Here is the problem. White supremacists and neo-nazis openly support Trump. These are the groups that Trump refused to denounce in Charlottesville. He claimed not to know who David Duke was when he clearly knew.

CNN Contributor Dave Duke isn't an important person- he has almost zero public supporters, why would you expect the President to know shit about him?

The tape shows that he did know who David Duke was before he said he didn't remember him.
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I don't give a damn whether you believe it or not. Your IQ doesn't pass the laugh test. The fact is that President Reagan would not belong to the Trump Republican Party.

Actually, the historical facts are that the two great men knew and respected each other. Pictures of Trump and Reagan show harmony, not an adversarial relationship at all.

No they do not. The fact is that President Reagan was never close to Trump. Trump kept trying to push his way in but President Reagan refused those overtures. President Reagan was about tearing down walls not building them.

Trump isn't the first Republican who was considered Literally Hitler, you know. Reagan got the same kind of Hate Attacks from the Left, same with the Bushes, McCain, Romney, Goldwater.

Democrats and the Nazi Card | RealClearPolitics

Here is the problem. White supremacists and neo-nazis openly support Trump. These are the groups that Trump refused to denounce in Charlottesville. He claimed not to know who David Duke was when he clearly knew.
Terrorists, child molesters, convicted felons and communists supported Hillary.

Your using the same old douchebag tactics that Dims have always used because you don't have the facts on their side.

Says who. A member of the alt-right like yourself.
Actually, the historical facts are that the two great men knew and respected each other. Pictures of Trump and Reagan show harmony, not an adversarial relationship at all.

No they do not. The fact is that President Reagan was never close to Trump. Trump kept trying to push his way in but President Reagan refused those overtures. President Reagan was about tearing down walls not building them.
Why should anyone believe that?

This is what Reagan said, “Rather than talking about putting up a fence, why don’t we work out some recognition of our mutual problems? Make it possible for them to come here legally with a work permit, and they, while they’re working and earning here, they’d pay taxes here. And when they want to go back, they can go back. They can cross. Open borders both ways,”
He wasn't proposing to have them come here and stay permanently, moron.

I have no doubts that President Reagan would have supported things like DACA moron. President Reagan would not have sent people back who are in fear of their lives. Ronald Reagan was a great man who had a heart. He would never align himself with the far right neo-nazis and white supremacists.
Reagan didn't believe in taking a great big shit on the Constitution, moron, so no he wouldn't have supported DACA. This whole asylum thing is a con. These people aren't any more in fear of their lives than Americans who live near gangs.

Your praise of Reagan is obviously ingenuous. Reagan was called a Nazi by douchebags like when he was in office.
Actually, the historical facts are that the two great men knew and respected each other. Pictures of Trump and Reagan show harmony, not an adversarial relationship at all.

No they do not. The fact is that President Reagan was never close to Trump. Trump kept trying to push his way in but President Reagan refused those overtures. President Reagan was about tearing down walls not building them.

Trump isn't the first Republican who was considered Literally Hitler, you know. Reagan got the same kind of Hate Attacks from the Left, same with the Bushes, McCain, Romney, Goldwater.

Democrats and the Nazi Card | RealClearPolitics

Here is the problem. White supremacists and neo-nazis openly support Trump. These are the groups that Trump refused to denounce in Charlottesville. He claimed not to know who David Duke was when he clearly knew.

CNN Contributor Dave Duke isn't an important person- he has almost zero public supporters, why would you expect the President to know shit about him?

The tape shows that he did know who David Duke3 was before he said he didn't remember him.

The President undoubtably recognized the name. But Mr. Duke is someone with no public cachet , no followers, and is known mostly for doing interviews with media personalities who pretend he's important.
Actually, the historical facts are that the two great men knew and respected each other. Pictures of Trump and Reagan show harmony, not an adversarial relationship at all.

No they do not. The fact is that President Reagan was never close to Trump. Trump kept trying to push his way in but President Reagan refused those overtures. President Reagan was about tearing down walls not building them.

Trump isn't the first Republican who was considered Literally Hitler, you know. Reagan got the same kind of Hate Attacks from the Left, same with the Bushes, McCain, Romney, Goldwater.

Democrats and the Nazi Card | RealClearPolitics

Here is the problem. White supremacists and neo-nazis openly support Trump. These are the groups that Trump refused to denounce in Charlottesville. He claimed not to know who David Duke was when he clearly knew.
Terrorists, child molesters, convicted felons and communists supported Hillary.

Your using the same old douchebag tactics that Dims have always used because you don't have the facts on their side.

Says who. A member of the alt-right like yourself.
Says the terrorists, child molesters, convicted felons and communists. NAMBLA endorsed John Kerry. Osama bin Laden was always quoting Democrat politicians.
No they do not. The fact is that President Reagan was never close to Trump. Trump kept trying to push his way in but President Reagan refused those overtures. President Reagan was about tearing down walls not building them.
Why should anyone believe that?

This is what Reagan said, “Rather than talking about putting up a fence, why don’t we work out some recognition of our mutual problems? Make it possible for them to come here legally with a work permit, and they, while they’re working and earning here, they’d pay taxes here. And when they want to go back, they can go back. They can cross. Open borders both ways,”
He wasn't proposing to have them come here and stay permanently, moron.

