Ted Cruz."The First Latino President". No Wonder The Liberal Leaning Media Is In Full Panic Mode.

:dance: Oh Oh! Democrats In Full Panic Mode. Looks like the Republicans just might win the race for the first Latino President! No wonder the pansy's on "Some Cable Networks" are already trashing Ted Cruz. So when Marco Rubio makes his announcement, is he next on the punching bag list? Marco Rubio for President? God Forbid! He's Hispanic! The left just wont settle for an Hispanic President!, well unless he is a Liberal Democrat. But unfortunately, we don't have any Latino&Liberal Senators to challenge Cruz or Rubio next year. Gosh Darn It !!!:crybaby::dunno::tongue-44:
Sorry folks, Rafael Jr. will not be able to pull in the votes to become el presidente. He is too much of a loon, and has far too much family baggage. He is, el loco.
No question, the left is scared shitless of Cruz. That's why they keep pushing the RINOs.
LOL. Sweetcheeks, the guy was DOA before he stepped on the stage. Wetback and the Wacko Wife are just fun to beat on. They aren't scaring anybody, except maybe GOPers who would actually like to win this time...
No question, the left is scared shitless of Cruz. That's why they keep pushing the RINOs.
Right, the more we keep ginning up "First Latino President" and the word spreads, along with Cruz making ads in Spanish, especially in all those purple states we need to flip, in time, we will see polls where Cruz is way ahead of any of those whitey liberals in Ohio, Colorado,Florida,New Mexico, etc.
hey, at least anyone who's last name is Cruz will vote for Cruz. thats got to be at least 65 Million votes right there! right?
No question, the left is scared shitless of Cruz. That's why they keep pushing the RINOs.
LOL. Sweetcheeks, the guy was DOA before he stepped on the stage. Wetback and the Wacko Wife are just fun to beat on. They aren't scaring anybody, except maybe GOPers who would actually like to win this time...
Well this kinda proves the racism.
No question, the left is scared shitless of Cruz. That's why they keep pushing the RINOs.
Right, the more we keep ginning up "First Latino President" and the word spreads, along with Cruz making ads in Spanish, especially in all those purple states we need to flip, in time, we will see polls where Cruz is way ahead of any of those whitey liberals in Ohio, Colorado,Florida,New Mexico, etc.
Nobody knows who the fruit-picker is yet. Relax, as he gets known he'll get thrown.
No question, the left is scared shitless of Cruz. That's why they keep pushing the RINOs.
LOL. Sweetcheeks, the guy was DOA before he stepped on the stage. Wetback and the Wacko Wife are just fun to beat on. They aren't scaring anybody, except maybe GOPers who would actually like to win this time...
Well this kinda proves the racism.
All humans are racist. Now you know. And he is, La Raza...
No question, the left is scared shitless of Cruz. That's why they keep pushing the RINOs.
LOL. Sweetcheeks, the guy was DOA before he stepped on the stage. Wetback and the Wacko Wife are just fun to beat on. They aren't scaring anybody, except maybe GOPers who would actually like to win this time...
Well this kinda proves the racism.
All humans are racist. Now you know. And he is, La Raza...
You've claimed for six years anyone against obie is racist. Now you say it's all good and racism is acceptable? I wonder how that is going to go with the Hispanics you claim to be in control of?
Still no evidence or proof of this "full panic mode".

C'mon nutters ... surely you can come up with links to "left leaning media" in "full panic mode" and "afraid" of Carnival Cruz?

You've claimed for six years anyone against obie is racist.
Nope, but many were, and are.
Yeah, you. I've been telling you that forever. Maybe you will come to realize that one day. The racist in any conversation is actually you.
All humans are racist, but not everything they do is. Sometimes it's just stupid, like your response.

And how could you have been telling me that forever? Are we soul-mates? Demigods? Immortals?

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