Ted Cruz."The First Latino President". No Wonder The Liberal Leaning Media Is In Full Panic Mode.

I still dont understand what is the big deal? Aren't Canada , Cuba, and South America States according to the left?

only when a dem/commie comes from them. they're two faced hypocrites to the core
but look at the nasty party they belong in
does anyone here have a list of the other seven states? I would love to see it.

I believe the Seven States are War, Confusion, Disrepair, Matrimonial Bliss, Catharsis.... wait, those are all the same thing.

Ah, here it is: Anglo-Persian (BP), Gulf, Shell, Standard California (Chevron), Standard NJ (Exxon), Standard NY (Mobil) and Texaco.

I hope my little meme didn't upset any of you RACIST liberal scum!
Presidente' Cruz is already making the 57th President look like the 57th President.
I still dont understand what is the big deal? Aren't Canada , Cuba, and South America States according to the left?

only when a dem/commie comes from them. they're two faced hypocrites to the core
but look at the nasty party they belong in
does anyone here have a list of the other seven states? I would love to see it.

I believe the Seven States are War, Confusion, Disrepair, Matrimonial Bliss, Catharsis.... wait, those are all the same thing.

Ah, here it is: Anglo-Persian (BP), Gulf, Shell, Standard California (Chevron), Standard NJ (Exxon), Standard NY (Mobil) and Texaco.
What about that State in Russia called "Georgia"? I always thought it was one of the 57 States.
I still dont understand what is the big deal? Aren't Canada , Cuba, and South America States according to the left?

Really. When did "the left" say this then?

How does "the left" talk? Does it have like some giant mechanical automaton where the jaws move up and down?
Who writes its script? A committee somewhere?
I still dont understand what is the big deal? Aren't Canada , Cuba, and South America States according to the left?

only when a dem/commie comes from them. they're two faced hypocrites to the core
but look at the nasty party they belong in
does anyone here have a list of the other seven states? I would love to see it.

I believe the Seven States are War, Confusion, Disrepair, Matrimonial Bliss, Catharsis.... wait, those are all the same thing.

Ah, here it is: Anglo-Persian (BP), Gulf, Shell, Standard California (Chevron), Standard NJ (Exxon), Standard NY (Mobil) and Texaco.
What about that State in Russia called "Georgia"? I always thought it was one of the 57 States.

That counts as two -- East Georgia and West Georgia.

Then of course there's....

Ted Cruz faces fierce Hispanic backlash over immigration crackdown advocacy

“We reject Ted Cruz, which is sad, because while he is the first Latino to declare his candidacy, he may be the most anti-immigration candidate on stage during the debates,” Cesar Vargas and Erika Andiola, co-directors of the Dream Action Coalition, said in a joint statement. “While Ted Cruz has a Latino name and immigration in his past, that’s where the similarities between him and the Latino community end.”

Read more: Ted Cruz immigration crackdown advocacy sparks fierce Hispanic backlash - Washington Times
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Ted Cruz immigration crackdown advocacy sparks fierce Hispanic backlash - Washington Times
Ted Cruz faces fierce Hispanic backlash over immigration crackdown advocacy

“We reject Ted Cruz, which is sad, because while he is the first Latino to declare his candidacy, he may be the most anti-immigration candidate on stage during the debates,” Cesar Vargas and Erika Andiola, co-directors of the Dream Action Coalition, said in a joint statement. “While Ted Cruz has a Latino name and immigration in his past, that’s where the similarities between him and the Latino community end.”

Read more: Ted Cruz immigration crackdown advocacy sparks fierce Hispanic backlash - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

Ted Cruz immigration crackdown advocacy sparks fierce Hispanic backlash - Washington Times
The SCUM of the Hispanics DON'T LIKE Cruz.... I'm sure Ted couldn't care less!

Hispanics aren't fools. They can tell what kind of ass clown Ted Cruz is. They will vote accordingly.

The funny thing is, a lot of them are socially conservative. They could be solid Republican if the racists were purged from the party. But that will never happen.
Obama should just sell Georgia to Russia for a mere 18 Trillion.

