Ted Cruz Plays Hardball

Damn. That guy can be brutal. :auiqs.jpg:

"Senator Ted Cruz sent a letter to President Donald Trump urging him to send both the Iran nuclear agreement and Paris climate accords to the Senate for ratification. Since the Senate won’t agree to advise and consent to either deal, requesting a vote would force Biden into a confrontation and could precipitate a constitutional crisis."

Cruz Urges Trump to Send Iran Deal and Climate Agreement to Senate So They Can Fail
Ted Cruz has no balls Let trump call his wife ugly and accused his father of BS and still the punk kisses the moron trumps butt ??

Yes, I'm sure you think it would be a better solution to pointlessly war with the elected President, put his personal feelings ahead of his responsibilities to the people of the United States, and get absolutely fuck-all accomplished.

Which is why he's a respected leader in the Senate, and you're a babbling pusbag on the Internet.
Respected??? lol Like you are here??? lol

I am respected by the people whose opinions matter. I am not respected by the "people" whose respect I wouldn't deign to spit on. Guess which category you fall in.

342,346th time you've withheld your approval from me, in the hopes that THIS time, it would magically be important. You're not the brightest light on the Christmas tree, clearly.
When I get respect from the likes of you I know I'm really driving 90mph down a dead end street

Or, at least, you assume so, since you've never actually gotten respect from me, anyone like me, or anyone at all.

I don't think you should worry overly much about it ever happening, either.
I've learned that respect is earned not given You haven't earned anything

From those of value, I have. You would know nothing about being a person of value.

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