Ted Cruz says he would roll back all of Obama's Executive Orders

So Rafael says he will roll back the EOs affecting immigration, because he doesn't need the Hispanic vote.

Also this:

I intend to do everything possible to make 2016 a referendum on repealing Obamacare and adopting a flat tax," he said.

Bully for you, Teddy! I hate ObamaCare. But whatcha gonna replace it with? Let's hear it.

As for the flat tax, that is demagoguery. You could fill out your taxes on a postcard with the current tax brackets, dontcha know. It's all them tax expenditures which cause you to have to fill out pages and pages and pages of forms, and that won't change with a flat tax. A flat tax without changing the tax expenditures is a huge tax hike on lower incomes. And it will increase the debt.
WHOA......How will a tax INCREASE increase the debt?
This ought to be good.

By not collecting anywhere near what the current taxes do. Increasing the deficit and thus the debt.

And the 'flat tax' proposals don't collect enough to cover expenses.
So Rafael says he will roll back the EOs affecting immigration, because he doesn't need the Hispanic vote.

Also this:

I intend to do everything possible to make 2016 a referendum on repealing Obamacare and adopting a flat tax," he said.

Bully for you, Teddy! I hate ObamaCare. But whatcha gonna replace it with? Let's hear it.

As for the flat tax, that is demagoguery. You could fill out your taxes on a postcard with the current tax brackets, dontcha know. It's all them tax expenditures which cause you to have to fill out pages and pages and pages of forms, and that won't change with a flat tax. A flat tax without changing the tax expenditures is a huge tax hike on lower incomes. And it will increase the debt.
Obama care does not need to be "replaced".
The system could be dramatically simplified....
Allow insurers to do business across state lines.
No more mandates on coverage and the requirement to use coverage....Yeah, that second one....Few people know about that one.....
That means even if one wishes to be a cash patient, they must disclose to the provider if they have health insurance. In the case of yes, the provider MUST bill the insurance carrier for services....That's bullshit.
Now, here comes the "but what about..."
Everything you said would require legislation. Thus, that legislation would be the replacement for ObamaCare.

I would like to see Rafael's replacement legislation.
Why do you believe your medical care should originate with the federal government?
So Rafael says he will roll back the EOs affecting immigration, because he doesn't need the Hispanic vote.

Also this:

I intend to do everything possible to make 2016 a referendum on repealing Obamacare and adopting a flat tax," he said.

Bully for you, Teddy! I hate ObamaCare. But whatcha gonna replace it with? Let's hear it.

As for the flat tax, that is demagoguery. You could fill out your taxes on a postcard with the current tax brackets, dontcha know. It's all them tax expenditures which cause you to have to fill out pages and pages and pages of forms, and that won't change with a flat tax. A flat tax without changing the tax expenditures is a huge tax hike on lower incomes. And it will increase the debt.
Obama care does not need to be "replaced".
The system could be dramatically simplified....
Allow insurers to do business across state lines.
No more mandates on coverage and the requirement to use coverage....Yeah, that second one....Few people know about that one.....
That means even if one wishes to be a cash patient, they must disclose to the provider if they have health insurance. In the case of yes, the provider MUST bill the insurance carrier for services....That's bullshit.
Now, here comes the "but what about..."
Everything you said would require legislation. Thus, that legislation would be the replacement for ObamaCare.

I would like to see Rafael's replacement legislation.
Why do you hate Hispanic-Americans?
He like other libs only support those members of politically correct protected classes when those members obey the rules of the liberal reservation.
So Rafael says he will roll back the EOs affecting immigration, because he doesn't need the Hispanic vote.

Also this:

I intend to do everything possible to make 2016 a referendum on repealing Obamacare and adopting a flat tax," he said.

Bully for you, Teddy! I hate ObamaCare. But whatcha gonna replace it with? Let's hear it.

