Ted Cruz says he would roll back all of Obama's Executive Orders

The attempt to belittle and circumvent congress, negate the intended balance of power, has reached a new high point courtesy of this wannabe supreme leader. His liberal following applauds his overreach in utilization of executive powers to accomplish what would never be approved by congress. For a politician to proclaim the intent of rescinding said acts has fare reaching broad base appeal, however, one should view the numerous law suites pending in the court system challenging his authority to circumvent the law and congress before committing ones allegiance to a politician that may or may not ever have the opportunity to rescind these acts.
Cruz would be painting himself in a corner if people started getting the impression he is against EOs. EOs are simply administrative tools used by every President to flesh out the laws passed by Congress.

Congress legislates the laws, the President executes the laws. Oftentimes, he gives direction on how to execute the laws through EOs. Most of the time, he does so by directing a federal agency to write the regulations which are required to be created as the result of legislation.

You'd have to be pretty stupid to believe Cruz would not start writing EOs on a regular basis.

Cruz would be smarter if he framed the EO question as a matter of invalidating the handful of ones he believes are unconstitutional. But a blanket statement such as the topic title that says Cruz would delete ALL of Obama's EOs is just plain retarded. Why all of Obama's but no one else's?

Anyone who thinks all of Obama's EOs need to be canceled has never read a single one. That much is blazingly obvious.
So you think it is wrong to rail against presidential EOs and then abuse them when you yourself become president? I can think of only one person who fits that description.
People whined about Bush circumventing Congress with his signing statements. People whine about Obama circumventing Congress with EOs. And people will whine about the next President circumventing Congress one way or another, whoever he or she is.
Cruz would be painting himself in a corner if people started getting the impression he is against EOs. EOs are simply administrative tools used by every President to flesh out the laws passed by Congress.

Congress legislates the laws, the President executes the laws. Oftentimes, he gives direction on how to execute the laws through EOs. Most of the time, he does so by directing a federal agency to write the regulations which are required to be created as the result of legislation.

You'd have to be pretty stupid to believe Cruz would not start writing EOs on a regular basis.

Cruz would be smarter if he framed the EO question as a matter of invalidating the handful of ones he believes are unconstitutional. But a blanket statement such as the topic title that says Cruz would delete ALL of Obama's EOs is just plain retarded. Why all of Obama's but no one else's?

Anyone who thinks all of Obama's EOs need to be canceled has never read a single one. That much is blazingly obvious.
So you think it is wrong to rail against presidential EOs and then abuse them when you yourself become president? I can think of only one person who fits that description.
I have no doubt you are only capable of thinking of one person who said they would not abuse power and then abused the power of the Presidency.
People whined about Bush circumventing Congress with his signing statements. People whine about Obama circumventing Congress with EOs. And people will whine about the next President circumventing Congress one way or another, whoever he or she is.
So your point is that someone is going to complain no matter what a president does? Wow, did you just figure that out all by yourself?
Cruz would be painting himself in a corner if people started getting the impression he is against EOs. EOs are simply administrative tools used by every President to flesh out the laws passed by Congress.

Congress legislates the laws, the President executes the laws. Oftentimes, he gives direction on how to execute the laws through EOs. Most of the time, he does so by directing a federal agency to write the regulations which are required to be created as the result of legislation.

You'd have to be pretty stupid to believe Cruz would not start writing EOs on a regular basis.

Cruz would be smarter if he framed the EO question as a matter of invalidating the handful of ones he believes are unconstitutional. But a blanket statement such as the topic title that says Cruz would delete ALL of Obama's EOs is just plain retarded. Why all of Obama's but no one else's?

Anyone who thinks all of Obama's EOs need to be canceled has never read a single one. That much is blazingly obvious.
So you think it is wrong to rail against presidential EOs and then abuse them when you yourself become president? I can think of only one person who fits that description.
I have no doubt you are only capable of thinking of one person who said they would not abuse power and then abused the power of the Presidency.
Moving goalposts much?
There is one person who did just what you described. And that's Obama. No one else. Can you admit that?
Why does everyone not have that idiot on ignore?

This is actually the artificial stupidity bot G5000 that I'm posting to - still Jake, but dumber...


I try not to use ignore. I put the actual JakeStarkey on ignore because of his stalking in PM's. But that is the only person I ignore. His sock-bot Jake5000 doesn't stalk in PM's so I have no reason to put him on ignore.
Cruz will never be president. He is too polarizing

I'm hoping you're wrong. In my oppinion he's only "polarizing" because the left detests him so much. I have faith in his oratory skills, character and dignity can carry him through the assaults the media will carry out on him.

When people see that he is the opposite, or at least not the caracuture they paint him as, he can win.

Why does everyone not have that idiot on ignore?

This is actually the artificial stupidity bot G5000 that I'm posting to - still Jake, but dumber...


I try not to use ignore. I put the actual JakeStarkey on ignore because of his stalking in PM's. But that is the only person I ignore. His sock-bot Jake5000 doesn't stalk in PM's so I have no reason to put him on ignore.

I have most of the lib idiots on ignore. I peek in occassionaly for a stupid post to ridicule them on, but having to scroll through pages of insipid, vacuous jibberish takes too long.

Ted Cruz has "If I were King" fantasies

No reason to take him seriously
Why does everyone not have that idiot on ignore?

This is actually the artificial stupidity bot G5000 that I'm posting to - still Jake, but dumber...


I try not to use ignore. I put the actual JakeStarkey on ignore because of his stalking in PM's. But that is the only person I ignore. His sock-bot Jake5000 doesn't stalk in PM's so I have no reason to put him on ignore.
I put all the clear idiots on ignore rather than suffer through their endless partisan jibberish
Executive Orders run out once the President leaves office

An incoming President is free to keep or dump any previous EOs.

Thankfully, we will never find out with Cruz
So Rafael says he will roll back the EOs affecting immigration, because he doesn't need the Hispanic vote.

Also this:

I intend to do everything possible to make 2016 a referendum on repealing Obamacare and adopting a flat tax," he said.

Bully for you, Teddy! I hate ObamaCare. But whatcha gonna replace it with? Let's hear it.

As for the flat tax, that is demagoguery. You could fill out your taxes on a postcard with the current tax brackets, dontcha know. It's all them tax expenditures which cause you to have to fill out pages and pages and pages of forms, and that won't change with a flat tax. A flat tax without changing the tax expenditures is a huge tax hike on lower incomes. And it will increase the debt.
WHOA......How will a tax INCREASE increase the debt?
This ought to be good.

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