I have no doubts that President Reagan would have supported things like DACA moron. President Reagan would not have sent people back who are in fear of their lives. Ronald Reagan was a great man who had a heart. He would never align himself with the far right neo-nazis and white supremacists.
Reagan didn't believe in taking a great big shit on the Constitution, moron, so no he wouldn't have supported DACA. This whole asylum thing is a con. These people aren't any more in fear of their lives than Americans who live near gangs.

Your praise of Reagan is obviously ingenuous. Reagan was called a Nazi by douchebags like when he was in office.

I remember being in the bar on the night Reagan was elected in 1980, libs really hated him. That's the first election I voted in.
No they do not. The fact is that President Reagan was never close to Trump. Trump kept trying to push his way in but President Reagan refused those overtures. President Reagan was about tearing down walls not building them.

Trump isn't the first Republican who was considered Literally Hitler, you know. Reagan got the same kind of Hate Attacks from the Left, same with the Bushes, McCain, Romney, Goldwater.

Democrats and the Nazi Card | RealClearPolitics

Here is the problem. White supremacists and neo-nazis openly support Trump. These are the groups that Trump refused to denounce in Charlottesville. He claimed not to know who David Duke was when he clearly knew.
Terrorists, child molesters, convicted felons and communists supported Hillary.

Your using the same old douchebag tactics that Dims have always used because you don't have the facts on their side.

Says who. A member of the alt-right like yourself.
Says the terrorists, child molesters, convicted felons and communists. NAMBLA endorsed John Kerry. Osama bin Laden was always quoting Democrat politicians.

I remember Laden's speech on the eve of the 2004 election. He endorsed Kerry and touched on all of the liberal talking points including the children's book that Dubya was reading from when he got news of 9/11.
Why should anyone believe that?

This is what Reagan said, “Rather than talking about putting up a fence, why don’t we work out some recognition of our mutual problems? Make it possible for them to come here legally with a work permit, and they, while they’re working and earning here, they’d pay taxes here. And when they want to go back, they can go back. They can cross. Open borders both ways,”
He wasn't proposing to have them come here and stay permanently, moron.

I have no doubts that President Reagan would have supported things like DACA moron. President Reagan would not have sent people back who are in fear of their lives. Ronald Reagan was a great man who had a heart. He would never align himself with the far right neo-nazis and white supremacists.
Reagan didn't believe in taking a great big shit on the Constitution, moron, so no he wouldn't have supported DACA. This whole asylum thing is a con. These people aren't any more in fear of their lives than Americans who live near gangs.

Your praise of Reagan is obviously ingenuous. Reagan was called a Nazi by douchebags like when he was in office.

I remember being in the bar on the night Reagan was elected in 1980, libs really hated him. That's the first election I voted in.
Yep, I remember some especially nasty graffiti about Reagan written on the bathroom wall. Students in my classes would denounce him out loud.
Border crossings are at a all-time low. A wall is not needed. You are the moron and a racist to boot.

Over 310,000 apprehended in 2017. I say a wall is needed.

Americans don't agree with you. They say a wall is not needed.

Obviously they do agree with me. That's how Trump won the presidency--because he promised a wall.

You are aware of the fact that Democrats took the House in 2018. Trump tried to make illegal immigration the issue in 2018 and voters rejected it.

The fact is that immigration was not a major issue in 2016. Voters saw Clinton and Trump as dishonest and untrustworthy and that was the issue. Which do you hate the least. What gave Trump the win was the quarter of voters who were voting against the other candidate. They elected Trump.


A review of registration figures shows that in the swing states that sign up voters by party, Republicans are seeing a significantly bigger boost since 2012. In states like Florida and Pennsylvania, the party has added tens of thousands of voters to the rolls at a time when Democrats have seen their base shrink.

“The numbers [in those states] … are a huge shift from what we’ve seen in 2012,” Republican National Committee spokeswoman Lindsay Walters said.

Trump Card? Republican voter registration a bright spot for campaign

That is a great source of information. Do you expect Republicans to say things are terrible?

Michigan - Dems win Governor and US Senate race
Pennsylvania - Dems win Governor and US Senate race, pick up 4 US House seats
Wisconsin - Dems win Governor and US Senate race
Iowa - Dems pick up 3 US House seats

That base is really shrinking
We are not talking about economics. We are talking about people who are in fear of their lives. You cannot do anything when the home country is controlled by drug cartels.

Then let me ask you, WTF would these people do if there was no United States to run to? Let's say we never formed a country here, and it was no different than any other S/C American countries today. What would they do then? Canada sure as hell wouldn't let them in.

Don't you understand that it's not the countries these people come from, but the people themselves? What kind of people would have children in a place so destitute? And you want to bring those very same people who allowed their country to go to hell over here? What do you think our country will end up being like?

We are not the worlds dumping grounds.
The reason Honduras is a shit hole is the fact that it's infested with Hondurans.

That's the point I'm trying to make to him (her). Here in the states, we didn't create ghettos. Those were (at one time) fine buildings and safe streets. It's the people that turned those places into crap.