As for the flat tax, that is demagoguery. You could fill out your taxes on a postcard with the current tax brackets, dontcha know. It's all them tax expenditures which cause you to have to fill out pages and pages and pages of forms, and that won't change with a flat tax. A flat tax without changing the tax expenditures is a huge tax hike on lower incomes. And it will increase the debt.
WHOA......How will a tax INCREASE increase the debt?
This ought to be good.

By not collecting anywhere near what the current taxes do. Increasing the deficit and thus the debt.

And the 'flat tax' proposals don't collect enough to cover expenses.
Ok....So we have a new contestant..
Ok, go on....Please explain all of that.
So Rafael says he will roll back the EOs affecting immigration, because he doesn't need the Hispanic vote.

Also this:

I intend to do everything possible to make 2016 a referendum on repealing Obamacare and adopting a flat tax," he said.

Bully for you, Teddy! I hate ObamaCare. But whatcha gonna replace it with? Let's hear it.

As for the flat tax, that is demagoguery. You could fill out your taxes on a postcard with the current tax brackets, dontcha know. It's all them tax expenditures which cause you to have to fill out pages and pages and pages of forms, and that won't change with a flat tax. A flat tax without changing the tax expenditures is a huge tax hike on lower incomes. And it will increase the debt.
WHOA......How will a tax INCREASE increase the debt?
This ought to be good.

By not collecting anywhere near what the current taxes do. Increasing the deficit and thus the debt.

And the 'flat tax' proposals don't collect enough to cover expenses.
Ok....So we have a new contestant..
Ok, go on....Please explain all of that.

I just did. What part of 'by not collecting anywhere near what current taxes do' did you not understand?

He just got my vote.

If you live by the pen you die by the pen - The Washington Post

“If you live by the pen, you die by the pen”

Ted Cruz would spend his first day in office trying to undo some of Barack Obama’s biggest achievements via executive order. In a wide-ranging interview about how he’d spend his first 100 days as president if he won, the Texas GOP senator pledged to roll back more than just the president’s controversial orders related to immigration. “If you live by the pen, you die by the pen,” Cruz said by phone Tuesday, as he traveled from Dallas to an afternoon tour of the Southern border. “Everything put in place by executive order can be undone by executive order.”

Thanks be to God and Vishnu that this will never happen.

Cruz - one of the joke candidates.

He just got my vote.

If you live by the pen you die by the pen - The Washington Post

“If you live by the pen, you die by the pen”

Ted Cruz would spend his first day in office trying to undo some of Barack Obama’s biggest achievements via executive order. In a wide-ranging interview about how he’d spend his first 100 days as president if he won, the Texas GOP senator pledged to roll back more than just the president’s controversial orders related to immigration. “If you live by the pen, you die by the pen,” Cruz said by phone Tuesday, as he traveled from Dallas to an afternoon tour of the Southern border. “Everything put in place by executive order can be undone by executive order.”
Does he know everything in them? LOL
So Rafael says he will roll back the EOs affecting immigration, because he doesn't need the Hispanic vote.

Also this:

I intend to do everything possible to make 2016 a referendum on repealing Obamacare and adopting a flat tax," he said.

Bully for you, Teddy! I hate ObamaCare. But whatcha gonna replace it with? Let's hear it.

As for the flat tax, that is demagoguery. You could fill out your taxes on a postcard with the current tax brackets, dontcha know. It's all them tax expenditures which cause you to have to fill out pages and pages and pages of forms, and that won't change with a flat tax. A flat tax without changing the tax expenditures is a huge tax hike on lower incomes. And it will increase the debt.
WHOA......How will a tax INCREASE increase the debt?
This ought to be good.

By not collecting anywhere near what the current taxes do. Increasing the deficit and thus the debt.

And the 'flat tax' proposals don't collect enough to cover expenses.
Ok....So we have a new contestant..
Ok, go on....Please explain all of that.

