Ted Cruz."The First Latino President". No Wonder The Liberal Leaning Media Is In Full Panic Mode.

Rafael Cruz is 'Murican!!!! I hope he's the President for 100 years!

Cruz would be almost as easy as Palin to poke at. He's far more articulate, but otherwise...


No question that Cruz is smarter than Palin

But he is nowhere close to Palins ability to reach a crowd, make a joke, connect with people

As "smart" as Cruz is, he is socially awkward and is totally lacking in charisma
It would be amusing to watch him go up against the anti-charisma democrat candidate that sounds like every guy's ex-wife.
:dance: Oh Oh! Democrats In Full Panic Mode. Looks like the Republicans just might win the race for the first Latino President! No wonder the pansy's on "Some Cable Networks" are already trashing Ted Cruz. So when Marco Rubio makes his announcement, is he next on the punching bag list? Marco Rubio for President? God Forbid! He's Hispanic! The left just wont settle for an Hispanic President!, well unless he is a Liberal Democrat. But unfortunately, we don't have any Latino&Liberal Senators to challenge Cruz or Rubio next year. Gosh Darn It !!!:crybaby::dunno::tongue-44:
Don't you have to be born here?
This "libruls r so scared" meme is one of the stupidest ever. Righties - it makes you look like idiots. At least more like idiots than you already look. If that can even be possible. (It is)
Don't know where Edtheclitoris gets his cartoons but someone forgot to tell them that in order for something to be funny, there has to be an element of truth to it.
This "libruls r so scared" meme is one of the stupidest ever. Righties - it makes you look like idiots. At least more like idiots than you already look. If that can even be possible. (It is)

As far as who's "scared" --- who is it festooning this board with trash threads about Hillary Clinton, Elizabeth Warren, Al Gore and Jerry Brown -- four people who aren't even running?
I still dont understand what is the big deal? Aren't Canada , Cuba, and South America States according to the left?

only when a dem/commie comes from them. they're two faced hypocrites to the core
but look at the nasty party they belong in
Well, if the GOP nominates "The First Latino" Presidente', we will likely never see a "First Black President".,, being Rubio will probably follow in the footsteps of Cruz "In The Year 2025". {well, "If Man Is Still Alive"}.
I still dont understand what is the big deal? Aren't Canada , Cuba, and South America States according to the left?

You would have to provide a link on that one.....or just admit that you make shit up to make a point
I still dont understand what is the big deal? Aren't Canada , Cuba, and South America States according to the left?

only when a dem/commie comes from them. they're two faced hypocrites to the core
but look at the nasty party they belong in
does anyone here have a list of the other seven states? I would love to see it.

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