Ted Cruz Plays Hardball

Sure you do. That is as obvious as the empty space between your ears.

Your arrogance will stop you from growing or gaining perspective. I didn't support Hillary either. Maybe you don't actually know everything.

I know a shill when I see one. You're a statist. That makes you the antithesis of me.
I know a shill when I see one. You're a statist. That makes you the antithesis of me.

Would you be surprised to learn that I'd allow the states to govern themselves independently if I had the power to do so? Would you be surprised to learn that I would have negotiated in good faith to build Trump's wall? Would you be surprised to learn that I want to keep poor and uneducated immigrants the fuck out of my country? Would you be surprised to learn that I'm an opponent of the wave of PC bullshit that is taking over our culture?
Sure you do. That is as obvious as the empty space between your ears.

Your arrogance will stop you from growing or gaining perspective. I didn't support Hillary either. Maybe you don't actually know everything.

We have a small group of people here like you that claim they don't support the Republican or Democrat candidate. So who did you vote for? Because if you voted third party, you just tossed your vote in the garbage. Either that or you don't vote at all, which would make me wonder why you get involved in political discourse.
We have a small group of people here like you that claim they don't support the Republican or Democrat candidate. So who did you vote for? Because if you voted third party, you just tossed your vote in the garbage. Either that or you don't vote at all, which would make me wonder why you get involved in political discourse.

I didn't vote. If you put a gun to my head I would have voted for Trump over Biden because I'm a left wing nationalist and I think I have more in common with somebody like Trump than a globalist stooge like Biden.
Damn. That guy can be brutal. :auiqs.jpg:

"Senator Ted Cruz sent a letter to President Donald Trump urging him to send both the Iran nuclear agreement and Paris climate accords to the Senate for ratification. Since the Senate won’t agree to advise and consent to either deal, requesting a vote would force Biden into a confrontation and could precipitate a constitutional crisis."

Cruz Urges Trump to Send Iran Deal and Climate Agreement to Senate So They Can Fail
Ted Cruz has no balls Let trump call his wife ugly and accused his father of BS and still the punk kisses the moron trumps butt ??

Yes, I'm sure you think it would be a better solution to pointlessly war with the elected President, put his personal feelings ahead of his responsibilities to the people of the United States, and get absolutely fuck-all accomplished.

Which is why he's a respected leader in the Senate, and you're a babbling pusbag on the Internet.
Climate change and Iran agreement are not treaties. To be treaties they have to do the 2/3 thing. Then this would amend the constitution which would require 2/3 of states approving.

They are international agreements. People like to compare international agreements to treaties to make what Obama did sound bad. They are not the same. Treaties are hard to accomplish. He was right because it not going to happen in the US of mistrust.

Yet how could Trump pull out of the INF treaty. If it requires 2/3 vote to enter then it should require it to exit. A treaty is a law of the land. It is like an amendment. So people saying Obama cannot enter an agreement but Trump can pull out of an agreement. Also make his own agreements.

Still if Trump can pull out of these agreements, Biden can enter another agreements. Cruz logic is flawed because they are not going to do a Treaty when they do not have too. Biden will just do an agreement like every President has done in the past.
What the fuck is an "internatonal agreement" if it's not a treaty? It has no legal force in this country, which means it's a fiction.

I have long advocated a "Dictionaries for Democrats" program, so that they can finally find out what words actually mean.
I don't remember what that was about, but it was mostly just campaign propaganda.

Cruz is a fucking snake and Donald has said as much more than once.

He said stuff like that during a campaign. Cruz understands how politics works. He knows it's all a dog and pony show.

More to the point, he - like most actual adults - knows that pointless feuds accomplish nothing, and he has a job to do and goals to get accomplished. Life has to go on after the election.

Frankly, I've often wished Trump had some of that same wisdom and maturity.
Damn. That guy can be brutal. :auiqs.jpg:

"Senator Ted Cruz sent a letter to President Donald Trump urging him to send both the Iran nuclear agreement and Paris climate accords to the Senate for ratification. Since the Senate won’t agree to advise and consent to either deal, requesting a vote would force Biden into a confrontation and could precipitate a constitutional crisis."

Cruz Urges Trump to Send Iran Deal and Climate Agreement to Senate So They Can Fail
He keeps this up and I might
stop badmouthing him

Doesn't Texas have like an 11th Amendment in their state constitution or something?

Something like "Thou shalt not speak not speak ill of thy fellow Texan"?

Naw, we talk shit about each other all the time. Stomp the fuck out of foreigners that do though.

