Ted Cruz Plays Hardball

I can't believe this...Trump was ranking on Cruz during the debates saying that Cruz was as big a sellout to US citizens as everyone else on stage.

Trump is the first nationalist president we've had in a very long time. Cruz only pretends to be the same so he can get votes from dupes, and it works as you can see.
Ted Cruz is a pawn of Goldman Sachs and other international businesses. He's part of what's leading us towards globalism and you people are too fucking dense to see it.

. . . Says someone pathetically attempting to support the China-fellating policies of Grandpa Badfinger.
No sane person can deny that China is a cruel dragon willing to do anything to anyone in order to take over the world's economy.
where did you imagine you had acquired any authority on this or any other subject?

Hey, guys, Captain No-Dick here has decreed that Ted Cruz is a bad person, and we're all bad people for liking him, on the basis of . . . nothing but his assertions. Show of hands, everyone who gives a rat's ass? Anyone? Bueller?

I don't think you're a bad person. I think you're ignorant and easily duped.

LOL....I wouldnt be saying that liberal.
You're the most ignorant and easily fooled morons in America.
Ted Cruz is a pawn of Goldman Sachs and other international businesses. He's part of what's leading us towards globalism and you people are too fucking dense to see it.

Well he must have learned something while he was associating with all those big-wig business people. What Cruz is suggesting is referred to as a "poison pill." That's where one company defends itself by its stock less attractive to an acquirer.

Cruz is speaking to Trump in a language Trump understands very well and given how the election was stolen, I wouldn't blame Trump for leaving as many turds behind when he leaves.

Big wet, slippery turds for Uncle Joe to slip on and bust his ass.

:auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301::lmao:

To be clear I have a neutral stance on what he is doing here.

Most every President does stuff like that, when they're leaving:

The Clintons stole the WH silverware and other stuff.

Damage to the White House during trasition from Clinton to Bush-Truth!.

The Obama's also set up Trump for for endless investigations and an impeachment before they left.

So nothing to see here. That's just what Presidents do before they leave the WH.
Ted Cruz is a pawn of Goldman Sachs and other international businesses. He's part of what's leading us towards globalism and you people are too fucking dense to see it.

. . . Says someone pathetically attempting to support the China-fellating policies of Grandpa Badfinger.
No sane person can deny that China is a cruel dragon willing to do anything to anyone in order to take over the world's economy.

And Hiden knows it.
The commie that he is.
where did you imagine you had acquired any authority on this or any other subject?

Hey, guys, Captain No-Dick here has decreed that Ted Cruz is a bad person, and we're all bad people for liking him, on the basis of . . . nothing but his assertions. Show of hands, everyone who gives a rat's ass? Anyone? Bueller?

I don't think you're a bad person. I think you're ignorant and easily duped.

And I think you don't think. Otherwise, you wouldn't respond to someone mocking and dismissing you and your disapproval with another expression of disapproval.

Apparently, whatever brains you might have had disappeared at the same time your courage did.
LOL....I wouldnt be saying that liberal.
You're the most ignorant and easily fooled morons in America.

How do you like the taste of that globalist lawyer dick in your mouth?

Son you dont know anything about me.
I'm betting you're a 20 year old punk just sticking his toes in politics and have no real idea how they work.
Ted Cruz is a pawn of Goldman Sachs and other international businesses. He's part of what's leading us towards globalism and you people are too fucking dense to see it.

. . . Says someone pathetically attempting to support the China-fellating policies of Grandpa Badfinger.
No sane person can deny that China is a cruel dragon willing to do anything to anyone in order to take over the world's economy.

And Hiden knows it.
The commie that he is.
When Congress sends money to other nations, certain members of Congress have personal access to that money.
What's "dangerous" about following the Constitution?

The US Senate's duties include advice and consent on treaties.

Ted Cruz is the most corrupt, two-faced piece of shit in politics today.
Conspicuous in its absence were any supporting facts. I know "facts" are anathema to liberals, but if you are going to make BS charges, have the cojones to back it up, snowflake.
Ted Cruz is a pawn of Goldman Sachs and other international businesses. He's part of what's leading us towards globalism and you people are too fucking dense to see it.

. . . Says someone pathetically attempting to support the China-fellating policies of Grandpa Badfinger.
No sane person can deny that China is a cruel dragon willing to do anything to anyone in order to take over the world's economy.

And Hiden knows it.
The commie that he is.
When Congress sends money to other nations, certain members of Congress have personal access to that money.

As Hiden has shown repeatedly.
Go fuck yourself ya pantywaste liberal.
And for you to make the claim that being a lawyer makes him unsuitable is a fucken joke.
I mean really,how many liberal lawyers are out there ya cum bucket?

Most left wing politicians are corrupt pieces of shit too. Ted Cruz is the king of right wing corruption.
What is corrupt about Ted Cruz?
I can't believe this...Trump was ranking on Cruz during the debates saying that Cruz was as big a sellout to US citizens as everyone else on stage.

Trump is the first nationalist president we've had in a very long time. Cruz only pretends to be the same so he can get votes from dupes, and it works as you can see.

Yet another blank assertion of "This is fact, because I say it is."

Still wouldn't take your word for it if you told me water was wet.
What's "dangerous" about following the Constitution?

The US Senate's duties include advice and consent on treaties.

Ted Cruz is the most corrupt, two-faced piece of shit in politics today.
What you should state is that Cruz will not vote for a wall.
Cruz will not move to eliminate tax write offs for business entities moving off shore.
Cruz is willing to allow an unlimited number of business visas into the US causing mass unemployment among US citizens.

Yes, these are all facts.
What you should state is that Cruz will not vote for a wall.
Cruz will not move to eliminate tax write offs for business entities moving off shore.
Cruz is willing to allow an unlimited number of business visas into the US causing mass unemployment among US citizens.

Yes, these are all facts.

He's the face of globalism and these dupes are ready to make him their president.
. . . Says someone pathetically attempting to support the China-fellating policies of Grandpa Badfinger.

Tell me what my stance on Biden is you fucking idiot. You don't know anything.

Did I say anything about Biden? No, I didn't, you fucking idiot. I said "policies". At least I know how to read.

But by all means, feel free to try to convince me that you're opposed to Biden's policies. I shall be fascinated to hear you finally attempt to compose an original thought of your very own.
What you should state is that Cruz will not vote for a wall.
Cruz will not move to eliminate tax write offs for business entities moving off shore.
Cruz is willing to allow an unlimited number of business visas into the US causing mass unemployment among US citizens.

Yes, these are all facts.

He's the face of globalism and these dupes are ready to make him their president.
The fact is that 99% of Congress is the face of globalism.
Someone has to pay for their campaigns.

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