Ted Cruz says he would roll back all of Obama's Executive Orders

So Rafael says he will roll back the EOs affecting immigration, because he doesn't need the Hispanic vote.

Also this:

I intend to do everything possible to make 2016 a referendum on repealing Obamacare and adopting a flat tax," he said.

Bully for you, Teddy! I hate ObamaCare. But whatcha gonna replace it with? Let's hear it.

As for the flat tax, that is demagoguery. You could fill out your taxes on a postcard with the current tax brackets, dontcha know. It's all them tax expenditures which cause you to have to fill out pages and pages and pages of forms, and that won't change with a flat tax. A flat tax without changing the tax expenditures is a huge tax hike on lower incomes. And it will increase the debt.
Obama care does not need to be "replaced".
The system could be dramatically simplified....
Allow insurers to do business across state lines.
No more mandates on coverage and the requirement to use coverage....Yeah, that second one....Few people know about that one.....
That means even if one wishes to be a cash patient, they must disclose to the provider if they have health insurance. In the case of yes, the provider MUST bill the insurance carrier for services....That's bullshit.
Now, here comes the "but what about..."
Everything you said would require legislation. Thus, that legislation would be the replacement for ObamaCare.

I would like to see Rafael's replacement legislation.
Why do you hate Hispanic-Americans?
A funny thing happens to the politicians who move from the Congress to the White House. After years of bitching about the Executive branch circumventing Congress, they suddenly decide the Executive needs all the power he can get.
Ironic post is ironic.
That graphic supports exactly what I said.

Once Senator Obama became President Obama, his perspective completely changed. So it will go if Senator Cruz becomes President Cruz. He may or may not delete all of Obama's EOs, but you can be sure he would write quite a few of his own. And he would probably write quite a few signing statements like Bush did.

The same can be said of Hillary, or Sanders.
A funny thing happens to the politicians who move from the Congress to the White House. After years of bitching about the Executive branch circumventing Congress, they suddenly decide the Executive needs all the power he can get.
Ironic post is ironic.
That graphic supports exactly what I said.

Once Senator Obama became President Obama, his perspective completely changed. So it will go if Senator Cruz becomes President Cruz. He may or may not delete all of Obama's EOs, but you can be sure he would write quite a few of his own. And he would probably write quite a few signing statements like Bush did.

The same can be said of Hillary, or Sanders.
Neither one of them has complained about EOs.

He just got my vote.

If you live by the pen you die by the pen - The Washington Post

“If you live by the pen, you die by the pen”

Ted Cruz would spend his first day in office trying to undo some of Barack Obama’s biggest achievements via executive order. In a wide-ranging interview about how he’d spend his first 100 days as president if he won, the Texas GOP senator pledged to roll back more than just the president’s controversial orders related to immigration. “If you live by the pen, you die by the pen,” Cruz said by phone Tuesday, as he traveled from Dallas to an afternoon tour of the Southern border. “Everything put in place by executive order can be undone by executive order.”
The only thing funnier than Cruz's comment is that you think this asshat has a snowball's chance in hell of ever being in the position to issue an executive order.
A funny thing happens to the politicians who move from the Congress to the White House. After years of bitching about the Executive branch circumventing Congress, they suddenly decide the Executive needs all the power he can get.
Ironic post is ironic.
That graphic supports exactly what I said.

Once Senator Obama became President Obama, his perspective completely changed. So it will go if Senator Cruz becomes President Cruz. He may or may not delete all of Obama's EOs, but you can be sure he would write quite a few of his own. And he would probably write quite a few signing statements like Bush did.

The same can be said of Hillary, or Sanders.
Yes. Or Santorum. Or Paul. Or Rubio.
Scared? BWA-HA-HA-HA!

Of straw men fallacies? BWA-HA-HA-HA!

You don't even know what a logical fallacy is, fakey.

You know Hillary is going to lose, so have a good cry and hug your Che Guevara doll for comfort.

Oh and don't worry, the Republicans will fuck things up and one of your democrat comrades will win the White House back - in 8 years. The pendulum always swings on this.

He just got my vote.

If you live by the pen you die by the pen - The Washington Post

“If you live by the pen, you die by the pen”

Ted Cruz would spend his first day in office trying to undo some of Barack Obama’s biggest achievements via executive order. In a wide-ranging interview about how he’d spend his first 100 days as president if he won, the Texas GOP senator pledged to roll back more than just the president’s controversial orders related to immigration. “If you live by the pen, you die by the pen,” Cruz said by phone Tuesday, as he traveled from Dallas to an afternoon tour of the Southern border. “Everything put in place by executive order can be undone by executive order.”
The only thing funnier than Cruz's comment is that you think this asshat has a snowball's chance in hell of ever being in the position to issue an executive order.
I make no predictions this early.