Kinda like relatives. I can say my sister is a bitch - and often do - but better nobody ELSE say it in my hearing.
Climate change and Iran agreement are not treaties. To be treaties they have to do the 2/3 thing. Then this would amend the constitution which would require 2/3 of states approving.

They are international agreements. People like to compare international agreements to treaties to make what Obama did sound bad. They are not the same. Treaties are hard to accomplish. He was right because it not going to happen in the US of mistrust.

Yet how could Trump pull out of the INF treaty. If it requires 2/3 vote to enter then it should require it to exit. A treaty is a law of the land. It is like an amendment. So people saying Obama cannot enter an agreement but Trump can pull out of an agreement. Also make his own agreements.

Still if Trump can pull out of these agreements, Biden can enter another agreements. Cruz logic is flawed because they are not going to do a Treaty when they do not have too. Biden will just do an agreement like every President has done in the past.
What the fuck is an "internatonal agreement" if it's not a treaty? It has no legal force in this country, which means it's a fiction.

I have long advocated a "Dictionaries for Democrats" program, so that they can finally find out what words actually mean.
That's sort of like the "Liberal Dictionary" that I've often posted entries from. That was written so normal rational adults can understand what liberals are really saying. For example:

Liberal Dictionary:
International agreement - a worthless scrap of paper.
Climate change and Iran agreement are not treaties. To be treaties they have to do the 2/3 thing. Then this would amend the constitution which would require 2/3 of states approving.

They are international agreements. People like to compare international agreements to treaties to make what Obama did sound bad. They are not the same. Treaties are hard to accomplish. He was right because it not going to happen in the US of mistrust.

Yet how could Trump pull out of the INF treaty. If it requires 2/3 vote to enter then it should require it to exit. A treaty is a law of the land. It is like an amendment. So people saying Obama cannot enter an agreement but Trump can pull out of an agreement. Also make his own agreements.

Still if Trump can pull out of these agreements, Biden can enter another agreements. Cruz logic is flawed because they are not going to do a Treaty when they do not have too. Biden will just do an agreement like every President has done in the past.
What the fuck is an "internatonal agreement" if it's not a treaty? It has no legal force in this country, which means it's a fiction.

I have long advocated a "Dictionaries for Democrats" program, so that they can finally find out what words actually mean.
That's sort of like the "Liberal Dictionary" that I've often posted entries from. That was written so normal rational adults can understand what liberals are really saying. For example:

Liberal Dictionary:
International agreement - a worthless scrap of paper.

Leftists aren't all that hard to translate. Although maybe that's just because I'm a parent, and I'm used to interpreting the wailing of immature, inarticulate children.
Damn. That guy can be brutal. :auiqs.jpg:

"Senator Ted Cruz sent a letter to President Donald Trump urging him to send both the Iran nuclear agreement and Paris climate accords to the Senate for ratification. Since the Senate won’t agree to advise and consent to either deal, requesting a vote would force Biden into a confrontation and could precipitate a constitutional crisis."

Cruz Urges Trump to Send Iran Deal and Climate Agreement to Senate So They Can Fail
Ted Cruz has no balls Let trump call his wife ugly and accused his father of BS and still the punk kisses the moron trumps butt ??

Yes, I'm sure you think it would be a better solution to pointlessly war with the elected President, put his personal feelings ahead of his responsibilities to the people of the United States, and get absolutely fuck-all accomplished.

Which is why he's a respected leader in the Senate, and you're a babbling pusbag on the Internet.
Respected??? lol Like you are here??? lol
Damn. That guy can be brutal. :auiqs.jpg:

"Senator Ted Cruz sent a letter to President Donald Trump urging him to send both the Iran nuclear agreement and Paris climate accords to the Senate for ratification. Since the Senate won’t agree to advise and consent to either deal, requesting a vote would force Biden into a confrontation and could precipitate a constitutional crisis."

Cruz Urges Trump to Send Iran Deal and Climate Agreement to Senate So They Can Fail
Did trump write back and tell cruz his wife is an ugly bitch?? Just asking
Damn. That guy can be brutal. :auiqs.jpg:

"Senator Ted Cruz sent a letter to President Donald Trump urging him to send both the Iran nuclear agreement and Paris climate accords to the Senate for ratification. Since the Senate won’t agree to advise and consent to either deal, requesting a vote would force Biden into a confrontation and could precipitate a constitutional crisis."

Cruz Urges Trump to Send Iran Deal and Climate Agreement to Senate So They Can Fail
Ted Cruz has no balls Let trump call his wife ugly and accused his father of BS and still the punk kisses the moron trumps butt ??