Go to red states like Arkansas, Louisiana and Mississippi and you will see ghettos. You are so much a liar.

So we created those ghettos?

They sure did. Ever heard of white trash.
I couldn't get the story because they want money. They only allow you to view three of their articles a year, but I get the point from the headline.

Show me one business person that was successful with every investment they ever made. When you operate as many as Trump did and have failures, it's simply the nature of business--not an indication of failure. They tried to make the same claim with Romney when he was running for Prez. Romney too was a very successful businessman.

There is a pattern to Trump's failures. He has failed at every business that is consumer driven. You cannot pay off politicians to be successful in consumer driven businesses. Trump is a con-artist and being a developer requires exactly that.
Real Estate isn't consumer driven?

You don't go to Walmart for a 50 story building. Being a developer means that you have to pay certain people off and generally be a good con artist. Trump is a very good con man.

So what you're saying is that Trump is a man that gets the job done. Gee......now why would we want somebody like that for President?

Con artist extraordinaire who has used politicians to steal people's land through eminent domain.

And who in America does more good for more Americans and is always trying to do better for us than Donald Trump?
Then let me ask you, WTF would these people do if there was no United States to run to? Let's say we never formed a country here, and it was no different than any other S/C American countries today. What would they do then? Canada sure as hell wouldn't let them in.

Don't you understand that it's not the countries these people come from, but the people themselves? What kind of people would have children in a place so destitute? And you want to bring those very same people who allowed their country to go to hell over here? What do you think our country will end up being like?

We are not the worlds dumping grounds.
The reason Honduras is a shit hole is the fact that it's infested with Hondurans.

That's the point I'm trying to make to him (her). Here in the states, we didn't create ghettos. Those were (at one time) fine buildings and safe streets. It's the people that turned those places into crap.

Go to red states like Arkansas, Louisiana and Mississippi and you will see ghettos. You are so much a liar.

So we created those ghettos?

They sure did. Ever heard of white trash.

Readers, frame this post of hers and hang it on your wall.

Label it: "Textbook Liberal."

And then she just cant wait to let some illegals and Somalis into the USA.

You have no business deciding or having an opinion on anything involving immigration if you love the foreigners and hate the citizens.

You are disqualified from being regarded with the respect due an American citizen.

Buh bye.
You are so stupid. If Trump told you to drink poisoned Kool-Aid, you would. The media is not responsible for Trump's bad poll numbers. Only Trump.

The fact is that Trump was a major factor in Democrats winning the House. Democrats won the Governor's race in Kansas. The Senate seat in Arizona. The fact is that Republicans had the best map they have had in a long time yet they only picked up 2 Senate seats. Voters are actually smarter than you think they are. That is why they are turning on Trump. Of course a rigged poll is one that disagrees with you.

Nobody is turning on Trump. The Republicans and Democrats both had historical turnouts; the most voters for midterms since the 1930's. So you got more of your people out, but that doesn't mean any turned against Trump. If anything, his support grew stronger. Your people were propelled by hate that was yes, promoted by the MSM.

Yes, the MSM does control minds. In the book 1984, it was referred to as re-programming people.

Yes they are. Suburban voters, female voters and better educated voters have defected and they were a major reason for Democrats winning House seats in states like Pennsylvania. In New Jersey, Trump won 5 of the 12 congressional seats even though he lost the state. Republicans control 1 House seat in New Jersey.

The MSM does not control minds. You have to have a excuse for why people see the truth about Trump. You are the mind numbed robot.

The MSM does not control minds? They are controlling yours and you don't even know it! I just pointed out to you facts, which are that Republicans had a historical midterm turnout, and you point to your polls and the MSM. Just totally unbelievable.

You have pointed out what you want to point out. Republicans lost 3 suburban seats in Virginia, 4 in New Jersey,4 in Pennsylvania and a number in California to name a few. You are nothing but Trump's puppet. You only think what he tells you to think. Interesting fact in Michigan. The Republican candidates for Governor and the US Senate in Michigan did better among black voters than Republicans generally do but suburban women came out heavily for Democrats as they did in a number of swing states. You want to use the MSM as a excuse for why Trump has lost independents as well as Democrats. The fact is that you use the right wing media as gospel even though they are as big liars as Trump. Just totally unbelievable.

So what are you disputing, that Trump didn't draw more people to register as Republicans? That his message was not unique only because of our immigration problem? Who other than Trump said the things he said about the border? Nobody. That's how he beat over a dozen candidates--some in politics for many years.

The fact is that Trump never had many Democrats. Independents who backed Trump in 2016 are moving to Democrats in suburban areas. Suburban voters and especially female suburban voters are moving to Democrats. Better educated voters are also moving to Democrats. Trump's base is rural voters. In a state like Louisiana that is no concern because there are not enough educated suburban voters to matter. In a state like Pennsylvania, that is a problem. Pennsylvania and Michigan are likely back in the Democrat column.

Again immigration was Trump's closing argument in the midterms. Democrats took over the House and Republicans underperformed in the Senate picking up only 2 seats when the map favored them heavily.

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