Ted Cruz; PUNK Extraordinaire

I don't know what Cruz said about Hagel the slime to piss off the left, but whatever it was, it must have been true.

Over the past few years I have found that whatever or who ever manages to draw the invective as shown here is something or someone that was doing the right thing.

In general I like Cruz, so this is gonna be fund.

BTW, demanding that a 1st Term Senator be quiet... In a way I wish Obama had. Remember he had only been in the Senate for 14 months when he announced that he was running for President.
Damn..he's a secret commie!

Cruz was born and spent the first four years of his life in Calgary before his parents returned to Houston. His father was jailed and tortured by the Fulgencio Batista regime and fought for Fidel Castro in the Cuban Revolution[38] but "didn't know Castro was a Communist" and later became a staunch critic of Castro when "the rebel leader took control and began seizing private property and suppressing dissent."[39] Rafael Cruz moved to Austin in 1957 to study at the University of Texas. He spoke no English and had $100 sewn into his underwear.[40] The elder Cruz worked his way through school as a dishwasher making 50 cents an hour. Cruz’s mother, who was from Delaware, was the first person in her family to attend college. She earned a degree in mathematics from Rice University in Houston in the 1950s, working summers at Foley’s and Shell. Cruz has said, "I'm Cuban, Irish, and Italian, and yet somehow I ended up Southern Baptist."[41]

You've become a pretty cold person

C'mon...c'mon....you "conservatives" KNOW that....if you can "identify" someone as a commie....any regards, for civility, go STRAIGHT OUT THE WINDOW!!!!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IMRUXOgvyUI]An American Genocide - Guatemala - YouTube[/ame]
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Sen Nelson from Florida put him in his place right after he made those remarks not to mention the chairman slammed him as well :lol:
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People, especially the idiots on the left... read a history book before making ansinine comments about Castro. Castro was looked at as a hero to many Cubans for his over-throwing of Batista. But unfortunately Castro was just as ruthless as a dictator as Batista was. Hindsight is 20/20.
This man has this family history and trashed a metaled wounded war vet.

he has no right to trash the honorable service of a man jsut becuase hes in the wrong party.

oh wait he isnt even in the "wrong " party huh.

he trashing the honorable service of a man for simply not agreeing with EVERY THING a current republican is FORCED to support or be tossed out of the party and socrned for life

For shit's sake it's MEDAL you retarded puke!!!
This man has this family history and trashed a metaled wounded war vet.

he has no right to trash the honorable service of a man jsut becuase hes in the wrong party.

oh wait he isnt even in the "wrong " party huh.

he trashing the honorable service of a man for simply not agreeing with EVERY THING a current republican is FORCED to support or be tossed out of the party and socrned for life

oh cry us a river..you on the left TRASHED George Bush, McCain,and they served....


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fAyK-enrF1g]John McCain's Rage is a National Security Concern - YouTube[/ame]

Funny how the left preaches tolerance for the jihad and domestic terrorists and pedophiles but the poor blue haired old ladies and bald headed Vets who carry a copy of the Constitution in their back pockets are called vile names in inane posts that preach only hatred.
yep. Hagel had orders to germany & requested he be sent to 'nam. Repubs are really looking like asswipes here but since when has it been any other way? :dunno:
typical libtarded thread, demonize anyone who dares speak out against the kenyan messiah or any of his diciples.

Keep it up Cruz, keep speaking out.
steph would not be able to contain her hate for Obama if his father was a brown commie.

Oh yeah she already cant contain her hate for Obama

you're a fine one to talk about others hating..everything Republican you HATE
but babble on if it blows your skirt up

Truthmatters can't think logically. The whole marxist mindset is based on hurting people, whiling telling them that they care. What a bunch of sicko's! :cuckoo:
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Cruz is a modern day Elmer Gantry. He wears a facade of confidence, cloaking his inner spirit of an abnormal want and desire for power. This in itself is the motive of most politicians, but in respect to Cruz, he has a fanatical thirst for power.

Cruz isn't the only politician who can't get enough power, but like the few who came before him, Cruz has the potential to be dangerous, not only to Americans, but to America itself... Mainly because Cruz will lie with the best of liars, and this country has a propensity to elect liars... Like Bush/Cheney... Who blatantly lied their way to war. Like his fellow Texan, Cruz will do the same thing.

I hope I'm dead before this country makes a grave mistake, and elects this charlatan president.

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