Yes, I'm sure you think it would be a better solution to pointlessly war with the elected President, put his personal feelings ahead of his responsibilities to the people of the United States, and get absolutely fuck-all accomplished.

Which is why he's a respected leader in the Senate, and you're a babbling pusbag on the Internet.
Respected??? lol Like you are here??? lol

I am respected by the people whose opinions matter. I am not respected by the "people" whose respect I wouldn't deign to spit on. Guess which category you fall in.

342,346th time you've withheld your approval from me, in the hopes that THIS time, it would magically be important. You're not the brightest light on the Christmas tree, clearly.
Damn. That guy can be brutal. :auiqs.jpg:

"Senator Ted Cruz sent a letter to President Donald Trump urging him to send both the Iran nuclear agreement and Paris climate accords to the Senate for ratification. Since the Senate won’t agree to advise and consent to either deal, requesting a vote would force Biden into a confrontation and could precipitate a constitutional crisis."

Cruz Urges Trump to Send Iran Deal and Climate Agreement to Senate So They Can Fail
Ted Cruz has no balls Let trump call his wife ugly and accused his father of BS and still the punk kisses the moron trumps butt ??

Yes, I'm sure you think it would be a better solution to pointlessly war with the elected President, put his personal feelings ahead of his responsibilities to the people of the United States, and get absolutely fuck-all accomplished.

Which is why he's a respected leader in the Senate, and you're a babbling pusbag on the Internet.
Respected??? lol Like you are here??? lol

I am respected by the people whose opinions matter. I am not respected by the "people" whose respect I wouldn't deign to spit on. Guess which category you fall in.

342,346th time you've withheld your approval from me, in the hopes that THIS time, it would magically be important. You're not the brightest light on the Christmas tree, clearly.
When I get respect from the likes of you I know I'm really driving 90mph down a dead end street
Damn. That guy can be brutal. :auiqs.jpg:

"Senator Ted Cruz sent a letter to President Donald Trump urging him to send both the Iran nuclear agreement and Paris climate accords to the Senate for ratification. Since the Senate won’t agree to advise and consent to either deal, requesting a vote would force Biden into a confrontation and could precipitate a constitutional crisis."

Cruz Urges Trump to Send Iran Deal and Climate Agreement to Senate So They Can Fail
Ted Cruz has no balls Let trump call his wife ugly and accused his father of BS and still the punk kisses the moron trumps butt ??

Yes, I'm sure you think it would be a better solution to pointlessly war with the elected President, put his personal feelings ahead of his responsibilities to the people of the United States, and get absolutely fuck-all accomplished.

Which is why he's a respected leader in the Senate, and you're a babbling pusbag on the Internet.
Respected??? lol Like you are here??? lol

I am respected by the people whose opinions matter. I am not respected by the "people" whose respect I wouldn't deign to spit on. Guess which category you fall in.

342,346th time you've withheld your approval from me, in the hopes that THIS time, it would magically be important. You're not the brightest light on the Christmas tree, clearly.
When I get respect from the likes of you I know I'm really driving 90mph down a dead end street

Or, at least, you assume so, since you've never actually gotten respect from me, anyone like me, or anyone at all.

I don't think you should worry overly much about it ever happening, either.
Damn. That guy can be brutal. :auiqs.jpg:

"Senator Ted Cruz sent a letter to President Donald Trump urging him to send both the Iran nuclear agreement and Paris climate accords to the Senate for ratification. Since the Senate won’t agree to advise and consent to either deal, requesting a vote would force Biden into a confrontation and could precipitate a constitutional crisis."

Cruz Urges Trump to Send Iran Deal and Climate Agreement to Senate So They Can Fail
Ted Cruz has no balls Let trump call his wife ugly and accused his father of BS and still the punk kisses the moron trumps butt ??

Yes, I'm sure you think it would be a better solution to pointlessly war with the elected President, put his personal feelings ahead of his responsibilities to the people of the United States, and get absolutely fuck-all accomplished.

Which is why he's a respected leader in the Senate, and you're a babbling pusbag on the Internet.
Respected??? lol Like you are here??? lol

I am respected by the people whose opinions matter. I am not respected by the "people" whose respect I wouldn't deign to spit on. Guess which category you fall in.

342,346th time you've withheld your approval from me, in the hopes that THIS time, it would magically be important. You're not the brightest light on the Christmas tree, clearly.
When I get respect from the likes of you I know I'm really driving 90mph down a dead end street

Or, at least, you assume so, since you've never actually gotten respect from me, anyone like me, or anyone at all.

I don't think you should worry overly much about it ever happening, either.
I've learned that respect is earned not given You haven't earned anything

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