Actually there's a third Georgia, the "Sweet Georgia brown". Which is not a person but a sexual position, so that should be considered a state of arousal....
Hispanics aren't fools. They can tell what kind of ass clown Ted Cruz is. They will vote accordingly.

The funny thing is, a lot of them are socially conservative. They could be solid Republican if the racists were purged from the party. But that will never happen.
Ass Clown.... Must be talking about the DemocRATs!

Ted Cruz faces fierce Hispanic backlash over immigration crackdown advocacy

“We reject Ted Cruz, which is sad, because while he is the first Latino to declare his candidacy, he may be the most anti-immigration candidate on stage during the debates,” Cesar Vargas and Erika Andiola, co-directors of the Dream Action Coalition, said in a joint statement. “While Ted Cruz has a Latino name and immigration in his past, that’s where the similarities between him and the Latino community end.”

Read more: Ted Cruz immigration crackdown advocacy sparks fierce Hispanic backlash - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

Ted Cruz immigration crackdown advocacy sparks fierce Hispanic backlash - Washington Times
The SCUM of the Hispanics DON'T LIKE Cruz.... I'm sure Ted couldn't care less!

i am pretty sure its just the "Legal Latinos" that will vote for Cruz.
Ted Cruz faces fierce Hispanic backlash over immigration crackdown advocacy

“We reject Ted Cruz, which is sad, because while he is the first Latino to declare his candidacy, he may be the most anti-immigration candidate on stage during the debates,” Cesar Vargas and Erika Andiola, co-directors of the Dream Action Coalition, said in a joint statement. “While Ted Cruz has a Latino name and immigration in his past, that’s where the similarities between him and the Latino community end.”

Read more: Ted Cruz immigration crackdown advocacy sparks fierce Hispanic backlash - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

Ted Cruz immigration crackdown advocacy sparks fierce Hispanic backlash - Washington Times
The SCUM of the Hispanics DON'T LIKE Cruz.... I'm sure Ted couldn't care less!

i am pretty sure its just the "Legal Latinos" that will vote for Cruz.

After all the money and time they spent to become legal, I'm fairly sure they DON'T CARE for the illegal ones that get MORE BENEFITS than LEGAL Latino citizen's do!
Ted Cruz faces fierce Hispanic backlash over immigration crackdown advocacy

“We reject Ted Cruz, which is sad, because while he is the first Latino to declare his candidacy, he may be the most anti-immigration candidate on stage during the debates,” Cesar Vargas and Erika Andiola, co-directors of the Dream Action Coalition, said in a joint statement. “While Ted Cruz has a Latino name and immigration in his past, that’s where the similarities between him and the Latino community end.”

Read more: Ted Cruz immigration crackdown advocacy sparks fierce Hispanic backlash - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

Ted Cruz immigration crackdown advocacy sparks fierce Hispanic backlash - Washington Times

I don't think Cruz is the first Latino to declare his candidacy...

Ben Fernandez (1980, 1984) and Bill Richardson (2008). So he's the third.

Matter o' fact he's not even the first Canadian. That would be Chester Arthur. Maybe.
:dance: Oh Oh! Democrats In Full Panic Mode. Looks like the Republicans just might win the race for the first Latino President! No wonder the pansy's on "Some Cable Networks" are already trashing Ted Cruz. So when Marco Rubio makes his announcement, is he next on the punching bag list? Marco Rubio for President? God Forbid! He's Hispanic! The left just wont settle for an Hispanic President!, well unless he is a Liberal Democrat. But unfortunately, we don't have any Latino&Liberal Senators to challenge Cruz or Rubio next year. Gosh Darn It !!!:crybaby::dunno::tongue-44:

They want to be the first to have a Hispanic in the WH. They wanted to have the first woman, which is why Palin was attacked so viciously. They attacked Herman Cain because they couldn't admit that Republicans aren't racist and that it's all about policy, not skin color.

Many legal immigrants support Cruz. The liberal media won't talk about them. The left pretends that there is no difference between legal and illegal immigrants, so they falsely claim that all immigrants hate the right. So stupid.

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