I just did. What part of 'by not collecting anywhere near what current taxes do' did you not understand?
No..That was your statement. Now I ask for how you arrived at the conclusion.
Bush, or some previous Republican president, signed an EO giving amnesty to millions of illegals?

Reagan signed legislation that did so out of "compromise".

It was wrong when he did it too.

That's funny.

Reagan signed a bill, not an EO, passed by both t House and the Senate, with veto proof majorities in both houses.

I love it when the uninformed bring that up.
Really? I've noticed it since the 60's.

Kennedy and Obama?

Every president, without exception. And the only reason I only go back to the 60's is because I was too young to pay attention before then. This goes back to Washington. If you think Cruz wouldn't do it, you are seriously fooling yourself.

"A funny thing happens to the politicians who move from the Congress to the White House."

the only two I can think of that went from Congress to the WH were Kennedy and Obama.

Most of the rest were governors, and VPs.

Ok. I concede.
The point is still valid.

Conservatives today whining about the president's EOs were silent when GWB was doing the same thing, and all other Republican presidents before him.

Which EO did Bush issue that violated the Constitution? Which did he issue that curtailed the rights of Americans?
So Rafael says he will roll back the EOs affecting immigration, because he doesn't need the Hispanic vote.

Also this:

Bully for you, Teddy! I hate ObamaCare. But whatcha gonna replace it with? Let's hear it.

As for the flat tax, that is demagoguery. You could fill out your taxes on a postcard with the current tax brackets, dontcha know. It's all them tax expenditures which cause you to have to fill out pages and pages and pages of forms, and that won't change with a flat tax. A flat tax without changing the tax expenditures is a huge tax hike on lower incomes. And it will increase the debt.
WHOA......How will a tax INCREASE increase the debt?
This ought to be good.

By not collecting anywhere near what the current taxes do. Increasing the deficit and thus the debt.

And the 'flat tax' proposals don't collect enough to cover expenses.
Ok....So we have a new contestant..
Ok, go on....Please explain all of that.

I just did. What part of 'by not collecting anywhere near what current taxes do' did you not understand?
No..That was your statement. Now I ask for how you arrived at the conclusion.

To start, with no IRS....who would check to see if you'd paid the proper amount?

Second, if all tax brackets pay the same rate.....wouldn't that shift the tax burden overwhelmingly to the middle class, and represent a massive tax cut for the wealthy?

And since we're talking about a 'postcard' sized tax form, wouldn't the middle class lose most of their deductions, resulting in an even larger tax increase for them?
Like I said: if it can hurt us or bring us down, Obama and his radical ilk in his administration is all for it. I see he's still smoking, yet he's the one as soon he got in office he raised the HIGHEST cigarette tax of any President. which of course DOESNT HURT HIM ...but it does THE POOR and the middle class

Obama's EPA Regulations: 6,552x As Long As Constitution; 46x As Long As Bible

(CNSNews.com)-- Since President Barack Obama took office on Jan. 20, 2009, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has issued 3,373 new final regulations, equaling 29,770 pages in the Federal Register and totaling approximately 29,770,000 words, according to a count of the regulations published in the Federal Register.

The Gutenberg Bible is only 1,282 pages and 646,128 words. This means the new EPA regulations issued by the Obama Administration contain 23 times as many pages as the Bible and 46 times as many words.

The Federal Register publishes documents, including proposed rules, notices, interim rules, corrections, drafts of final rules and final rules. The CNSNews.com tabulation included only final rules from the EPA.

CNSNews.com found 3,373 distinct rules published by the EPA since January 20, 2009 covering greenhouse gases, air quality, emissions and hazardous substances, to name a few.

all of it here:
Obama s EPA Regulations 6 552x As Long As Constitution 46x As Long As Bible
That's funny.

Reagan signed a bill, not an EO, passed by both t House and the Senate, with veto proof majorities in both houses.

I love it when the uninformed bring that up.

I did point out that it was legislation.

I also gave my oppinion that it was wrong.


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