Regardless of whether or not he is selected as the nominee, he can have an influence on the direction the right wing rhetoric takes, and so he is a force to be taken seriously.
The only thing funnier than Cruz's comment is that you think this asshat has a snowball's chance in hell of ever being in the position to issue an executive order.

No where near as funny as the bed wetters who insist he posses no threat to them, and crawl out from underneath rocks in siberia to trash the man.

Scared? BWA-HA-HA-HA!

Of straw men fallacies? BWA-HA-HA-HA!

You don't even know what a logical fallacy is, fakey.

You know Hillary is going to lose, so have a good cry and hug your Che Guevara doll for comfort.

Man, the irony is so rich here! This post is another straw man! BWA-HA-HA-HA!

Goddam, you really make my day when you show up. You really do.
I've noticed that recently.

Really? I've noticed it since the 60's.

Kennedy and Obama?

Every president, without exception. And the only reason I only go back to the 60's is because I was too young to pay attention before then. This goes back to Washington. If you think Cruz wouldn't do it, you are seriously fooling yourself.

"A funny thing happens to the politicians who move from the Congress to the White House."

the only two I can think of that went from Congress to the WH were Kennedy and Obama.

Most of the rest were governors, and VPs.

Ok. I concede.
The point is still valid.

Conservatives today whining about the president's EOs were silent when GWB was doing the same thing, and all other Republican presidents before him.
Really? I've noticed it since the 60's.

Kennedy and Obama?

Every president, without exception. And the only reason I only go back to the 60's is because I was too young to pay attention before then. This goes back to Washington. If you think Cruz wouldn't do it, you are seriously fooling yourself.

"A funny thing happens to the politicians who move from the Congress to the White House."

the only two I can think of that went from Congress to the WH were Kennedy and Obama.

Most of the rest were governors, and VPs.

Ok. I concede.
The point is still valid.

Conservatives today whining about the president's EOs were silent when GWB was doing the same thing, and all other Republican presidents before him.
Another clueless moron.
Please point out where Bush issued EOs that contradicted the law.
You don't even know what a logical fallacy is, fakey.

You know Hillary is going to lose, so have a good cry and hug your Che Guevara doll for comfort.

Oh and don't worry, the Republicans will fuck things up and one of your democrat comrades will win the White House back - in 8 years. The pendulum always swings on this.

I think that's why they're terrified that a decent republicrat might get in and actually fix things, rather than fuck up a bunch of shit like the Bushes did. If a guy like Walker got in and turned the economy around, rolled back moonbat regulations and reduced federal power, the pendulum will not swing back in 8 years unless his republicrat successor fucks shit up like Bush 41 did "compromising" with democrooks, raising taxes and allowing a recession.

Again, you don't compromise with wrong.

Really? I've noticed it since the 60's.

Kennedy and Obama?

Every president, without exception. And the only reason I only go back to the 60's is because I was too young to pay attention before then. This goes back to Washington. If you think Cruz wouldn't do it, you are seriously fooling yourself.

"A funny thing happens to the politicians who move from the Congress to the White House."

the only two I can think of that went from Congress to the WH were Kennedy and Obama.

Most of the rest were governors, and VPs.

Ok. I concede.
The point is still valid.

Conservatives today whining about the president's EOs were silent when GWB was doing the same thing, and all other Republican presidents before him.

Bush, or some previous Republican president, signed an EO giving amnesty to millions of illegals?
Cruz would be painting himself in a corner if people started getting the impression he is against EOs. EOs are simply administrative tools used by every President to flesh out the laws passed by Congress.

Congress legislates the laws, the President executes the laws. Oftentimes, he gives direction on how to execute the laws through EOs. Most of the time, he does so by directing a federal agency to write the regulations which are required to be created as the result of legislation.

You'd have to be pretty stupid to believe Cruz would not start writing EOs on a regular basis.

Cruz would be smarter if he framed the EO question as a matter of invalidating the handful of ones he believes are unconstitutional. But a blanket statement such as the topic title that says Cruz would delete ALL of Obama's EOs is just plain retarded. Why all of Obama's but no one else's?

Anyone who thinks all of Obama's EOs need to be canceled has never read a single one. That much is blazingly obvious.
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